Thursday, March 6, 2025

Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday
We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Italian Restaurant to celebrate Terri’s birthday. 

We went there last year too and I ordered the same dish and would do it again and again.

My Sfolgia - handmade pasta ribbon, braised pork, mushrooms, saba, dandelion greens, Parmesan…

After our feast, we went to Jim’s mom’s abode - Brookdale Senior Living. She just turned 94 and has a cute apartment there which she showed off with pride. It is her “happy place.” This is some of her own art which adorns the walls, created in recent years. 

We had cake by Nadine, and Terri opened her gifts in the library.

One of the wobble-heads from the farmers market…

March 1, 2025 - Saturday
Did my walking thing early. Terri and Jim picked us up for a great day-trip to Patagonia. We stopped for lunch at Velvet Elvis where we have eaten before. 

I had the Hearts of Blue Goddess Salad with blue cheese dressing, Gorgonzola and candied pecans and a pizza dough roll. 

Went into the Gallery to check things out and I heard Rich, say, “Uh Oh!” As I catch up with him, he has another flute in his hands! Turns out the maker of this flute worked in the shop where Odell worked here in Patagonia. It was not nearly the quality of what he bought last week, so we walked out without another flute - thankfully. 

I tinkered with the cigar box ukulele, but it wasn’t tuned.

The owner, Cecelia from Ecuador, approached us and we had a great conversation. Apparently, Patagonia used to be sleepier than it is now with nothing but dirt roads. This building was originally a home, but then became the Big Steer Bar. The sheriff said at one time, “The town didn't need a Marshall, the Big Steer needed policing.” She bought the building in 2002 and spent 14 months in renovation - she had 3 walls and a liquor license (no roof)! She used to live in this space before moving the gift shop in for more room.

There is actually a Chapel in the Velvet Elvis Restaurant which had been used as a gift shop. 

We went further down the road and stopped at the Mercantile where I bought a number of gifts for my family last year. A really nice shop...

The next portion of the day was devoted to driving through the beautiful landscape in search of a new winery which was ranked in the the top ten in the country. Problem is that they are so renowned that you couldn’t get in without a reservation - which we did not have.

Tasting room to the right. To the left are casitas looking out over the mountains…

So down the road further is the Meading Room - with mead, cider, and wine. I didn’t know what mead was, but found out that it is a fermentation process with honey as the base. 

We had a flight of 5 (1 dry, 2 sweet and 2 sweeter) beverages. My favorite was New Fashioned // Cherry Bourbon Mead - Avocado Blossom Honey, Orange Blossom Honey, Montmorency + Bing Cherries, Elgin Distillery Bourbon Barrel Aged 1 Year, Dessert Sweet - Alc. 14% by vol. 

So hard to capture the beauty…

Last stop was at a little shop in Sonoita which carries Blue Bell Ice Cream - Rich’s all time favorite brand. I invented a new sundae - butterscotch, hot fudge, pistachio ice cream, with whipped cream and a cherry on top!

March 2, 2025 - Sunday
Went walking a little later in the morning as it is cooling off this week. Then went to TUKU at the Gilbert’s home as they are leaving the country for Canada and wanted to host a ukulele session in their beautiful back yard. We were the 2nd car to arrive cause that’s how we roll - got a great set up under the gazebo and out of the sun.

The group supplied pizza, vanilla Oreos, Maple Fudge, and vanilla Kit Kats for 36 people for this fond farewell. It happened to be Dennis (host) Gilbert’s birthday, so we played and sang Happy Birthday after eating.

Rich played every song on the harmonica even though we had never heard of a fair amount of them. Kathie Gilbert (hostess) was so happy that Rich was playing - her grandfather is 95 years old deaf, and has dementia - he still can play the harmonica for her. 
Kermie sat in front of us and we chatted about her banjolele and her name origin - Celtic for a strong, independent woman who follows her God. I had never heard the name before so I Googled it and it says the first recorded birth by the SSA is June 30, 1899. Less than 5 people per year have been born with that first name.

Rose sat next to Rich and when he noticed her bracelet, he tapped her on the shoulder and showed her his bracelet. They looked at each other and said, “Sonja!” That is the woman in St. Croix who makes these unique bangles. Rose is from St. Croix and they started sharing stories and so it went. Rich gave me one when we were first dating.

Back to Terri and Jim’s to wrap up the birthday weekend - Jim made us girls his fancy Old Fashions.

Odometer reached 100,000 miles on 2017 Chevy Spark, a.k.a. Shadow. 😁
March 3, 2025 - Monday
Walked in mid-morning - had to put a sweater on as the wind made it chillier than usual. Went to the post office to mail my tax return. YAY! Later on, we had a nice chat with Gary about Rich’s flute playing and North Ranch happenings. 

Rich’s son, Perry, called us using What’s App from the Philippines where they are having a wonderful vacation in Lyn’s homeland. It was nice to have a video chat with them. They purchased 30 XL white eggs for 240 pesos - $4.21. they are $1.68/dozen which is expensive there. 

March 4, 2025 - Tuesday
Dropped a wad at Fry’s today bright and early. Couldn’t believe the traffic at 7:30am. 
Look who showed up for a walk today! Pat is staying in Tucson near her daughter, Cyndi, for the month of March, so hopefully we can have some walk and talk time in this month. We met up today and made a plan to walk at 10:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays during March. We walked out of the RV park and over to the beautiful bike trail that circles the city of Tucson. I don’t go there alone - if something happened to this wibbly wobbly body, I wouldn’t have immediate help. Pat was a WW leader, so I always learn more ways to “remove" weight. Today we were talking about how happy we are that potatoes are now zero points on WW. I mentioned that I love having Simply Potatoes Shredded Potatoes as a side. She mentioned that she has used them for potato soup and I couldn’t wait to get home to make a batch. My Italian mother-in-law used to call it Rizi Potati, and used left over mashed/boiled potatoes and even the potato water with rice. So I put a box of chicken broth, rice, 1/2 package of Shredded Potatoes, with a little broccoli and some big cut shredded cheese at the end. It was delicious and low in points.  

March 5, 2025 - Wednesday
Went for my walk before we went to Michaels to get more yarn! Then we went to Da-Bar Chinese Restaurant for the first time - so much for being “good” during the week. It was so appealing and clean when we went inside.

The waitress was great - kind and friendly with a smile on her face. We noticed the wall hangings and looked closer. They are all mandolins with miniature mandolins inside - zoom in to see the detail. 

She brought the crispy noodles with a small bowl of warm sweet and sour sauce! Rich got Beef Kung Pao and I got Chicken and Broccoli. The meal comes with egg fried rice (we are used to paying extra for fried rice and getting packets of sweet 'n sour) and a spring roll. Needless to say, that was our dinner. It was delicious! 

Sitting around outside when Kyle and Sarah stopped while walking their dog, BeeGee - still kicking. They played the guitar and banjo with us a couple of weeks ago. They are leaving tomorrow for Ruidoso, New Mexico which is where they live. We learned a lot about them - they had property in Florida and used to travel 2200 miles to get there in the winter, but now enjoy driving up to Tucson instead. They also built two RV parks from the ground up in their past lives and are looking to buy one near them. His profession was jeweler and she deals with collectibles. Interesting folks. 
Then Joe came over and introduced himself. It pays to have a site near a dumpster - everybody has to go there. He is 49 years old and retired from Airtronics and gets VA benefits. I asked what Airtronics is and he said that all of these jets and planes that we see flying overhead, he has worked on at one time or another. He invited us to come over and have a drink sometime and if we need anything at all, he can help. Nice guy...
March 6, 2025 - Thursday
The wind is whipping today - I woke up sneezing which is what the "desert dust in the wind" does to me. Got out my neti pot for a sinus cleanse - it does help. Pat and I decided to walk anyway - troopers that we are, we did the full 2 miles on the bike trail.
Rich and I practiced our music - he found out there is sheet music for harmonica! The pressure of having all these solos is turning him into a researcher. 

Finished watching Dark Winds on Netflix with Joe Leaphorn pursuing law, order and justice on a Navajo reservation. I highly recommend it.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Apricity West 5

February 21, 2025 - Friday
Weighed in pre-weekend and lost .2 pounds. Yes, that counts considering our Tucson eating habits. Then the usual chain of events - walk, no swim, go to T&J’s for patio time, including cocktails and pizza. 

February 22, 2025 - Saturday
Walked at about 9am - then to T&J’s for a visit to the local Farmers’ Market. Today is more about arts and crafts, Sunday is more about food, but don’t worry, we found Heirloom and Black Garlic, Sour Dough Bread, a Ginger cookie and finally, pot stickers to share to keep it light. Here is a tour of the market for your pleasure...

Picked out a couple of butterfly stickers here. The vendor, Marissa, said that she has a bush in her front yard and noticed butterfly wings on the ground. Turns out, there is a praying mantis eating the bodies and leaving the wings behind in perfect condition. She laminates them and makes light earrings and necklaces. They don’t lose color and are beautiful as nature itself. Stickers are not the real deal, but... 

Sandra (forgot to get her picture) does water color art and also sells blank-inside cards. She does all of it - painting, framing, printing, etc. Her husband is her roadie for the shows which she very much appreciates. 

We talked with Todd about his art and the cost of a booth. Turns out he also draws medical images for hospitals and doctors' offices showing all of the body parts, organs, blood vessels, etc. WOW - talk about detailed work.

I was immediately drawn to a bright colorful booth of De La Cruz Mexican Art. The pieces are made from a very light weight wood and painted with bold and vibrant colors of lead-free acrylic paint. They are created by the Nahua People in the Mexican state of Guerrero - the styles can be traced back to Pre-Columbian era. Zoom-in to see the intricate details - many have moving parts that are so light they move in a breeze.  

There was a spinning class outside of a restaurant in the parking lot. It's in the email - see if you can find us... 

Rich and I took over the Parsons’ kitchen to give them a break from feeding us. Rich roasted a pork loin with carrots and baby potatoes in the pan. I made a batch of Johan’s red cabbage with vinegar, apple, onion and cloves. Jim grilled pineapple spears and Terri cleaned up afterwards. Team work.

February 23, 2025 - Sunday
We met them at 8am at First Watch for a “light” breakfast - HA! Of course, it was delicious.
Then we went our separate ways for the rest of the day until patio time after our ukulele session. While on my walk back at the RV park, Suzie came by with her mountain dogs - each weighing 125 pounds. I said I bet she doesn’t weigh as much as one of them. She weighs 105 lbs! Good thing they are so well behaved and don’t drag her around on their walk. When asked where the dogs sleep, she said, “In our bed!” Not surprised that they just ordered a bigger rig to be delivered in a couple of weeks. 

She told me that there was a birthday recently and they planned an outdoor gathering. It was too cold in the evening, so they took it inside with the two dogs and 8 adult partiers - she just pushed everything aside. I can’t imagine how they all fit in there...

We were sitting outside when Amy came by in her golf cart. She has been working here since we have been coming out and has always connected with us being from Vermont and knowing NY state very well. She asked if we knew of a TeePee on Route 9 in NY as someone had just made a reservation and said they owned it. To be continued - they arrive on Tuesday. She went on to say that she has quit drinking and smoking since we saw her last. Kudos to her.👍 Also that her husband was just diagnosed with stage-3 rectal cancer and is undergoing treatments. Prayers for him.🙏 

We drove over to the Rio Vista Park for another TUKU2 meetup. Today it got up to 77 degrees - grateful for the shade sails. Well Rich keeps getting more harmonica solos - 3 intros and/or outros that will be performed on March 19 at an elder housing unit. He hardly touches the ukulele - he’s more comfortable with the harmonica. Who knew!

Another no lunch Sunday so as to enjoy blue cheese burgers and turmeric cauliflower dinner with T&J. Followed by a combo of my WW flourless, sugarless chocolate chip cookie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of cherry syrup. Yum.
February 24, 2025 - Monday
Lazy day in the 80’s - did the usual stuff, including walking. Rich and I practiced our music. Hit some new milestones today...
Duolingo 71 days
WW 150 days
Walking 150 days
February 25, 2025 - Tuesday
Slept good last night - 7 hours. Walked earlier than usual to beat the heat. Played music. Crocheted on the pink baby blanket for Rich’s expectant great-grand daughter. Terri came over for a visit - sat outside in the shade. Beautiful!
February 26, 2025 - Wednesday
Slept even better last night - 9 hours. Same pattern for walking today. Working on the baby blanket little by little. Rich is really taking this solo stuff seriously, since he has practiced every day this week - YAY...
February 27, 2025 - Thursday
Another good night of sleep! Yahoo! Up at 7 and walked at 8:30 while still cool and refreshing. I decided to do a swim on this glorious bright, sunny day.
We are a mile away from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and they are starting to prepare for the Air Show. They are actually being re-certified - the show is March 22/23. It is thrilling to hear and see their magnificent power overhead.  

We are trying very hard to be “good” during the week with a big party weekend coming up - Terri’s birthday! Jim always plans something super special and we tag along.
Stay tuned...

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Apricity West 5

February 14, 2025 - Friday  HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY
Not happy with the scale today. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I do try to be true to WW during the week. So, up and out the door early this morning to walk 2 miles in anticipation of a big Italian eat-a-thon at Michelangelo’s in Oro Valley for Valentine's Day...

Wines and suds…

Took a bite before the picture. We asked to share a Caesar salad and they served it like this…

My Rigatoni Gorgonzola…

Rich and Terri ordered Fettuccini with Clams…

Jim’s Orecchiette with sausage and pesto…

...followed by the Frost Shoppe where all flavors of genuine gelato are served. This is one of three display cases…

The story goes that two young men, having grown up together, went off to the U of A majoring in communications. They always knew they would go into business together, but not sure what business. Their families played different roles in suggesting the business, the name of the business, the logo and the location. The key to their success is the chef they brought over from Italy for their opening - he ended up staying a few months. They brought him back permanently as he could contribute much more to the venture in artistic ability, creativity, and teach more staff (primarily high school students). Jim remembers when Frost came to Tucson in this location and now there are 13 franchises. We all had a double scoop with two flavors to get the full experience. Rich’s included a bonus of a Chocolate covered Caramel in the salted caramel selection - he got two so offered me one. At the bottom of my dish was one of my own which I offered to all, but no one bit, so I got two! So it was a full day of amore.❤️ 

After dinner and before gelato, Jim took us to Western National Park Association so Rich could pick out an F# Indian Flute as suggested by Gary in North Ranch.
There were only two left in stock, so he scooped up this beauty with turquoise inlay. Now he just has to learn to play it...

Odell Borg is dedicated to introducing as many people as possible to native flutes.

We also stopped at a small popup Art Show where I found a very small pair of earrings for a second ear piercing which I had let grow in. Now to open it up again. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.
Laundry day at the Parsons. Took a walk with Terri - so much better than walking alone with my earbuds. When we got back, we had a fun mini-jam - Terri has a sweet voice which needs to get louder. Working on it! While playing, Leanna FaceTimed me and sister, Lily, joined us. We played/sang White Sandy Beach of Hawaii for them. Lily danced to it. The birthday pizza party will be at my house tomorrow...
Rich proudly sent this picture to Gary. He thanked Gary for his influence and he responded, “Whisper breath through it and enjoy the sound of your heart.” WOW!

After our cocktails on the patio, Terri served up her delicious Southwestern Chop Chop Chowder with artisan bread with olive oil dip. It was wonderful. 

February 16, 2025 - Sunday
Met T&J at Baja Cafe bright and early for Liege waffles (infused sugar crystals in the batter), eggs, hash browns and bacon. Oy! It’s official - our Valentine's Day eat-a-thon has become Valentine's Weekend. 😂 We are definitely foodies! 

Liege appetizer…

Main course…

Across the parking lot is Little Anthony’s Diner which is totally retro. 

Rich got his new flute out and watched a video by the gentleman who made it. He learned a lot and stuck with it for quite a while. 
Went to our 2nd ukulele meetup this afternoon - TUKU Proper. What fun it was with 36 players in the room. Rich was so moved that he played harmonica for 80% of the 21 songs! They kept telling him to play and gave him a solo for one of the songs (which we never heard before) too. He did great obviously playing by ear. I was shocked when he even sang one or two songs! 

New telescopic stools and cushions that fit in a bag for easier transport. We’re taking our cues from Keener and Carol for accessories. 
Colorful cushions…

Back at the Parsons’ party patio, we shared our experience over Jim’s delightful cocktails. 

We joked that Rich was a "super blowhard" today! Pork chops, harvest blend, and roasted Brussels sprouts were on the dinner menu tonight. And yes - we all skipped lunch after the enormous breakfast we had. 
February 17, 2025 - Monday
Today is a chill, do-nothing day. I did my walk, crocheted a little, and some tax stuff. Slept a solid 9 hours last night - feeling energized. 
February 18, 2025 - Tuesday
Up and out to Fry’s today before 8am. What a nice store! Very well merchandised, appealing, and great customer care even while the clerks are moving quickly and efficiently. We are planning to make dinner for T&J Saturday, so stay tuned. 
After putting everything away, I went for my walk. The weather is bright, warm, and sunny - good day to swim so I did. 
Practiced the new song list that came out for this weekend.
February 19, 2025 - Wednesday
Another gorgeous 70 degree day - walked and swam today even though I didn’t fall asleep until 2am. Sarah, banjo player, was walking her dog past our site and I asked her if she wanted to jam this week. She got verklempt and said not this week, as they have a quality of life vet appointment tomorrow. Bee Gee’s kidneys are failing. 🥺
February 20, 2025 - Thursday
And another good night of sleep - phew. The nights are in the 40’s so it takes a while for the sun to warm things up to short sleeve temps - usually by 9. If I wait much later than that for my walk, it quickly gets too hot for me. 

I sent a “thinking of you” text to Sarah and she replied that Bee Gee was so much better today that they cancelled the vet appointment! 

I made a batch of flourless, sugarless, WW chocolate chip cookies in the air fryer today. They are actually very good. I sure hope we have some left for Terri and Jim tomorrow night!

Watched La Dolce Villa on Netflix - a much needed feel good movie💕

Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...