Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New England 5

August 26, 2024 - Monday
First day of school here in Lee, MA. 

On this first day of his sophomore year, grandson Jacob got a buckle fracture in his right wrist during football practice. The cast will stay on for 4 weeks while healing. He is still attending practices for running and fitness. School colors are orange and black so I asked why he didn’t get orange for the team. He said, “I usually get black casts.” He has broken his left wrist a couple of times in the past. 

Zachary and neighbor, Jimmy, were the last ones in the pool. Jimmy learned how to swim this year. 

I finished knitting the cowl neck wrap I made to use up left over yarn. 

And a lapghan that I started years ago. 

September 3, 2024  - Tuesday
Mom and I took a ride to Westfield to see sister, Cindy and hubby, Jimmy. She served up a delicious chicken salad with all kinds of goodies in it. Mom brought Blueberry Boy Bait Cake, a recipe Cindy got from the nun’s at the convent where she worked. It has become a family favorite!

September 4, 2024 - Wednesday
So we are getting down to the wire for leaving here and I am working hard (and enjoying every minute) of meeting up with friends to say Happy Winter.  
Liz and I met up at the Starving Artist - it's amazing how much there is to talk about!

September 5, 2024 - Thursday
Today 4 of my high school classmates, Paula, Nancy, Debbie and Terry, got together at the Starving Artist (again) and caught up with each other’s news. 
September 6, 2024 - Friday 
Met up with Amy at Let’s Do Lunch for lunch and conversation. Amy trained me for my admin job at Lenox Church on the Hill in 2018 and we still stay in touch. 
So with all of these meals, I am very grateful that I am able and willing to walk downstreet - about 1/2 mile each way. Not much, but it helps. 
September 7, 2024 - Saturday 
Art in the Park was the big event today. Rich and I were able to be in our usual Farmers Market site as his work is art. There were about 30 artists set up for the weekend. This is a tour of the various types of talent that participated:

Bearded Dragon pet on display 

Richy, hot dog vendor, has been our site neighbor all summer long at Lee Farmers Market, which is a blessing and a curse! The morning starts with donuts which he brings and distributes to all that want them (of course, we do). His sidekick, Ralph, stops at Dunkin’ Donuts on his way in to pick up coffees for us (of course, we are grateful recipients). Then we order cheeseburgers or the latest discovery being his kielbasa for lunch (of course, we accept his generous discount). Later in the day, he passes Rich a “gatorade” in a black cold cup (of course, he enjoys it). As we break down our sites, he always has leftovers to share with us to take home (of course, we can’t say no). Those are the blessings. The curse is the extra inches and pounds that have somehow stuck to us. We will miss the last couple of weeks of the market and the other vendors - especially Richy!

…and Mary! She is Rich’s age and has been a local baker for as long as I can remember. She and her husband moved to Lee in 1969 and had 6 children. Mary has a commercial kitchen in her home and bakes during the week preparing for Farmers Market on Saturdays. Her grandsons set up her tent the night before and take it down afterwards. When she drives up, we rush over to help her carry in all of the goodies. She has cakes that stand a foot high and sells them a slice at a time. Shoppers flock to her site as soon as it opens for delicious delights. In the end, she also has a heart of gold and sends over cookies, baklava, cakes or breads at the end of the day. 

Nora brought Kieran over for the weekend in the NuCamp tiny trailer. She loves this event and found really cool earrings and clothing to purchase.

After a nice lamb chop lunch and hugs, they hit the road on a glorious autumn day. 

My niece, Sarah, and a colleague who works with Himalayan salt, are opening a new spa in Newport, RI. She went to Costa Rica for extensive healing massage training.

She wants to have some unique incidentals at the check out - crochet, journals, earrings, postcards, etc. She and Rich struck a deal on the postcards and he created a sign which includes their shop - SALT Boutique Spa.

Speaking of art - this picture was done by 15-year-old granddaughter, Leanna…

September 10, 2024 - Tuesday
I am trying to walk daily and along the way I pass the lush pear trees at St. Mary’s Rectory. 

As well as, Pollinator Gardens along the street which provide “food, nesting, resting for pollinators."

Today I had my debut solo gig playing ukulele and singing at the local nursing home. It wasn’t perfect, but I think they enjoyed it. Some were singing along.

September 12, 2024 - Thursday
I am very sad to finish the book I was listening to:

I love the way Cheryl Strayed writes, and more over, the courage it took for her to do what she did - hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) 1,100 miles alone! She has such a unique way of expressing herself, sprinkled with a little humor, and painting a picture of her journey for all to “see.” I was so taken by the book that I rented the movie starring Reese Witherspoon. I was happy to see the actual landscapes in the movie, but I wasn’t drawn into it like I was the book. I give a lot of credit to the audiobook reader/performer, Bernadette Dunn. I always listen to a sample of audio books before deciding to get them. A lot of my decision is based on how the reader connects with me. Anyway - highly recommend this book, but the people I told about it had already read and loved it. 
Our longtime neighbor, Eileen, has lived here for over 60 years and has been dubbed as our neighborhood watch. She loves to bake chocolate chip cookies so we are often surprised with a special delivery. Yummy - another excuse for our weight situation.

September 14, 2024 - Saturday
Our last Farmers Market this year and we had a good day. The best part was a picture of Senator Paul Markey holding Rich’s elephant picture which was purchased for him by the woman holding a dog. 

September 15, 2024 - Sunday
Drove over to Rich’s son, Perry’s, for a home made Asian dinner - lumpia, shumai, green beans/tofu stir fry, and rice. Delicious!😋 

September 18, 2024 - Wednesday
My first born celebrates her birthday today…

Spending the week preparing and packing for our cross country trip - new departure date is 9/24. The weather here is stupendous!


  1. See you soon. Love your blog, photos were great. DOT

  2. Great blog!! Have a wonderful, safe trip back to your winter home 💜💜💜💜! Dshep

  3. Can you send me that pic of Dad and me? ❤️ it!

  4. Your blog post has it all - food, art, music, family and friends! A pleasure to read. Thanks, Martha VW

  5. I had to chuckle at the word "downstreet". Had not heard that term used in years! So very east for a description of a small town main street business area.. Here in the Midwest it's simply downtown or the square, depending on it's configuration.

  6. I listened to Wild on audiobook and loved it too!! Can’t wait to see you guys! Cindy G

  7. Safe travels! Thanks for staying in touch! I so enjoyed our visit ❤️ Liz

  8. Loved all of this, except the broken arm (again) and your departure. Especially loved seeing that you had your first solo playing gig!!


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...