Thursday, January 26, 2023

Apricity West 3

January 20, 2023 - Friday
Went to the Congress Mercantile, a cute shop full of interesting items, to get my t-shirts decorated with glitz and glam lettering.

There is a shirt on the wall that says, A Group of Baboons is Called a Congress - gotta love it. Also, I have never seen anyone packing a holster and gun until today and it was a woman. 
Once again, a first time conversation discloses so many coincidences. We have seen Abe in the Elks many times, but never had the opportunity to talk with him. Well, he sat to my right, asked us where we were from and that was the beginning of a 1/2 hour conversation. When I answered Lee, MA, he said, “I was just there in September!” Really? Why? Where? He went on to explain that Dennis, a barber in Wickenburg, is a good friend who had business to take care of in Becket, MA. His wife inherited 2 houses on a lake there. While in the area, they toured around and ended up at Alice’s Restaurant/Guthrie Center. 

Well, who should be there for a board meeting but Arlo Guthrie himself! They had a nice conversation and Abe got a picture with Arlo.

Well, now it was my turn to share that I was an extra in  Arlo’s movie, Alice’s Restaurant! The fact is, it was the revival scene which was shot in a tent on a freezing cold February day for 8 hours. I was wearing a big furry white coat and hat to stay warm and the heaters were shaped like cannons. They made so much noise that the whole shoot was “cut to the editing room floor” and needed to be redone. Well, I couldn’t make it that day, so my sister, Leslie, filled in for me wearing the same coat and hat. Ah well, it was a fun experience. Here is a link to the song Arlo Guthrie wrote and sang about the entire event making the movie so wonderful. By the way, my friend, Debbie and her father, were in it too as he was the actual Clerk of Courts and said, "All Rise" in the courtroom scene. It’s worth a listen as it tells the whole hysterical story… (click the link)

Of course I asked Abe if he knew about Tanglewood (where I proudly sold tickets) and it turns out in 2008 he went there to see Garrison Keillor of “Prairie Home Companion.” Most of the people I talk to out here in the Wild West never heard of Tanglewood, so this was a pleasant surprise.
More conversation revealed that Abe worked as a nurse (psych and traveling), making good money, until Covid hit. Then he retired and took a river cruise on the St. Lawrence River in the opposite direction that we (Leslie and I) sailed years ago - Boston, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Prince Edward Isle, Quebec City, Montreal. As a traveling nurse, he had the privilege of spending a year in St. Croix. When Rich heard this, they went down memory lane about their time spent there. Tres’s roommate married Peter from St. Croix so Rich and their young family spent many vacations there over the years. Abe’s motto is: “No horse, no dog, no wife! Free as a bird!”
Stocking the coolers for a big event tomorrow night - many trips bringing in the provisions.

January 21, 2023 - Saturday
Congratulations to Nancy’s son-in-law, Cory, who won a beautiful saddle and money in today’s roping.

What a happening night at the Elks tonight! It was Ropers’ Night which is a steak dinner fund raiser - $25 per wristband at the door for a ribeye, cowboy beans, a roll and slaw to the music of Desert Heat, followed by an auction of many unique items including a handmade saddle. They sold around 250 wrist bands and there were wall-to-wall hungry cowboys and cowgirls.

Lisa is the secretary, bartender, and oversees the operation - does a great job!
The preparation, planning and execution of this event made it seamless - they had set up a full bar in the back of the room, as well as a tub of iced wine and sodas. Pretty impressive…

Logan graced us with his music…

This is the philosophy of the Elks:
January 22, 2023 - Sunday
Just chilling today - literally. This is the coldest winter that anyone can recall. The nights are in the 30’s and warms up to 50’s in the day. We have a small ceramic heater, but have had to use the propane furnace several times. Worked on a puzzle today and went to the ice cream social with Nancy.
January 23, 2023 - Monday
Woke up this morning to a dusting of snow!

Lunch at the Elks, then cardio drumming, and music prep. 
January 24, 2023 - Tuesday
Went to the Art Center with Rich this morning.

Then to John and Eileen’s for a delicious lunch. A special dessert by Nothing Bundt Cakes… They have 3 shops in the West Valley of Surprise. There is nothing but bundt cakes there (and accessories) and they make wedding cakes too. Unique!

January 25, 2023 - Wednesday
Our last practice at Dot and Harvey’s. 😒 We gave them crafty gifts which they enjoyed. 

They had a fun time in Quartzite last week with 250,000 other RVers who gather for gem shows, campfires, music, parties while boon docking…

Spunky lady...

January 26, 2023 - Thursday  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LESLIE (my sister)😘 🌹

The wind howled last night - 25mph! We were rocking all night long.
Today was my last jam session 😒 before we leave for TucsonπŸ’—. I sang more than I played and Harvey was my lead accompanist. Miss Ellie came without her equipment and Denny loaned her his wireless mic so she could sing backup with me on House of the Rising Sun and Summertime. I started with Jolene. See the video in the body of this email.

Rich gets the Best Roadie Award πŸ’•- he lugs Gary’s equipment and mine. It is a LOT! He gets a break now until we find another jam on our journeys. John Randazzo - anything happening at Crazy Horse? 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Apricity West 3

January 13, 2023 - Friday
Called Tuscon Orthopedic Institute where I went last year for my broken fibula to see if they could give me a cortisone shot for my hip. I have an appointment on Feb. 3 - thank heaven. Hopefully, there will be a cancellation here in Wickenburg before then, but at least I have a back up plan. I gimp around like an old lady and Rich has to put my socks on for me too! 
Friday Fish Fry at the Elks again - this week the special is Chicken Parmesan which we both had - it was very good. 
MaryLee was bartending tonight - love her T-shirt slogan “Elkalcaholic”!

There was an open stool next to me and a 50 something woman asked if it was taken. I said no and she hopped up on the stool, put her hand out and said, “My name is Stinki!” Well you can imagine (with my curious mind) the conversation that followed, especially after I told her my name. At birth, she was going to be named Charyn whether she was a boy or a girl. Her grandmother didn’t go along with it, and called her Stinki. When she was in elementary school the teacher was taking attendance and called out Charyn. No one answered and she called again. All of the class was looking around, including Stinki! The teacher declared that she should be called Stinki from thereon as she didn’t even know her real name. She got a kick out of it when I said that I was supposed to be a boy named Raymond, so my parents added an “A” to make it feminine. One topic led to another and we had a lot more in common - she owns a house painting company as does my son. She has bad hips as do I. She is an artist as is Rich. She was a widow as am I. At the end of our dinner, I asked her what her last name is - CLARK!! Both of my kids married Clarks - that was just crazy. I know there are a lot of Clarks, but I always say, “If you talk to someone long enough, you will find a connection.” She pulled out her credit card to prove it to me - Stinki Clark...

January 14, 2023 - Saturday  HAPPY 75th BIRTHDAY TO ME...
I enjoyed opening up my cards and reading birthday wishes on Facebook. I got out the paints to do a little rock painting; then chilled out until dinner at Charley’s Steak House in Wickenburg. We both got rib eye and shrimp with baked potato and cowboy beans. It was so plentiful that we brought half home for tomorrow’s dinner. Had to save room for dessert - lemon meringue for me and apple pie a la mode for Rich.

January 15, 2023 - Sunday
Bloody Mary Sunday - after on-line church and laundry. A crafty kind of day. Rich is whittling away to build dioramas…

Just saw Dot and Harvey leave the park in their RV, towing his jeep heading to Quartzite for the week. This is a big affair where thousands of RVers go and boon-dock (no power, no water) to basically party! There are many different groups that park together around their campfire, entertainment, drinks, and food. Dot makes a delicious soup base with 9 pounds of seasoned-by-her hamburg and others who eat it provide cans of beans, tomatoes, etc. She also has a Margarita Party on Friday night and the band (including Harvey) entertain the crowd.
January 16, 2023 - Monday   Happy Martin Luther King Day
Teresa, one of our line dance teachers, had recommended me to see Dr. Wagner (orthopedic surgeon) in Wickenburg. Well I couldn’t get in there or at a clinic that they suggested before we leave. When I told Teresa this today, she said she was going to the clinic right here in Congress and she would try to get me in for a cortisone shot. Low and behold, she called me from their office to set up an appointment - Wednesday at 9:40! Now that is amazing...
We had a lot more people at the cardio drumming class and it felt sooooo good to drum to the music and get my heart rate up pronto!
It rained all day again and the water was flowing. We got 1 3/4” rain which is a LOT here in the desert. 

January 17, 2023 - Tuesday
Nancy is back from her cruise around Australia. It sure is good to have her back even though we are only here for 2 more weeks. She is understandably exhausted, but did come over for a little bit after dinner.
January 18, 2023 - Wednesday
Off to the clinic for my shot. As it turns out, they did not have the 7-inch needle needed to hit my hip joint, but they did have smaller needles for a steroid and another for the bursitis - and it did help. 
Rock painting results...

January 19, 2023 - Thursday
Frost on the pumpkin and VW bug this morning...

Chair Yoga today followed by our 2nd to the last jam session here at North Ranch. It actually went quite well - I played and sang, In the Still of the Night, Rock Me Mama, and Singing the Blues. They went over pretty good. A returning participant was Marti who plays Appalachian with fiddle and guitar. She has a nice powerful voice mic-less.

Afterwards, we went to Nichols for our last dinner there before we leave for Tucson. They certainly have larger wine glasses than anywhere else hereπŸ˜³πŸ·πŸ’€

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Apricity West 3

January 6, 2023 - Friday
Friday Fish Fry at the Elks - the special tonight was stuffed pork tenderloin. The place was hopping but Karen and Nicole handled the bar with ease...

And of course Logan, the guitar playing, super singing, grandson of the Desert Heat Band, was along for the ride.

January 7, 2023 - Saturday
Wally Krainer invited us to his wife, Val’s, 60th birthday party - he built their house 17 miles out in the desert, complete with a pool and party hearty back yard. 

The ride out is tough on Gracie (VW bug) as it is a
dirt, washboard-like road, although much of it had been graded recently.

The landscape starts out with huge rocks hugging the mountains. I am taken with the contrast of them and the perfectly straight and flat railroad tracks that interrupt this desolate space. Makes me think about the brave, strong people who cleared the land and laid those rails with hand tools and a whole lot of sweat. 

Then there is more vegetation, wildlife and hunters in camouflage with binoculars… a mule deer crossed the road and jumped the fence on the other side. He was too fast for a picture. 

The entrance to their property, Wrinkle Ranch...

A few inside shots...

PVC plastic piping to construct Christmas tree…

Trophy wall, with rattlesnake skin to the fat right…

Bathtub with a gorgeous desert view…

Heated swimming pool with Rich’s sign hung above…

These are friends and neighbors from their church, North Ranch and nearby areas. A video clip is in the body of this email. Wally is at the very end of the clip making homemade shoestring fries - yummy!

The DJ played his tunes throughout the afternoon.

Maloy, pictured here with Spike, made the metal leaf pieces this morning for a gift. 

This is the North Ranch Workcamper Crew that worked with Rich back in the day….

Wally gave Val a 2004 black convertible, turbo, automatic VW - it is a real beauty (forgot to get a picture). Our Gracie is a gray 2005 standard bug and looks pretty beat up in comparison. But we love her just the same...  
When we first arrived in Congress, Val told us about an injured young saw-whet owl they were trying to rehabilitate. 

Stock photo

This inspired Rich to give her one of his owl paintings for her gift - she was thrilled!

January 8, 2023 - Sunday
Beautiful sunrise today...

January 9, 2023 - Monday
I have had to stop line dancing due to my right hip (bursitis and arthritis). Tried to get a cortisone shot, but can’t get in before leaving here on January 31. I still go watch and the class is growing!

Today was January Crafternoon and I was the leader for Rock Painting 101. I was happy to see 11 ladies show up to share my resources with and create their own unique specimens.

Jane Moline is the coordinator for these events and has accumulated a treasure trove of supplies in the closets. She has been here for 30 years and made the top quilt square over her left shoulder in 1993.

January 10, 2023 - Tuesday
Went to Chair Yoga today - it really makes you feel good to stretch and bend your body. 

Then to Dot and Harvey’s to practice for the jam session. Robert has a lot of singing experience and he joined us today. 

January 11, 2023 - Wednesday
Joanne and I practiced ukulele this morning. Then the Elks for lunch and grocery shopping. 
January 12, 2023 - Thursday
Chair Yoga again - the group is growing so we might have to move to the Activity Center for more room. This started up by a retired teacher who needed to work out some kinks in her body, really liked this yoga CD teacher, got permission to have a class from the managers, and put a sign up sheet in the club house. That's how things roll here. She is only here until the end of March, but others who enjoy it have already volunteered to continue it...

We had a GREAT jam session today with 2 new guitar players and Robert, the singer we have been practicing with. Mel and Louise from Whitman showed up - he plays mandolin and she sings and plays guitar. They heard about the jam from a couple at the Elks who lives at North Ranch - can’t believe we haven’t run into them there. 

Then Jesse Taylor sauntered in with his guitar only - no amp, no mic, no tablet or songbook. He was amazing! Come to find out he has traveled the world entertaining and has a CD out which I bought immediately. He wrote 9 of the songs and his Dad wrote 2. WOW!

When we got back to the RV the sun was shining warm and bright and we were enjoying our cocktails. I was in my daily call to Mom when Rich got a call. He said "I'll be right back," went to the clubhouse office and returned with this gorgeous upcoming 75th birthday bouquet from Mom, my sisters and their husbands! Perfect size, perfect colors, perfect surprise,  perfect Mom, sisters and brothers-in-law❣️

Joined our neighbors with their dog, Pippa, also basking in the sun.

Love to hear Comments from ya’ll - please leave your name so I know it’s you OR reply to this email. Also, if you want to stop getting my ramblings, just reply to the email saying “Unsubscribe.”  No harm, no foul.

Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...