Thursday, November 26, 2020

Apricity South (week 3)

November 18, Wednesday (addendum)
I neglected to mention that I attended my last BCC Alumni Board Zoom meeting as Secretary and Outreach Chairperson today. The committee members are the most intelligent, kind hearted, caring, and giving people you could know. This is the last commitmet that I have retired from in order to travel with Rich. I had filled the void of loneliness with so many things that I enjoy - family, choir, Christmas Concert, part time jobs at Church on the Hill and Tanglewood, volunteering as church Collector and Pastoral Relations Committee, attending as many live performances as possible, going to movies regularly, old and new friends, etc. They were all there for me when I needed them and I will keep in touch with them, but now I am happy, content and certainly not lonely... 
November 19, Thursday
Cindy and Jeff Brett, both retired Army veterans, arrived mid-afternoon and the cocktails and stories of old began. Cindy and I let the guys get a head start, but joined in soon after with the aid of guacamole, salsa, and chips. Remember that they were work campers (did chores around the park for free electric, water, and sewer hook ups) for Rich in North Ranch RV Park in Congress, AZ. 
It was a time of celebration on so many levels - new chapters in all of our lives. They had just signed the deal for a beautiful new home in eastern Florida,  having been "full time" campers in this beauty since 2006!! Notice Blanche, their Smart car, tucked away in the middle. 
This rig will be on the market soon and they will down size to a Class C to continue their travels "part time".
Much of our conversation included Tress (Rich's wife), and of course they knew Lily the kitty, too. They had been devastated when they learned of Tress' sudden passing as they were all working so closely together not that long ago. 
They wanted to know more about me, Bob and my family as well, so there were many heart felt moments.
Basically, Rich and I found each other when we needed each other.
They met in the Army band, both being drummers, and formed their family which included Jeff's two daughters. They now have a 3 year old granddaughter, Brooklyn, and 2 month old grandson, Wyatt. 
Rich prepared a delicious meal of ribeyes, corn on the cob, and baked potato with butter and sour cream. It had been a long time since we had savored potatoes - yum! The usual keto chocolate mousse was a late dessert. 
November 20, Friday
Bagels and scrambled eggs with black coffee for breakfast and we continued chatting for another hour. By the way, Jeff shares a meaningful prayer of grace at every meal. 🙏
It was such a pleasure to meet Jeff and Cindy. They are two great individuals who merged into a super couple. 
Smart car, Blanche, is so darn cute, too. 
They wear R.E.D. shirts on Fridays to Remember Everyone Deployed. 💕
November 21, Saturday
Very low key day today. Went to Walmart early to get some supplies and it was packed. Too many people without masks. 
Found out that Bradenton Convention Center did free drive through testing - quick and 3 day results sent to email. That is what we will try to do on Wednesday to give us some lawfulness about our return to Massachusetts!
November 22, Sunday
I like to attend church by Zoom at both First Congregational and Church on the Hill. Bill Neil and Liz Goodman are so interesting and spirital to listen to and this week Marcia Eveland stood in for Bill. She also has wonderful stories to tell to connect the dots of our Christian journey. 
Another lunch at Acapulco Restaurant followed by a leisurely visit to the pool. 
💔 When we got back to the condo, we mourned in disbelief to learn that Gary Dobert died after being in the hospital for Quadruple bypass - followed by mini strokes. Gary and his wife, Judy, just bought a 23 foot Grey Wolf travel trailer for their retirement. They are long time friends of Rich’s sister and her husband. Gary looked up to Rich for his knowledge of RV’s and they wanted him to mentor/guide them through the learning process. Our maiden voyage with them was to Dorsett, VT in September and they joined us in Rhinebeck, NY in October. We really hit if off and hoped to do much more camping over time. That was the only time I knew them except for lunch at Cheesecake Factory the day before we left for Florida. He had a doctor appointment 5 days later to determine when his surgery would be. It turns out that they sent him right to the hospital and scheduled it for the following day. But we had an upbeat lunch confident that all would be fine - they knew a couple of other people who had the same surgery successfully. We are so grateful that we had that lunch together. Gary was a quiet soul who didn’t say that much, but you could see a slight grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eye when he was amused. That is how we will remember Gary. Judy will need her family now and we have experienced the same loss that she has, so we will be here for whatever she needs from us. 🙏
November 23, Monday
Feeling sad that we are getting close to our departure. Trying to follow all the Travel Restrictions to get back to New England. Will have a test on Wednesday before we leave and again when we arrive without having to do a 14 day quarantine. 

Spent more time at the pool and met a younger couple from Michigan who just bought a condo in the building next to us. They look so young for having twin daughters (fraternal) who are graduating from Michigan State next year arriving today. We decided that they are probably our kids’ ages - YIKES!

November 24, Tuesday
Today the handyman, Chuck, came to replace the garbage disposal. It was time!! It is good to know that he could help with maintenance work if there is a problem. 

I met one of my renters today. We hit it off while she rented from me in August and said we should meet up if I came down. We had a two hour bagel and coffee! Discovering more about each other and our "2nd time arounds"...

November 25, Wednesday
Getting depressed about going back to the cold, but anxious to see our families. 

We went to the Convention Center for testing - people were lined up standing - NOT a drive through! We beat it and drove down the street a mile or so to do Walgreens' drive through. Thank God we knew about it. Easy peasy. 

We planned to go to the beach on Anna Maria, but stopped at Sweetberries for lunch. 

I had the Black and Blue salad which was deliciois.  

On our way to the beach, the draw bridge was up bringing everyone to a halt. We turned around and parked on the Causeway to spend a little time on the sand and put our toes in the intracoastal waters. It was sunny and windy so the water was twinkling like diamonds and the waves were lapping onto the sandy shore. Mesmerizing!

Decided to stop at Sweetberries again - for sundaes this time. It was our last chance to splurge!

November 26, Thursday
Happy Thanksgiving! A very different one indeed! No prepping and cooking the turkey to take to Shannon's where we all usually gather. Instead, Rich is making steak, baked potatoes, broccoli with cheese... it's perfect and no leftovers to deal with before our drive back up north tomorrow. 

We had the pool to ourselves again today after packing what we could in the morning. 

FaceTimed with the grandkids, then a Zoom call with my mom and sisters at 2pm.  Ended up talking for almost 2 hours. 💞 

Adios Bradenton, FL. Will miss you until next year!


  1. Not sure if Sweetberries twice in one day & the others are on the diet. Safe travels.

  2. Soooo jealous! I will be heading south in January!
    Safe travels home!

  3. I'm glad you're getting in lots of practice on the road!
    You must have arrived in Mass. just about the time we left. We were there for Thanksgiving,

  4. We didn't join anyone else for the meal. We brought Randy home with us.
    Sounds like you are having an amazing time!


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...