Thursday, December 31, 2020

Apricity West

Packing for 4 months was daunting and I now have a better appreciation for what my friends have done over the years to spend the winter in Florida. Of course preparing for Christmas at the same time added to the pressure. But Rich and I make a good team, and methodically worked our way through everything - setting aside items to be loaded into the camper with an inventory list in case we needed something already packed away, deciding what clothes to bring according to the weather (ugh), lists of things to remember at the final moments before we left, putting away decorations on Christmas morning, stripping the cupboards and fridge of food stuffs. Oh and let’s not forget Lily and her needs!
It has been a tradition for me to have the four grandkids over for a gingerbread building day before Christmas. This year I changed it up as I wanted them to create something for Mimi to take on her trip. So I dug out all of the scrapbook materials, papers, stamps, punches, pens and pencils that I haven’t touched in years. It is amazing to me how individually creative they can be. 
 Lily cozied up under the tree while we crafted.

Jacob’s picture started out as a boy and evolved into a sad girl. 
Zach used a set of stamps to make this tulip
Lily used the stamps to make a beautiful sunset.

Leanna wrote a special note on paper origami. Lily and Zach put notes in envelopes. 
It seems that campers are in the habit of naming their vehicles so we have Road Runner (RV) and Gracie (VW bug). My grandkids made a hushed comment to each other, “Who names their car?” I point out to the boys that they have eBikes named Blue Jay and Yellow Jacket. Somehow that is different… 
Me driving Road Runner for the first time with nothing in tow. 

Finally got tow bar on and hooked up Gracie.

Glens Falls got 3 feet of snow and it wasn’t easy digging out.
December 25 & 26, Friday & Saturday
Having said our goodbyes to my family on Christmas Eve, we hit the road. It feels like the moving buggy on The Lorax that was piled high to the clouds in the sky as we head over the back roads to Glens Falls to see Rich’s family. 
PJ and Ellie
December 27, Sunday  
Finally on the road with Lily kitty pacing and Gracie (VW) following us closely in the rear view camera, Sunday, December 27 at 5:30am as planned, it feels like we can breathe and just ride. 
The view from my new office...
Thankfully, Rich drove as far as I-81. Thankful because he wisely saved me from the death defying act of driving on the perilous, terrifying construction section of I-78. I know this because we (he) drove it on the way to Florida last month. Actually 81 was easy peasy accept for the tailgater in the rear view camera!! Oh wait, that’s Gracie. This was my first time driving with her in tow. 
In order to travel safely and efficiently, we each have our responsibilities. Basically, I take care of the inside organization, cleaning, snacks, provisions for Rich to cook. That’s right - he does it all except shopping. But I also help with hooking Gracie up to the Blue Ox tow kit, confirming that blinkers and brake lights are working and giving the thumbs up when the locks click in place as he starts rolling. Of course, I confirm that she is in neutral too. As far as setting up in an RV park, he takes care of the water, electric, sewer hook ups, leveling, while I go in and open the slide - basically push a button. Our first night out, we were very happy with the way the day went - smooth and seamless. In the morning, we stowed everything away, ran Gracie for a little while, started the camper to warm up the cab. The last thing to do was close the slide. Yikes - no response to pushing the button! Did I break something? Are we stuck here in Natural Bridge, VA? Do we have to call for RV repair? Then Rich remembered the slide won’t move while the engine is on!! Phew!
I have learned so many new terms in camper lingo - slide, hook up, rig, black water, grey water, dump, boon docking, mooch docking, full timing, Class A (diesel pusher), Class C, 5th wheel, travel trailer, toy hauler, pull through, dry camping, tow and toad, BLM, sticks and bricks, etc.  I know some of my readers know all about these words as they have been campers too, but for me it has been an education. My motto: if you’re not learning, you’re not living!
December 28, Monday
We arrived at Debby and Ted Dutton’s home mid-afternoon for a four night stay in their driveway (mooch docking). They have a beautiful home on top of Cockatiel Way looking out over Parrottsville and mountain ranges including the Smokey Mountains. 
They were very gracious hosts and we enjoyed playing Mexican Train in the evenings with them and Ted’s son, Randy, who is visiting from Massachusetts. We won’t talk about how many times Deb won - who’s counting?
After a few days, Rich mentioned that the back of his knee was swollen and sore. He has varicose veins as does sister Cindy the nurse. So I called her and she said if it was her she would go to urgent care to get an ultrasound, especially since he had a history of blood clots. So we dropped him off at Newport Hospital to check it out while Deb and I did grocery shopping for New Year’s Eve. Three and a half hours later, he came out with the diagnosis - acute superficial venous thrombosis of left lower extremity - not life threatening, but something to keep an eye on. They gave him a Motrin and sent him on his way. He has promised daughter Nora (military nurse) and sister Eileen (ER nurse, retired) that he would move his leg frequently while driving/riding and stop often to walk around. He also called his doctor to make him aware...

Stay tuned. Next stop - Tyler, TX
PS - love your comments. Please sign your name so I know it's you...


  1. Happy New Year. You look like a seasoned driver behind the wheel. Safe travels. Love 💘 to you.

  2. Your telling of the llingo brings me back to our road days with a travel trailer. What fun, I miss the feeling of woder lust. Moving toward warmer climates. Have happy new years, My love to Deb. Miss her too, Lve Susan

  3. We'll, what an exciting life. I'm very happy for you both. Your mention of Natural Bridge, VA brings back 1960 memories of my families first 20' Shasta trailer and our adventures that summer from NY to CA. If we ever get together for an evening I can recount the entire .... including two demolished trailers, tent camping in the Blue Ridge mountains of Shenandoah National Park lightning storms in Tucumcari, NM....trip. Be safe and enjoy!

  4. Wonderful writing, as always, and a delight to read and feel your delight in your trip. Safe travels and a Happy New Year!!!

    1. Your new adventures have lots of new vocabulary terms. Glad you are learning while living it up during these travels. Enjoy!

  5. Loved reading and hearing about the exploits that brought you here! We felt fortunate to be able to share some of it with you. Next time, Covid and weather won't be messing up our plans to show you the beauty of our little corner of Tennessee. And, yes, I did win the game too many times. Everyone else got to win, too, just not enough to win the whole game....😥
    Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing it with us and, please, bring back that fabulous cook! Westward Ho! Safe travels.
    Deb & Ted

  6. Monda and Rich, so envious of the two of you, but so thrilled for your both. I love the pictures that your grandchildren made for you. Happy Travels!! You two make a great team. Tari

  7. Always enjoy your updates. Made me think about the night Bob & Lou decided to go camping in Maine at midnight. What fools we were. I think that was my last camping trip, and don't miss it. Have fun and enjoy.

  8. Happy New Year!! Loved the update as usual and so glad you got yo see Deb and Ted. The view from their house must be nice. Also,the RV and camping lingo is so impressive!! The grandkid's pictures were beautiful. Onward, Monda and Rich. P.S. We are missing Rev. Bill already.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...