Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Summer in New England

August 23-26, 2021  Monday-Thursday
We actually left Massachusetts and the impending storm on Sunday morning to get away from it. I was supposed to work at Tanglewood, but they were on the brink of deciding to cancel the Judy Collins concert because of Hurricane Henri, so told me I could take the day off. So we headed over to Glens Falls and helped Perry set up his new travel trailer, went for a swim in the pool and enjoyed delicious marinated pork chops. Then we set up camp in Nora’s driveway after visiting with them. Nora’s doing good with the new knee except for the times when pain is written all over her face! But she is moving about, up and down stairs with a cane, going out to lunch with us and her daughter Nora to Mi Rancho.
We got set up in Alpine Lake RV Resort and Judy Dobert came over to pick us up for dinner at The View Country Club. It was good to see her again. The last time was at her condo in Glens Falls last year. You may recall that her husband, Gary, passed away shortly after we had gone to Dorsett RV Park for their maiden voyage in their new travel trailer. We had so much fun with them that we went camping again at Rhinebeck, NY in October. When Gary was scheduled to go in for surgery on his heart, they arranged to meet up with us at Cheesecake Factory in Albany. That was the last time we saw him. Judy ended up having the RV set up here at Alpine Lake year round so she could have a summer respite and have her 11 grandchildren over to swim, eat s’mores, sleep over, etc. Her limit is 3 at a time - smart move.

As I sit outside our RV with a view of Goose Lake (really a pond) and listen to the water fountain, I wonder about the history of this place. Alpine Lake RV Resort is located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, between Lake George and the historic Saratoga Springs. How did they manage to create 475 RV sites/25 tent sites on these 400 acres of forest and occasional green fields? It started in the 1960’s as a game reserve and now has miles of roadway, but I couldn’t find out much more about the transformation.. 

We are happy that we brought our new bikes (thanks to Dave at Berkshire Bike and Board!) as there are very few hills of any sort and it gets us to the pool area with the greatest of ease...

September 1 - 5, 2021  Wednesday to Sunday
Sister Terri and husband Jim arrived from Tucson, AZ for a whirlwind visit. The RV in my driveway functioned as their home base which worked out beautifully - no Uber drivers needed to get them “home” safely at night. Friends and family came from all around - Rhode Island, Dalton, Westfield, Belchertown, Tyringham - to visit, share memories, and offer huge hugs. They have not been East for 4 years now and it was awesome to see them even though we snuck in a visit last winter when we traveled West. 
A picture is worth a thousand words so enjoy the view...

The Bickford girls!

Balderdash Winery, Richmond, MA

Highlawn Farm for ice cream… Gramma Dee’s treat. Zach asked her, “Gramma, did you know you were coming for ice cream?” She said, “Yes.” He said, “Did you know you were paying?” He cracks me up! 

Grandsons Jake and Zach


Awwww - it’s ok. 

Cold swim by my brave mermaids, Lily and Leanna…

Lily getting brave by sneaking outside

Leslie’s crew

Cindy gathered most of her gang on the final day before escorting T & J to the airport…

Farewell for now. We will see them on their turf in February and March! Can’t wait❣️


  1. How rich and full of life and love these days are for you! Enjoy!

  2. Love the pictures and updates. So much fun.

  3. You guys are all in sweaters! Give it a month, and we will be too. Your collection of friends and family keeps getting bigger. Loved all the photos. Be sure to take time out of your busy life to visit us. Kibbie and Phil

  4. How wonderful!!! Life is and has always been about people… your photos capture that perfectly…♥️
    Thank u so much for sharing! Hope we see you before your trip west…e


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...