Friday, November 26, 2021

Apricity West 2

November 19, 2021, Friday
Went to the Friday Fish Fry at the Elks again. We chose delicious shrimp - 6 coconut and 3 sautéed. Was surprised to notice ashtrays on the bar - yup smoking is allowed in most venues in Arizona! Ah, the Wild Wild West! 

November 20, 2021, Saturday
North Ranch Craft Fair is this morning and located on people’s property rather than together in the activity center. Ray and Peggy have a perfect corner lot with a circular driveway and they asked Tom Kern and Rich to join them for set up.

There is so much talent is this community: Peggy makes beautiful jewelry by polishing stones and wrapping them in wire; Ray carves and paints large birds with exquisite detail; Tom does amazing wood carving of boxes and spoons.  

It was a profitable day for all. 
November 21, 2021, Sunday
Gary and Kathy Hawley invited us over to hear him play on his Native American flutes.They just finished converting a wood workshop on their property into a lovely music room with piano, recorder piano, guitar and flutes. I wish I could share all of the stories about the songs, but I do know one. If a brave wanted to marry a maiden, he had to carve a flute out of a tree and create a song to play on it. If she wanted to marry him, she would accept, but if not, she would say she didn’t like the song. He could persist and try again if he wanted.

There were a couple of authentic Native American flutes and the others were Native American Style Flutes. 

The larger the flute, the deeper the voice. The sound is haunting played with or without background. Google Mary Youngblood and Carlos Nakai to hear them play - recommended by Gary.
November 23, 2021,Tuesday 
Today was the fist dreary, totally sunless day we have had here. It even rained a tiny little bit. I have really been struggling with allergies this week - sneezing from my toes numerous times, and of course, a running faucet from my nose. I swear I should buy shares in Kleenex! I have also wondered if that is the source of my problem! I switched from Zyrtec at night to Claritin and take Sudafed in the morning, with periodic shots of nasal decongestant (all generic), and a Netti Pot treatment. The only thing I haven’t tried yet is local honey which I will be buying on our next trip to town…  so frustrating and not fun for those around me either.
November 24, 2021,Wednesday
Happy Birthday to Kegan Colomb, Rich’s grandson in South Glens Falls, who turned 18 today. 
Really excited about publishing a website to share Rich’s work - It is my first attempt to build a website and I am seeking feedback (good, bad and constructive) about how to make it better. Check it out. 
November 25, 2021, Thursday HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
We spent the afternoon with John and Eileen, their son, Matthew, and his wife, Sue who happens to have grandparents in Hawley, MA who she visited as a youngster. I had never heard of it, but it is right next to Charlemont - where we just drove through last spring! Small world. John can’t believe that Matthew has retired early and Sue will follow suit in March! They drove 6 hours here from Torrance, CA for a week-long visit. 

The smoking of the turkey was a family affair, though John had done research ahead of time. 

It also helped that neighbors Steve and Rod came with a bounty of goodies - stuffing, gravy, asparagus wraps, 2 pies, and cooking tools. 

Steve went to culinary school and had unique variations on his dishes. Rod started out as a teacher and quickly decided he wanted more income, so he started as a graphic designer for Paramount and ended up running theme parks around the world. It happened to be their 8th legally official anniversary, but they have been together for 40 years!! 

Don and Robin, neighbors, had just returned from Vegas and came over for dessert.They brought a bottle of Rosie’s Irish Cream to try out - a strawberry aperitif which was quite delicious! 
November 26, 2021, Black Friday
There will be no shopping for us today, although the UPS truck showed up with a haul of goodies we had ordered - mostly need vs. want. One of those items is my new dance shoes for line dancing!


  1. Hi Monda and Rich! You are having great adventures. I love the flutes and the one story. Also, remember our night of line dancing in Sarasota? We had so much fun and I was already to take lessons at the clubhouse but the teacher hurt her back. Have fun and cant wait to hear about it.
    Well, winter has arrived and we have a few inches of the white stuff! It was a good day to decorate inside today. Your turkey looked so good and the trimmings also. How wonderful it is to meet so many people and making new friends along the way! Happy New Travels! Luv, Debbie

  2. Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

  3. Happy belated Thanksgiving! We celebrated on Saturday when Ted's daughter and her husband could be with us. Miss you! Deb


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...