Saturday, January 1, 2022

Apricity West 2

December 26, 2021, Sunday
It was great to get to church in person again, singing with the choir, and seeing the familiar faces again.
Got to see Dee and Tim’s new home - really cute and remodeled  - had a nice turkey dinner, too.
December 27, 2021, Monday
Among many other presents, the boys will be taking a Spring Break trip to Galveston - while we are there! Yay!

The girls also got many gifts to open AND will take a Spring Break trip to the Florida condo and Disney! 

I have cancelled in person visits with friends. It just seems too risky with everyone being with their people, who had been with their people, who had been with their people over Christmas. It just snowballs and there are new COVID cases every day in the area. 
December 28, 2021, Tuesday 
Cleaning and organizing Mom’s Lazy Susan. It was nice to have quality time with Mom (and Freddie).

Zach’s impromptu birthday dinner at Gramma Dee’s - 10 years old!

December 29, 2021, Wednesday
Woke up to light fluffy snow - it really looks pretty and is rather warm today. 

Did a zoom call with Terry Green and caught up on each others’ lives. 
December 30, 2021, Thursday
Had a nice walk with Kathy DiMario today. It felt safe since she gets COVID tested every Wednesday for her job and we were outside.
December 31, 2021, Friday
Up at 3am to get to the airport for 6:30am flight, arriving in Phoenix at 12:15pm. Can’t believe how many people take animals on the plane with them!
I have been terrified of this trip due to the media reports about cancelled flights, weather, Covid, et al. But, it was a very pleasant (though long) trip with civil masked people, on time arrivals and departures, good weather, etc. There was only one mortifying incident when we changed planes in Chicago. I did the usual bathroom run while there. The line at the Women’s Restroom snaked out to the concourse but moved rather quickly. Then I washed my hands and walked past the line and went several gates to get in my boarding line. After a while, I felt a tap on my shoulder and thought someone wanted to check my boarding number, but the woman says, “You’ve been to the bathroom, right?” I said, “Yes” and thought - oh no, toilet paper on my shoe? That’s pretty common and easy enough to rectify! She continued, “You have white seat liner paper hanging out of your pants at your waist.” My eyes bulged as I looked at her and immediately reached back to tuck it into my pants! I thanked her sincerely and she said, “Only a woman would have the guts to tell you.” I agreed, but thought about the 8 women in the bathroom line who watched me wash my hands with my back to them. Not one of them said a word!! Maybe they weren’t all watching me, but I can’t believe at least one of them noticed it…
Can’t wait to see Rich! Missed him soooo much… Pretty sure he missed me too. He gave me my Christmas present today and it is the real deal - Luna, with a built in tuner and electric, too. I bought a cheapie from Amazon to see if  I would like it and stick it out. I do and did!

The inlay is gorgeous…

and he just had to get me a purple case to top it off!

It was great to see the family, but it took a toll on my joints. Since I stopped seeing people and only saw one basketball game - all others were cancelled. Glad I got my hugs in when I first arrived after my test. 
We went to the Elks and had their steak and shrimp New Year’s Eve special - can’t believe I didn’t take a picture but the steak was so big, we had to take half of it home. They had 214 reservations!
January 1, 2022, Saturday
It is warmer in Lee (46) than it is here in Congress (41). Ha! We had black skies at sunset with wind and rain all night long. The sun is out now, but still windy and chilly. But NO SNOW!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a chance to get back home to see everyone. We had a very guiet Christmas as the plan was Togo to St Louis for Elaina's third birthday Jan 1. Got half way there Melinda calls and tells us she and hubby just tested positive. That was a close call! We mailed the b/day gifts.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...