Thursday, March 24, 2022

Apricity West 2

March 18, 2022, Friday
Running out of time to complete our mission - 20 Breweries in Tucson! So today we hit 4 bringing us to 17. We are counting Tap Houses in this tally:
Crooked Tooth

Tap & Bottle

Bawker Cider House - Jim decided to find a cider house since I don’t like beer. Couldn’t believe it when I saw Mango Foxtrot on the board - I really liked it when at Borderlands. Though they make their own cider at Bawker, they also collaborate with other breweries. We learned the difference between brewing beer (grains, hops, water) vs. cider (fruit, yeast, juice).

Colorful restrooms

A lesson in cider making

Dillinger Brewery 

March 19, 2022, Saturday
Horseback riding for Jim and Rich today. Terri and I had good intentions of exploring the grounds, but ended up sitting on a sun drenched bench chatting...

Not this one 

The boys had a great ride (walk) and then dismounted with ease and grace - Ha! Rubbery legs and sore butts. One of the hands told us that they have "168 horses - 120 lbs. of hay on the intake, 130 lbs. of shoveling on the output. If only they could do that with nickels!"

On to an early lunch at El Charro East at the foothills of the Catalinas. 

Followed by drinks at the beautiful Arizona Inn established in 1930 for the rich and famous to enjoy.

We settled in and watched the 2010 version of True Grit which was awesome. Our bellies were so full that we did not have dinner.
March 20, 2022, Sunday
Had a relaxing day at Terri and Jim’s - doing art, playing ukuleles, and eating our corned beef boiled dinner, at last...
March 21, 2022, Monday
Just a chill day today - more art, crocheting, practicing instruments. 
March 22, 2022, Tuesday  
Back to Harbottles today and this time I tried a Hallgregor Longpants, a Raspberry/Basil Sour - light, slightly sweet. We learned a lot about our fellow customers today. Mike in his late 60’s is retired, but at one time had an army of workers who developed and installed tile structures on bridges, in wine cellars, etc. They traveled around the country and world doing commission work for the likes of Gene Hackman. He is doing smaller jobs now, creating in his workshop and installing on site. The owner of Harbottles, another Mike, creates all of his labels, logos and advertising. He told us about his favorite Mexican restaurant which is in the general area, Mi Nidito. Go early. The outside of the building doesn’t look like much. Hmmm...
March 23, 2022, Wednesday

We arrived at 11:30 to a full parking lot. One person pulled out which allowed us to park within reason. As we entered the door, there was already a waiting line and we were told it would be 40 minutes! Well, that made it all the more intriguing. So we ordered Margaritas from the check-in person - no room for a bar. I mentioned to a woman in line, Michelle, how amazed I was that so many people ate lunch as early as this. She went on to tell me that her parents met here, were married here, and were meeting them here today. As always people talk about where they are from and she was from S. Portland, Maine on Little Sebago Lake! Her parents winter in Phoenix so she and her husband were here visiting after their road trip to the Yellowstone, Bryce Canyon, and Grand Canyon. Wow! The Bickford camp, built by my great-grandfather, Arthur Hawkes, is on Panther Pond which runs into Sebago Lake. When her parents arrived, he wanted to know what lake we were on - Panther Pond. As a boy, he was a boy scout and knew every inch of Panther Pond from boating and fishing. I told him that Grandpa took us out fishing for bass and bullhead when we were kids - and that he drew around the fish on newspaper before he cleaned it to show the size. These cutouts hung on our wall for many years and I think there is but one left hanging. 

There are four children in their family, one boy and three girls; two live nearby and two across the country. The parents are putting it in a Trust to protect it after they are gone, just as our Dad did. 

We only waited about 25 minutes, and our delicious food was served within 15 minutes. There are 14 people toiling in the kitchen which must be very small. There are about 6 Mexican restaurants within a few blocks, but this one is booming. Some of the murals around were done by Mike (from Harbottles). It’s a great feeling to have your doors open at 11am and have a waiting line at 11:30... 
March 24, 2022,  Thursday
Found out that the heater in the pool is working, so went for a long walk/swim this morning. 24 laps walking across 4’ width, 12 laps of swimming the length, 12 laps walking across the width again. Ah, it felt soooo good to move!

Harbottles again for pizza and a sour for me. They are getting very busy with the offering of food…


  1. Happy birthday Mom!! Melissa

  2. My mind would be spinning trying all those beers. I'm only good for two. I'm a scotch and soda winter drinker and a gin and tonic summer drinker.

  3. I can’t get over that bathtub/couch. I really like it. I don’t think I would like in my house but it’s a very clever idea.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...