Thursday, April 14, 2022

Apricity West 2

April 8, 2022, Friday
The Eye Clinic called to tell me that the delivery they had planned for my glasses didn’t work out, but a woman customer who was in the clinic lived in Deming and was willing to meet me to deliver them. She (Olivia) called my cell and told me where we could meet. When we got there, I thanked her profusely for doing this. She said that she goes into Palomas every day for her magnets so it was no bother. Magnets? She explained that she and her husband are 84 years old and he fell and broke his hip so had surgery. She also had issues with her shoulder as she had worked as a cashier for many decades in Safeway and other markets. She couldn’t raise her arm or put it behind her. Since he was healing, she needed another option from surgery. So she is having magnets put on various parts of her body by using her clothing and ace bandages. She proclaimed that she didn't feel anything. The only thing she felt was relief of pain. She lifted her arm above her head and even reached behind her back. I Googled it and it is a thing…

From there we went to visit Rich and Fran Tilgner at their apartment. They are so much fun to visit with as they have many stories to tell about the dude ranch in Colorado where they lived year round for 5 years with NO prior experience. And the medical issues are told in a way that makes you laugh out loud. Fran is still creating her crocheted critters for charities and the sheer fun of it.

April 9, 2022, Saturday
Went to the park for the town yard sale to support Dennis and he offered to share his table with us for Rich’s cards. It turns out that this was strictly yard stuff - no crafts so we "people watched" for a few hours - there sure were some interesting people to see. Later in the day Dennis invited us over to his place in the lots in the back of the park for a cocktail. It was so windy that we sat on the east side of his 5th wheel looking out into the desert. A black tailed jackrabbit (aka, American desert hare) hopped by on a mission. These speedy animals are capable of reaching 40 miles per hour. They are not actually jackrabbits, but are hares, born with fur and larger than rabbits. They usually have taller legs and longer ears than rabbits. 

Feeling sore all over today, probably because I haven’t walked since Thursday! Back on track tomorrow. 
April 10, 2022, Sunday 
Walked today in spite of the strong winds - I had to take my jacket off because it is still hot. Listened to the Lee UCC Palm Sunday Service while walking. Dennis came over for cocktail hour and I played him a special tune, “My Heart Will Go On” from the movie, Titanic.
April 11, 2022, Monday
Walk, walk, walk. Marilyn arrived in Deming today - staying at Rockhound State Park. We met for lunch and then she came to our place for a visit. 
April 12, 2022, Tuesday
Winds howled and bounced us around all night long - 25-35 mph!

Dennis came over for cocktail hour and had some great cowboy stories about his life on the Rocking K Keller Ranch where these two wheels survived over 100 years. He recalls that in 3rd grade they got electricity, and 5th grade they had indoor plumbing.

Four or five neighboring families each had 400-500 head of mother cows of Angus beef - they would drive 2,000 up the mountain; at age 13 - 15, he used 3 - 4 horses a day riding drag on the drive. His family’s ranch was 1,200 acres and he and his cousin would make 4 -5 salt drops of  two 50 lb. blocks in 3 to 4 days. They made temporary fences (drift fence) to keep cows in certain sections, then move them as needed. They might lose 2 first year heifers a year to bears. Cousins spent time on the mountain keeping an eye on things - parents would bring a few groceries for them on Wednesdays, but they would catch young ducks (the size of Cornish game hens) in the high mountain cricks which were delicious. Or catch 10-12 fish and cook them in a hot grease cast iron pan without gutting them (but without heads) - just like sardines. The parents included a case of 22 shells for each of them. His girlfriend (soon to be wife) Brenda was a skilled rider. When they got married his Dad said, “I can’t hire a man or two to take your place. I will build you a house if you stay." Dennis said, "Dad, it’s all I’ve known and I would like to try something different.” His Dad said, “There are things that I want to try, too.” So he put it up for sale and it was gone. He went to electrician school and became a master. 
One winter storm was vicious with snow up to the belly of the horses. They had a team of four workhorses pulling a wagon (with the wheels pictured above) which turned into a sled with runners in the snow. They harnessed the team to break snow to make a path for the cows to come in and eat. Hay was loose - had to pitchfork it on and off. They had 200 acres of corn for feed - ensilage. One of their Rhode Island Red roosters would get into the ensilage and he would be trying to crow - but was so drunk from the fermented juice that he squawked instead.  
In early spring, mid-January, they were calving 24 hours a day - creating a holding pen for 1st year heifers on the side. They would coax all of the pregnant cows along. Dad was a stickler for caring for the moms. Calves left behind were put on the the front of the saddle of the horse to get them home. At the homestead there was a mudroom to take off clothes with blood and mud all over them. And this was all done before school!
Colorado oak brush required ducking under branches while sitting on a horse. His cousin was on a big old bay horse with full chaps and branches overhead when he came to an abrupt halt. Dennis was on his mare called Beauty.  He gave her a spur to move, then looked between her ears to see a mama bear and 2 cubs. He was grabbing for mane as she reared straight up and turned 180 degrees and sped back where they came from. After that they stayed out in the forest for “cow camp,”  made makeshift corral for the 2 horses, and built a big fire. At midnight they heard the most ungodly screeching rattling noise. The horses broke out of the corral, so they built the fire back up and waited for morning. They went to fetch the horses in their cowboy boots, taking bridles, then went back up to get saddles and gear. They assumed that it was wild turkeys that caused the raucous. 
Rich had a quarter horse and his sister had one too. He had to shovel, water and feed the horses. He and Tres would go down and ride them. One of them stepped in a gopher hole while Tres was riding and she went over his head - scary but all were OK. 
April 13, 2022, Wednesday
The wind finally calmed down for a spell so we went out to visit Marilyn in Rockhound State Park. It is a lovely setting there and she is happy as a clam - nice covered picnic area for each site and clean bathrooms. She has hit the lower 48 states so has to get to Alaska in 2023. We were concerned about her making the trip alone, but she assured us that she checks in with her brother regularly when she is on the road which put our minds to rest. We may see her out East in 2024. 

April 14, 2022, Thursday 
We began the process of packing everything up (outside rug, table, grill, fire pit, covering bikes, etc.) and even hooked the car up today. We take off for Fort Stockton, TX in the morning, making our way to Galveston to meet up with my daughter and grandsons❤️ Can’t wait…
Dennis came for supper tonight - pork chops, barge kraut, apple saucey stuff I make, and bourbon bacon salad. It was a tearful goodbye 😢

1 comment:

Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...