Thursday, February 9, 2023

Apricity West 3

February 3, 2023 - Friday 
Today was a very long disappointing day! Starting with... up and out the door at 7am to get to Tucson Orthopedic Institute for a shot in my hip. We even missed the FREE donuts here at the park. Dr. Peterson was my doctor and he showed me my x-rays and said, “This is pretty awful. It appears that your ball socket collapsed. Looks like mush.” So he cannot give me a shot, but he could set me up with a doctor who would give the shot using x-ray or ultrasound to guide them. “How effective has that been for other patients?” He answers, “It’s a flip of a coin. Can’t guarantee. Another option is to take Tramadol for the pain and use a cane or walking stick.” I decided reluctantly to try the drug to see if it helps. 
Stopped in Prep and Pastry for breakfast. 

Then a pedicure nearby trying to kill time until my 3pm haircut.
By now, the prescription at Target/CVS must be ready so I hobbled through the entire length of Target to reach CVS in the corner because I had to show ID. Paid 16 cents for 28 pills = 1 week of doses. There are no refills on this script, so every week I have to call the pharmacy to renew it with my doctor. 
Now for making calls regarding billing since I didn’t get shots which were included on my estimate. Then authorizing them to send my CD of X-rays to my surgeon, Dr. DeFalice, back in Massachusetts. Hopefully, it will expedite getting surgery for hip replacement when I return. The decision has been made to get home one month earlier than planned (no Gulf Shores or Florida)  to take care of this, while still avoiding any winter weather worries while driving the motorhome, hauling Gracie. 
On to the Firetruck Brewery where they carry ciders as well as beer. The Chile/Guava Cider was delightful for me paired with garlic Parmesan wings. 
Finally, it is 3pm and I get my haircut by Aysha (my sister’s hairdresser) - it was the highlight of my day.

February 4, 2023 - Saturday
Terri and Jim picked us up for a day trip to Patagonia, a small eclectic town with a very cool restaurant called Velvet Elvis…

Welcome to Velvet Elvis at La Misión located in the heart of Patagonia, 18 miles north of the US/Mexican border. We began our operations on December 12, 1998, at our original location on Naugle Avenue. For decades, our commitment has been to excellence, providing patrons consistently quality, delicious and healthy dining alternatives with an international flare.

The proximity to the border allows for the natural confluence of these distinct cultures, which, as the current of two rivers, flows into each other, creating a fusion of rich traditions expressed in language, art, music, and the exotic flavors of its food.

The restaurant's presence in La Misión was conceived as the canvas onto which we express our recognition and appreciation for the enormous contribution of the Mexican culture, and the richness and pioneering spirit of the US vast cultural diversity.

Elvis meets Frida! The painting of the iconic Elvis Presley, representing the North, and the painting of the iconic Frida Kahlo, representing the South, portrays the mutual embrace of the two cultures, whereby all barriers are abolished. We trust that dignity and sincere appreciation will flourish in celebration and inspiration in every heart.

We invite you to feast your senses and enjoy this magical space filled with original art and color. And to nourish your body and soul with an exceptional experience.

Cheers and Salud!
With sincere appreciation for your support,
-Cecilia San Miguel

Stopped at a family owned (Wally and Marion Paton) hummingbird viewing at Sonoita Creek where feeders hang from trees attracting many kinds of birds, hummingbirds in particular.

Long before Facebook, Wally and Marion Paton created a universal following in their Patagonia backyard based upon a shade canopy, a few chairs, and some amazing hummingbirds. People came from all comers to enjoy the beautiful birds frequenting their feeders. Over time, Wally and Marion added a chalkboard to track daily sightings, a guest book for visitors, and a tin can called the "sugar fund" for donations. Although they never realized just how famous their backyard had become, the Patons' homespun hospitality drew thousands of birders annually.

We were lucky enough to spot the Violet-crowned hummingbird.

Then to Flying Leap winery in Elgin, AZ for a pleasant outdoor glass of wine with a lovely view. 

Back to our camper to sit out in the warm weather and have snacks. Rich presented T&J with a birdhouse for them to enjoy. We appreciate all that they do with and for us while we are in Tucson. 

February 5, 2023 - Sunday
Brunch at Hacienda Del Sol in the foothills of Tucson was amazing. The variety of food choices combined with the view made it very special.

A ranch-school for girls, from 5th Grade. Preparation for eastern schools and colleges. Outdoor life of sports, camping, riding in warm, dry, invigorating climate. Doris V. Oesting, Headmistress. Vogue Magazine, classified ads - 1930's

February 6, 2023 - Monday
Went to Hobby Lobby to pick up more supplies for birdhouses. Sat in the sun behind door to block the chilly wind. 
February 7, 2023 - Tuesday
Today we worked on art stuff - Rich started another bird house and I made a Mandela card for Leanna’s upcoming 14th birthday...

February 8, 2023 - Wednesday
Back to Hobby Lobby for some supplies. Sat in the warmth of the afternoon sun.
February 9, 2023 - Thursday
Visited Murphy’s Pub for the first time this year - Guinness for him and pear cider for me. Taylor was our bartender - she has 4 kiddos (1 hers and 3 stepchildren) ages 13, 7, 5, and 2. She also has a bald python snake - so Rich brought up the pictures of Perry’s snakes to compare and gave her his website for selling them. 

That’s all for now. Love your comments - sign your name so I know who you are…


  1. You guys are so impressively creative! Hang in there with the hip, I am confident that relief will come in some form. Melissa

  2. Sounds like a fabulous time from pedicure to dining! Where’s that cane?

  3. Keep on , keep it on!! That hip has many more miles to go! miss you💜Dee

  4. You can go into Mexico where you can buy Tramadol over the counter for $20 bottle of (I think) 50? Not as cheap as having to jump through hoops with the and pharmacy . Hope your hip holds out till you get back home. If you want to stay with us on your return trip, you can have the main floor bedroom

  5. Great pictures of you and Rich! Also, love the scenery pictures. Sorry about your hip.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...