Friday, December 1, 2023

Apricity West 4

November 25, 2023 - Saturday
Walked 2 miles with Lu in the cool, but calm, sunny weather. It was in the 40’s when we walked and rose to the 70’s midday.
Rich had expressed interest in buying some of Charles’ harmonicas. He is an excellent harmonica player and neighbor of Dot’s - he had let her know he wanted to give them to her, because he hoped someone would play them. Dot is not playing much anymore, so told Rich about them. He let Charles know of his interest, and invited him to stop by sometime. Today was the day. Charles was 8 years old when his father gave him his first harmonica. He sat down on the couch and started playing Oh Suzanna! His father said he didn’t know he already knew how to play, and Charles said, “Neither did I!” He plays by ear and now gets winded if he plays. 

I didn’t know anything at all about this instrument, but now know that there is a different one for each key and they do not play sharps or flats. Some of them have a button on the side which does allow sharps and flats - Chromatix. 

It meant a lot to Rich to have something of Charles’ as he (and GraceAnn) go back many years. So he bought this set which is good for a beginner. Oh course, he ordered his own case to store them.

November 26, 2023 - Sunday
My sister, Terri, just retired so has done a deep dive into Medicare to figure out the ins and outs. I have been on it for ten years now, but it is time to change things up. I learned a whole bunch of things from her and will investigate further since the open enrollment closes on Dec. 7th.
We have had a clear view of the park activity with no one in the site between us and the road. Tonight a Casita pulled in and we believe she is here for 2 months - meet Heather. She decided to retire early from driving big rigs and city buses (in Vail), and get on the road. She will be driving tour buses at the Grand Canyon beginning in February. She reminds me of Rich’s daughter in that she is in her fifties and traveling alone. It will be interesting to learn more about her. 

November 27, 2023 - Monday 
Back in the saddle today! Counting calories and weighing in on Thursdays now. It felt good to get back into a routine after 4 days off from dancing and yoga. There was a full class (20ish) for dancing and we are all improving every time. They have started a Sunday afternoon class for beginners to learn the basic steps (grapevine, weave, jazz box, toe struts, K step, twinkle, etc.) to the music. It has helped a great deal.
Joanne and Kay started up the cardio drumming class again, but I haven’t been able to attend yet. Working on it. 
Today I spent at least 2 hours on the phone finalizing my insurance plan decision. I talked to eHealth and the young man that worked with me was very patient, understanding and understandable. 
Charles stopped again to give Rich a set of DVD lessons and a spare set of plates. I don’t know what they are for😳
November 28, 2023 - Tuesday
A short walk with Lu before yoga gets us warmed up. This class was full - they offer 2 sessions (8:30 and 10) on Tuesday and Wednesday and one advanced on Saturday. We have not done that class yet. 
Went to Dot and Harvey’s today with Rich’s C harmonica in his pocket. We had a good session learning new tunes and a little harmonica accompaniment. Always fun!
November 29, 2023 - Wednesday
Another full dance class and we are still improving. It really feels good to see the whole class move in sync. Cindy is doing a great job with beginners and Chris with the intermediate level. 
Rich is on Lesson 4 and it is interesting to watch how to do “tahs" and “kahs" for the draw (inhale) and “toos" and “koos" for the blow (exhale). 
I ordered a Bedazzler Kit to bling up my denim vest and it arrived today. Can’t wait to get started - Rich will draw a design on it and I will attach rhinestones. 

November 30, 2023 - Thursday
We weighed in and both did very well considering all of the consumption that went on this last week. The scale tipped in the right direction! Dance teacher, Cindy, joined us for our pre-yoga walk today. 
Had a nice jam session with a few new spectators today. Our new neighbor Heather was one of them and speaking with her afterward, it turns out she plays guitar and sings. I knew there was more to learn about her. She plans to come next week to give it a shot, although she doesn’t think she can keep up. Gary spoke up and said that he only knew one song when he joined the jam 11 years ago. We are lucky to have a welcoming, non-judgmental, sharing group of musicians. Julie shared that she has only been coming for 3 weeks and even picked up an old amp and mic from one of the players.  

Dee stopped by on one of her rounds. One of her duties is to charge up her vehicles - Buick, truck, golf cart, and 2 motorbikes - by riding them around the park. She has a lot of decisions to make and it helps to talk to someone. Always good to see her. 
Footnote: I’m afraid to say it out loud, but the local honey has finally kicked in after a month - exactly what Cindy from Florida told me. It is so good not to have a faucet nose, while doing yoga especially. You are supposed to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth which I could never do right or the dreaded nose tickle would take over. Then sneezing, then dripping, then blowing…

Another beautiful Arizona sunset from Tuesday night.


  1. Aren’t we turning into our grandparents with the dreaded runny nose!! I think it’s the dust and furnace in our house 🙀💜dshep

  2. I didn't realize they still sold those bedazzler kits! Reminds me of my sequin containers back in the day. Can't wait to see your blinged out vest, might have to get one of those for the girls. Melissa


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...