Thursday, February 29, 2024

Apricity West 4

February 23, 2024 - Friday
Went over to T&J’s to kickoff the weekend relaxing with cocktails and conversation in their backyard oasis. 
February 24, 2024 - Saturday
Went to Frida’s Cafe for brunch. The owner is a big fan of Frida Kahlo, famous for her uncompromising and brilliantly colored self-portraits. After a tragic bus accident when she was 18, she had 32 operations, had to wear a corset every day, and had her leg amputated due to gangrene. She was in an open marriage twice (divorced and remarried in the same year) to Diego Rivera (20 years her senior and international muralist), the second time with the mutual understanding that “while neither of them were likely to reform, they could not be apart.” They lived as neighbors. What drove them apart was his affair with her sister.

I listened to a terrific book here last year, These is My Words by Nancy E. Turner, which is about a family's trek out west by covered wagon. After many trials and tribulations, they ended up building a ranch just outside of Tucson and the 2nd husband was an officer serving at Fort Lowell in the late 1880s. So we went to Fort Lowell Park for their annual event to replicate its history. The fort was built by the Army in 1879 to protect the city of Tucson from the Apaches, yet no battles occurred at the fort. Instead, troops went out scouting for Indians. In 1891 to was decommissioned and reverted back to Public Domain on July 5, 1894. Homesteaders then took over. The former commanding officer’s quarters is now the museum displaying artifacts and rooms set up in period decor. 

Gun Smoke and Captain…

Gaming back in the day…

Buffalo Soldiers
Over 180,000 Black Americans served in the Union Army and Navy during the Civil War. More than 33,000 died. In1866, Congress authorized for the first time, Black Americans to serve in the peace time Army of the United States…

Like other women in Arizona, officers' wives had to put up with long, hot summers without the benefits of air conditioning. In addition, leaky roofs and packed dirt floors created housekeeping problems until redwood flooring was installed in the 1880's. All things considered, Fort Lowell was one of the better posts for women during the Indian Wars.


Original buildings under protection…

Sistas amidst the ruins…

Period attire…

Housing of the day…

When we got back to the house, Terri and I did some jamming with the piano and ukulele. Then we had a feast of shrimp and raw veggies while enjoying the gorgeous weather - 80’s with clouds to keep it cool. 

February 25, 2024 - Sunday
Finished reading my book, Shutter by Ramona Emerson, about a Native American forensic photographer. I haven’t read a book in years, just audio books. It was a nice change to hold a book in my hands to read. 

Late afternoon get together today - Rich cooked steaks, Terri roasted cauliflower, Jim tended bar, and I set the table. Trying to find my niche! Too many cooks spoils the stew…I think Gramma said that.🤔
February 26. 2024 - Monday
Rainy morning, so Rich worked on his art and I did my daily puzzles, chair yoga, crocheting, and playing ukulele. Went out for a walk mid-afternoon. 
February 27, 2024 - Tuesday
Cloudy most of the day, but took a walk, did chair yoga, played ukulele and crocheted. Rich is pumping out pen and ink drawings to add to his cards for the Farmers’ Markets. 
February 28, 2024 - Wednesday
Got my walk in and did the usual - yoga and ukulele. Rain this afternoon, so pulled out my paints and started working on sister Terri’s birthday card. 

February 29, 2024 - Thursday
We had our own private air show throughout the day! Remember I said that we are right near Davis-Monthan AFB - 4.5 miles by car; 2 miles as the jet flies. Well, I got a blast on my phone saying that if it was excessively loud around the AFB, it's because they are training. So I Googled it and discovered that there are 12 Ukrainian pilots being trained in the US in 2024 and this is where they are training. Denmark is leading the training efforts in Europe. Typically, the course takes around six months, but with the urgency for Ukraine to protect its skies, they are unlikely to follow the standard model. The average annual salary for F-16 pilots is $130,916. God bless them for having the guts to do this! The thrill of watching/hearing them is indescribable! As many as 60 F-16s will be received by Ukraine from seven countries in Europe, plus the US.

It turns out that this was also practicing for this weekend’s Air Show! We had a sneak preview! 
Please watch the 8 second video clip I took in the body of this email. 

Terri came over for a walk to the General Dollar store down the street and great conversation. Big plans for the weekend to celebrate her birthday. Stay tuned…

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Apricity West 4

February 16, 2024 - Friday
Had another piano/ukulele jam with Terri. We are definitely making progress and having fun. When Jim got out of work, we went to Transplant, a Craft beer and pizza joint. They have delicious deep dish Detroit-style square or thin crust round pizza. Yum!
February 17, 2024 - Saturday
On this gorgeous 71-degree day, we picked up sandwiches from Beyond Bread to have a desert picnic at Agua Caliente (hot water) Park. In the 1870’s it was unique in terms of the perennial hot springs… A little history:
1850-1870 it was a periodic Army troop encampment.
1873 - Peter Bain homesteaded 160 acres around the springs.
1875 - James Fuller bought it and built a one room adobe house. He also planted orchards of citrus, figs, apricots, dates, and quince. 
1885 - 1951 various owners used the property as a horse ranch, cattle ranch, and hay farm.
1951 - 1959 Art Filiatrault bought it and expanded the acreage to 1200 acres with 7 ponds. 
1959 - 1984 the property fell into a state of disrepair, neglected by a series of off-site owners.
1984 - Pima County Parks and Recreation acquired 101 acres for a little less than $1.5 million.
2022 - lightening struck causing a wind fueled fire which damaged over 75 palm trees.

There is a 200-year-old velvet mesquite tree that they care for and take extensive means to support the heavy branches with stacks of mortared bricks. The pods are versatile for people as they can be milled and used as flour, or made into syrup. 

Mesquite bark is used to make baskets, fabrics and medicine. 

February 18, 2024 - Sunday
Another perfect weather day, so Terri and Jim took us to the top of the Graduate Hotel on the University of Arizona campus. The 14th floor has an outdoor lounge area, a pool for guests only, a bar, and a splendid view of the city. Pictures cannot do this view justice. We had ourselves a cocktail while enjoying it. 
Dream Catchers dangling above the bar…

Then we went to Barrio Brewery for appetizers (and beer). I had a delicious pineapple cider since I don’t like beer. It came in a brown beer bottle like beer. Rich bought a hoodie and Jim picked out a couple of glasses and gave Rich one. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent on the “thrones" in their backyard oasis. At the end of the day (5pm) they served up burgers, broccoli and roasted sweet potato cubes on the patio. Of course, it was delicious.
February 19, 2024 - Monday
The ONLY thing I did today was a short walk around the park and reading a paperback book that Terri just finished. I am an audiobook kind of girl (now finished with Empty Mansions by Bill Dedman and Paul Clark Newell), but decided to change it up for this book. 
February 20, 2024 - Tuesday
Rich and I ran our errands - mailed my taxes, took Shadow through the carwash, shopped at Safeway. I went for a walk around the park and came back to a salad for lunch. We are trying to eat VERY LITTLE during the week, so we can play hard on the weekends!
February 21, 2024 - Wednesday
Made our first trip to Murphy’s Irish Pub this year so Rich could get a Guinness. I had an apple cider that was very good. All of our favorite bartenders from last year have moved on to other things, but Adam the owner is in good spirits and has opened a coffee shop, Brew Station Coffee Company, next door to the pub. 
We stopped at Fry’s Grocery store to compare to Safeway. I think we will be going there more often now - I like their merchandizing, signing and sales.
Amy, from the RV office, pulled up in her golf cart asking if we knew a Marilyn who was asking for us. Well sure we do - we met up with her near Quartzsite for breakfast a couple of months ago. She made plans to come here at Crazy Horse for a month, but not until March 1st. So we walked over to invite her over to our place to catch up. She was on a mission - finding the best route to Rice, TX to get a new air conditioner for her casita. She has an appointment on 2/26 so she and Rich sat with her tattered and torn road atlas to set an itinerary of RV parks to stop at after 3-5 hours driving a day. She will then reverse the trip to come back here for a month. 

We invited her for dinner and the conversation continued. If you remember, she knows Be and Anela from their stay in the same park she was in. All good people.
February 22,  2024 - Thursday
Happy National Margarita Day!
Took a short walk around the park in the morning. Marilyn had already pulled out, but texted us later in the day when she arrived at her first stop - Deming.
Sat out all afternoon - reading, crocheting and listening/viewing the LOUD F-16 fighter jets that seem very active lately. It gives me goosebumps!

(Picture from The Rand Blog)

In nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, there are 2600 acres of boneyard where they store fighter jets, consisting of F-15s, F-16s, UH60 Blackhawks, A-10s, Warthogs, B-1 Bombers and C-130s. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Apricity West 4

February 9, 2024 - Friday 
The weather was good to us today for our trip to Tubac for the 65th Art Festival. We went 2 years ago, and decided it was time to go again. Lunch with a view at the golf course where Tin Cup was filmed.

There are hundreds of artisans there selling their wares. I bought another pair of earrings from the same person I bought from last time. 

Jim found a roadrunner to his liking for their yard, but for now it is on the table since it isn’t quite  "sitting out” weather now. 

February 10, 2024 - Saturday
Rainy day so a good jam inside our tiny home day. Be and Anela came over and we picked up where we left off last time, with added attractions - orchestra bowls! There are 7 in total and they are used for healing. 

Be played two flutes - a small pocket flute in the key of E and a larger one, but very lightweight, with turquoise inlays. Anela played the drum made of elk skin. It is so interesting and such beautiful music. 

Short video clips of their music are in the body of this email for your listening pleasure.
February 11, 2024 - Sunday
Superbowl Sunday at Terri and Jim’s, with Mexican food throughout the afternoon. Terri made a yummy guacamole with chips for starters and then we had her chicken enchiladas with beans just before the game. It was a roller coaster ride throughout the game; Jim has been a die-hard 49ers fan since 1970. We left at half time, but I watched the 2nd half back home on my phone (no internet) and really thought they would win, but… you probably know the outcome. 
February 12, 2024 - Monday
Our neighbors headed out for South Dakota, taking their time to stay in BLM land along the way. We advised them to slow it down so that they don’t get to SD until late March when the weather hopefully warms up there. They came over to say goodbye and gave us several gifts. The handmade card was so sweet with Hawaiian words of affection. 💕

Love this sticker is on the side of their Class C.

February 13, 2024 - Tuesday
Terri came over for lunch followed by a short walk. We went to a small but delicious Thai restaurant nearby, Sa-Ing. Then sat around back at the park in the shade/sun chatting.  
February 14, 2024 - Wednesday   Happy Valentine’s Day
Another beautiful day with sunshine galore. Time to get back into some sort of pattern for moving this body. 
We went to the FREE Valentine’s spaghetti and meatball dinner at the Rec Center put on by the park. The room was decorated with dangling hearts and red table linens. Our friend, Lorenzo, was the DJ for the event. Salads, dressings, spaghetti, meatballs and rolls were prepared for one hundred people which was a lot of work.
The gang back at North Ranch had a dessert pot luck / sock hop party and sent pictures. 

Cindy …


February 15, 2024 - Thursday
Happy 15th birthday to my oldest grandchild, Leanna Robin Driscoll! Picture taken back in Sept…

Another gorgeous day so I went for a walk around the park in the morning. We made our first brewery trip today to the Coppermine. Rich was disappointed in the beers they offered, but I enjoyed a raspberry seltzer. They had new growlers on display today for $60.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Apricity West 4

February 2, 2024 - Friday
One of the perks here at Crazy Horse in Tuscon is free donuts on Monday and Friday. Woke up to pretty heavy rain, so didn’t venture out to the clubhouse (100 yards away) for the  free apple fritters! I'm sure we will get them on Monday...
Drove over to Terri and Jim’s (15 minutes) - great to see them again. Terri requested that we bring our instruments and since we don’t get many requests, we obliged. She has been diligently practicing her piano chords and a few of the songs I sent her, so we muddled through for our first attempt. I am certain we will improve over time. 
It was a perfect day for soup, and she makes a delicious Southwest Chop Chop Chowder… with artisan bread to dip in olive oil. Our appetites were sated and we headed home. 

February 3, 2024 - Saturday
Today was a pretty day though sweater weather. Went over to T&J’s to load into their Hybrid Kia Sportage, Pearl, for a tour of gorgeous new murals since our last trip. 

Lunch at Corbetts, a new restaurant/pickleball humongous building. Hard to choose from the menu with so many interesting choices. Our starter was a Queso (melted cheese dip) with tortilla chips.

Rich and I couldn’t finish our grilled breakfast burrito stuffed with chorizo sausage, cheese, eggs, and potatoes. That’s why there are takeout boxes.
A tour of Corbetts...

Mural on metal

Wall art with self-portrait of artist and his girlfriend. Love the woodgrains in the table tops, too.

Love this Potty sign 

Linda Ronstadt decades ago

Outdoor seating with propane heaters on wheels for days like today. An outdoor bar and a guitar player/singer to entertain. Outdoor Pickleball courts (4) with Gronk wall art

Indoor Pickleball courts (2)

Then a ride up A Mountain (with huge white letter A) which can be seen from anywhere in the valley. This is resting spot for those who make the climb. 

Stopped at Borderlands Brewery for an afternoon drink. 

February 4, 2024 - Sunday
Went to T&J’s to eat, drink, make music, do laundry, and visit. Jim loves to exercise his mixology skills on us as willing recipients. Both of them are excellent cooks as well. 
February 5, 2024 - Monday
We had a lazy morning along with our free apple fritter. 

Rich decided to start drawing again which he hasn’t done since October… I picked up my crochet project too. We spent more time looking for missing items (his pencil sharpener and my instruction booklet) than we did crafting. 
Our neighbor pulled out this morning, which left us wide open on both sides. A few hours later, a Class C pulled in to our disappointment - UNTIL we met the occupants! They are native Hawaiian, retired Army, who have been full-timing for almost 2 years. Their first visit to another country was being deployed  to Iraq. Once retired, they had a specific time allotted to transport their car and belongings to the mainland. They shipped their car over and bought a Class C in Oregon. It is the happiest they have been in their lives, even after parting with most of their material objects back on Oahu. Anela (short for Anelamaluloni - angel under heaven’s protection) is from Makaha where Rich’s boss lived when he was there in the 1960’s. Be (short for Be-lyn, a combination of her parents names) is from Ewa Beach where Tress, Rich’s new bride, worked at Iroquois Point back then. Talk about a small world! You can imagine the conversation from then on.  is their dog named for the “darkness which turns to light” in their history. Well, she is only 2 years old and was totally black when they got him. She now has white hair (the light) sprouting out of his chin and back. I hope we will be seeing more of them over the next week before they head out toward S. Dakota to meet up with friends on a reservation to share their indigenous culture/history. They love BLM land and have met so many new friends on their journey. That’s what it's all about - right? 

February 6, 20224 - Tuesday
Woke up to a cloudy day and went for a short walk around the park. Rich joined me for part of it. 
Talked to our neighbors and had to ask if they play ukulele. The answer is YES! Be plays guitar and Anela plays ukulele! Yay! They are busy all day today, so we will jam tomorrow even though it is supposed to rain. We can sit under their awning unless it is too windy. Then we can go inside our place. Can’t wait...
February 7, 2024 - Wednesday
Went for a brief walk as it was too cold and windy - we are getting California’s weather storm pattern of rain and wind. Today was a TCB day - Take Care of Business. 
Be and Anela came over and we spent 3 hours singing, playing, learning, and sharing. Such fun! They were actually born in the same year and grew up a few blocks from each other but because they went to different schools, never met until they were adults. They have been together for 13 years parenting 3 daughters and 1 grandson, as well as serving in the Army Reserves. 

They started with a Hawaiian song which they explained is all about food and love. It was so magical that Rich closed his eyes and felt like he was back on the island.  See the video clip in the body of this email. 

We all played and sang - I even heard Rich singing a time or two! They handwrite their music while watching it on YouTube - amazing! I introduced them to a couple of apps that would make it easier.

At one point, we talked about different RV parks and they mentioned a park they lived in Quartzsite, named KOFA. They love that area and I said to Rich that it made me think of Marilyn, who we just met up with again in December. Be said that name sounded familiar! Sooooo, we found the picture of her and, you guessed it, they knew Marilyn! 

Happy that she made reservations to come here in March while we’re here. Unfortunately, Be and Anela will be in S. Dakota then…

February 8, 2024 - Thursday
My first pajama day that I can recall this winter. I even took a walk to the mailbox in my loungewear with a sweatshirt - it was so nice, I made a few loops around. Rain predicted later in the day. 
Received a "life-changing" package from Amazon today - a Mobile Phone Amplifier to watch my grandchildren play basketball. No more peering through a  magnifying glass. 

So happy that Rich is drawing again - preparing for Lee Farmers’ Market this summer. 


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...