Thursday, February 15, 2024

Apricity West 4

February 9, 2024 - Friday 
The weather was good to us today for our trip to Tubac for the 65th Art Festival. We went 2 years ago, and decided it was time to go again. Lunch with a view at the golf course where Tin Cup was filmed.

There are hundreds of artisans there selling their wares. I bought another pair of earrings from the same person I bought from last time. 

Jim found a roadrunner to his liking for their yard, but for now it is on the table since it isn’t quite  "sitting out” weather now. 

February 10, 2024 - Saturday
Rainy day so a good jam inside our tiny home day. Be and Anela came over and we picked up where we left off last time, with added attractions - orchestra bowls! There are 7 in total and they are used for healing. 

Be played two flutes - a small pocket flute in the key of E and a larger one, but very lightweight, with turquoise inlays. Anela played the drum made of elk skin. It is so interesting and such beautiful music. 

Short video clips of their music are in the body of this email for your listening pleasure.
February 11, 2024 - Sunday
Superbowl Sunday at Terri and Jim’s, with Mexican food throughout the afternoon. Terri made a yummy guacamole with chips for starters and then we had her chicken enchiladas with beans just before the game. It was a roller coaster ride throughout the game; Jim has been a die-hard 49ers fan since 1970. We left at half time, but I watched the 2nd half back home on my phone (no internet) and really thought they would win, but… you probably know the outcome. 
February 12, 2024 - Monday
Our neighbors headed out for South Dakota, taking their time to stay in BLM land along the way. We advised them to slow it down so that they don’t get to SD until late March when the weather hopefully warms up there. They came over to say goodbye and gave us several gifts. The handmade card was so sweet with Hawaiian words of affection. 💕

Love this sticker is on the side of their Class C.

February 13, 2024 - Tuesday
Terri came over for lunch followed by a short walk. We went to a small but delicious Thai restaurant nearby, Sa-Ing. Then sat around back at the park in the shade/sun chatting.  
February 14, 2024 - Wednesday   Happy Valentine’s Day
Another beautiful day with sunshine galore. Time to get back into some sort of pattern for moving this body. 
We went to the FREE Valentine’s spaghetti and meatball dinner at the Rec Center put on by the park. The room was decorated with dangling hearts and red table linens. Our friend, Lorenzo, was the DJ for the event. Salads, dressings, spaghetti, meatballs and rolls were prepared for one hundred people which was a lot of work.
The gang back at North Ranch had a dessert pot luck / sock hop party and sent pictures. 

Cindy …


February 15, 2024 - Thursday
Happy 15th birthday to my oldest grandchild, Leanna Robin Driscoll! Picture taken back in Sept…

Another gorgeous day so I went for a walk around the park in the morning. We made our first brewery trip today to the Coppermine. Rich was disappointed in the beers they offered, but I enjoyed a raspberry seltzer. They had new growlers on display today for $60.


  1. We had a quiet Super Bowl night and was delighted with the outcome. I only watch the last two minutes of football games as that is the only part that counts. K

  2. Great week for you!! Happy Birthday Leanna! It seems like yesterday we were on the plane when it landed and you yelled “It’s a Girl “!!!💕

  3. Awe hauʻoli lā hanau to your mo’opuna (granddaughter) what a beautiful journey you guys had this week. The mea’ai (food) looks ‘ono (delicious) 😘💓

  4. Thanks for including me in your blog! I am so thankful you “adopted” me into your traveling RV family! The friendships made along this RV trail are so precious! Happy birthday to your granddaughter! Hugs friends!

  5. Such beautiful artwork and craftsmanship at that Art Festival you went to. Amazing. Loved the card and gift from your friend. And what fun at the Valentine's sock hop! Stay well.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...