Tuesday, July 23, 2024

New England 5

June 16, 2024 - Sunday 
Rich’s daughter, Nora, and her family came over to Lee for a Father’s Day visit. It was great day and the girls went for a swim. 

June 19, 2024 - Wednesday 
Twelve ladies from the Class of 1965 gathered for a luncheon. It was good to visit with all of them - haven’t seen some in years.

Another dear friend gone - RIP Pat. She and Goody were in love since they were kids. They married young, had 4 children and many grandchildren. Goody was our best man when we married in 1970. Bob grew up with him in the neighborhood, but I didn’t know either of them until 1965 when Bob and I started dating. Over the years, Pat and I enjoyed scrapbooking, girls’ getaways in Maine, maiden canoe voyages, chatting, etc. She was a sweet soul with a smile that lit up a room. 

June 20, 2024 - Thursday
Lake Bomoseen in Castleton, VT was our destination today. Nora is camping in the area and has bought a slip for her boat on Lake Bomoseen. The name comes from an Abenaki tribe word meaning “keeper of the ceremonial campfire.” The boat was not ready for launch yet, so she took us for a ride around the lake. We drove by the old stomping grounds of Rich’s childhood where his parents owned a cottage on the water. 

These beautiful homes are made of logs and slate, abundant in this area.

June 24, 2024 - Monday
Rich was having a problem with his apps duplicating if he opened them on his 3-year-old Google Pixel phone. So we went to Verizon to get it fixed. Let’s just say we walked out 4 hours later with 2 new phones, new iPad for me, new tablet for him, new phone number for him, new carrier for me. So a learning curve for both of us. It wasn’t fun for the first several days, but now we are enjoying the new equipment. The best part is that the tablets have cellular service which means that I can watch my grandkids streaming basketball games, streaming shows/movies! No more squinting at my phone to see these events. YAY!
June 26, 2024 - WednesdayHappy Birthday to my son, Randy
His wife, Kristie, is a great baker/cook. This is a tuxedo cake - it was delicious. 

Long time friend, Debbie came by with her Casio keyboard for a little jamming. We have been singing together most of our lives, but now playing instruments too. 

June 28, 2024 - Friday 
Fourteen-year-old grandson, Jake, started his first official job at Tanglewood this year. He helps direct cars where to park. One night a big black luxury SUV pulled in and the driver said, I don’t have a pass. Jake told him he would have to go to the Main Gate to get one. The driver said, “I've got the artist!” Jake immediately pointed in the direction of VIP parking. Thankfully, he knew where that was. The artist that night was John Batiste! He saw him in the back of the car.

June 29, 2024 - Friday - Happy Birthday to Eileen, Rich’s sister
We took the motorhome to the family camp in Maine for a few days. My daughter is there with her family and her friend, Danica and her boys. At this time, these four boys are 12, 14, 14 and 15. They spend a lot of time together and really have fun times on vacation.

View from my hammock...

On the water, we see a mama duck and her 2 chicks, mama and papa loon with their loonlet on their back, a gaggle of 20 geese who strategically came ashore on our beach to leave a nasty deposit!

July 12, 2024 - Friday - Happy Birthday to Rich 
Rich and his sister, Eileen, were born 11 months apart so they are literally the same age for 2 weeks each year. We went to Salmon Run to celebrate with wonderful food and drink. 
Finally finished a couple of my crochet projects… and started a new one with the left over yarn from the $300 sampler afghan. I literally have 18 skeins left of the 33 skeins they shipped to me.

This has been years in the making - done! 

July 14, 2024 - Sunday
Back over to Lake Bomoseen for a birthday lunch with Rich’s family at the Tap Room. They have a lot of diversity packed into a small menu. It was very good. To top it off granddaughter, Kieran baked a cake for the occasion - yummy!

July 18, 2024 - Friday
Our little town of Lee was chosen to have the only mural in the state of Massachusetts painted to represent it as "The Gateway to the Berkshires.”  The artist managed to capture the primary features - my church with the tallest steeple in New England, one of the paper mills where my mother worked, the green rolling hills, the gorgeous flower baskets, the Housatonic River, and a cow from Highlawn Dairy Farm.

The artist, Cheyenne Renee, is going to all 50 states to paint a custom mural in one of its towns. 

She is a young lady who drove a pick up truck with a cap from Virginia to house her for the week long process. Her husband is often with her with their travel trailer.

So far she has completed 11 states/murals - next stop Vermont.

July 23, 2024 - Tuesday 
Rich’s sister, Eileen, and hubby, Steve stopped in today for a nice visit. 

Busy day - another visitor arrived today with her Casita… stay tuned to learn more. 



  1. So sorry about your friend Pat. If anyone can deal with that many new devices at once it's you!! Wow!! Look at that cake!!! We were at the Jon Batiste concert - what Vaeda and I would have given to meet him in person! What an amazing, creative, driven and talented person who is creating all those murals! So glad we got to connect before you head out on the road again! I hope my grands make close, lasting friendships like yours. Love, Melissa

  2. Glad you had a good month! Love your afghans 💜💜! Dshep

  3. Good to see pictures of Lake Bomoseen again. Gee I'm not surprised to see your afghan has purple in it! It's beautiful . Enjoy the rest of what's left of the summer. Need Richard's new number vi a email. K

  4. We had a beautiful day at your home
    Looking forward to seeing u again before u head west… e


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...