Thursday, October 24, 2024

Apricity West 5

October 18, 2024 - Friday
Walked (very windy), danced, and later we were off to the Wild West Saloon for an early appetizer and a cocktail. The good news, it is only 3.6 miles down the road and no construction. Going into Wickenburg is 12 miles with construction along the way.
Look who’s back - Lu! She and Roger pulled in yesterday and she showed up for line dancing today. Sassy little thing…😉

October 19, 2024 - Saturday
Woke up to 51-degree weather today, so the electric fan is off and the little heater is on. It was pretty cozy under the comforter, so I didn’t walk until 9am with Cindy and Lu. We stopped at a Yard/Moving Sale to check things out. Rich and I went to the Dollar Store to stock up on wine and supplies for making veggie salad. Cindy stopped over for a nice visit.
October 20, 2024 - Sunday
Sleeping a little later now with the chill in the morning air. Walked at 7ish and noticed a roadrunner, a flock of quail, and rabbit all sharing cover of the same bush. As I walked, I listened to my back-home church service. I liked her message, “The older I get, the more I realize how much I do not know… and the more open to learn I must be." And of humility, Rick Warren said, “It’s not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Being humble makes you honor, respect and value others more. 
My weigh-in was successful - still going in the right direction - ⬇️...
RIP - Cowboy Bob! 💕 This picture was taken last year on 11/1/23 and now he is gone. And what a presence he was - well over 6 ft. tall, add the cowboy hat, his booming bass voice, and his rich sense of humor - that was Bob. Rich knew and loved him for the last 12 years. While he was manager here, Bob would come to his aide any hour of the day or night if there was a water or sewer problem in the park. What a loss to this community…

Eddi was moved by the fact that they lowered the SKP flag to half mast which is reserved for lot/home owners, but they lowered it for him. They have lived here in the park in their 5th wheel for 21 years.

October 21, 2024 - Monday
It was 50 when I walked but by the time I got out of dancing 3 hours later, it was 73… 
Joanne’s friend, Kay, has purchased a ukulele and is learning so I went down to play along with them. 
Our new neighbors, Anita and Steve, stopped over as we sat outside and we started a lengthy conversation revealing several similarities. They too are from back East - Maryland, in fact. They are full-timing and use Livingston, Texas as their domicile to receive mail. On top of that she also writes a blog since they have been together - 2 years. They met at a party, but he was in the middle of his divorce. A year later they went to a party at the same place and he asked her out. They are self-proclaimed DINKs - double income, no kids (without dogs). They are looking for others interested in going to Alaska next summer. 

October 22, 2024 - Tuesday
Went into Wickenburg Senior Center with Denny, Joanne and Kay for the ukulele group gathering. Twelve players were there today and it sounded really good. I get a lot out of playing with this group, especially the rhythm!

October 23, 2024 - Wednesday
Walked, danced, and got a haircut from Nancy - right here in the park. We had a great conversation and learned a lot about each other - I walked out with a great haircut. Rich said I should weigh in now since it had gotten so bushy and out of control...
October 24, 2024 - Thursday
Walked, did chair yoga, visited with Lu, had lunch, visited with Cindy (who brought 3 cookies for Rich). She said she wouldn’t sabotage my efforts to lose weight.❤️

Went to the jam where only 6 players showed up due to extenuating circumstances. Only 5 of us sang, so we were under pressure to pick our song every 5th sing played. Doesn’t sound like much, but it can get tricky. Thankfully, we are there to have fun and hopefully, the full capacity audience enjoyed it.

My morning walk had lovely landscaping along the way.

Took a brief break on a bench in Saguaro Park to enjoy the view - and catch my breath…


  1. Thank you for your tribute to Bob He truly loved North Ranch the past 15 years.

  2. So fun to catch up on your wonderful life and your thoughts! Miss you back here in MA! -Mark

  3. What? You buy wine at the Dollar Store???🍷. Well keep moving and having fun 💜!

  4. Above letter was from me!! 🙀. Dshep


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...