Thursday, January 14, 2021

Apricity West

January 8, 2021, Friday
Somebody got a new bra! We brought it from Whitehall, but had to wait until we hit warmer weather so the leather would stretch. 

Had a distanced conversation with some very nice folks across the way - Mike and Michelle. They invited us to dinner tomorrow night. Yay!
January 9, 2021, Saturday
Talked to sister Terri in Tucson about our upcoming visit - food, logistics, points of interest, etc. Can’t wait to see her and Jim! It’s been a few years. We asked Walgreens about getting tested just before we leave for AZ. The pharmacist was very nice and explained that they would be starting on the 18th with the 3 - 4 day results. Since we are leaving on the 21st, she suggested making an appointment with a local doctor for the rapid test and we will have results within 15 minutes. All scheduled for 4pm on 1/20.
Had a wonderful dinner/visit with Mike and Michelle, Joe and Michelle (camped here a while ago and befriended Mike and Michelle), and Pat (neighbor camper). 
Yikes - Check out my hair - you can tell I'm in camping mode!

Mike is quite the entertainer and cook - delicious soft mini tacos and spicy wings followed by guest Michelle’s ambrosia. Host Michelle’s parents are in the RV next to them, but they were served inside by the fireplace. We toughed it out with great conversation and the aid of a propane fire pit for several hours in spite of 20 mph winds and temperatures in the 40’s! It was in the 60’s before the wind came up and the sun went down - that’s winter in New Mexico. Who knew? Good thing we talked about the packing of clothes before we left the East - I was all set to bring the summer wardrobe I had used for 3 weeks in Florida. 
January 10, 2021, Sunday 
I appreciate the virtual church services because I can “attend” two services on Sundays at my leisure. Today I zoomed into Church on the Hill to hear Liz Goodman’s sermon and see a lot of familiar faces that I haven’t seen in a long time. I was interested to hear her take on the tragic storming of the Capital last week. She is so shaken and sincerely passionate about what is presently going on in our world and doesn’t let us escape the fact that we are all responsible and accountable for our personal choices. Thanks, Liz. I will join the First Congregational Church service on Facebook later.
It was a cold blustery day even with full sun, so we stayed inside cozy until mid afternoon. Thank you Debby Dutton for the crocheted fingerless mittens. 
January 11, 2021, Monday
Woke up to frozen water as it was 19 degrees. We have been letting the water drip at night, but forgot last night. Rich was under the rig with my tiny travel hair dryer thawing hoses this morning. I stayed inside working on year end banking and tax preparation. Not sure who was worse off… trust me, he was. 
Mike and Michelle just recently retired in their early 50’s, sold their home, gave all of their furniture to the kids and hit the road. They left this morning for Tampa to visit his mother. Michelle’s mom and dad are staying here until late March, then go home to Albuquerque. We chat with them when they walk by to empty their daily trash. 
Keith and Zillah Karstetter (originally from Maine) came over this afternoon for a visit. Zillah is like the salt of the earth and reminds me of our neighbor, Betty, in Maine who used to make homemade bread and slather it with fresh butter. Zillah taught Rich how to weave the pine needle baskets when he was in this RV park years ago. 

She brought the few she has left out of hundreds made to show us, as well as pictures of beautiful table coverings that she stitched together. 

Her bird pictures are delightful too. 
Rich showed them his sketches and they exchanged one of each. Keith and I looked on, not having the same skill sets as these two. He retired from General Electric in Schenectady and his latest project was enclosing the bottom of their travel trailer to keep it warm. Now he is replacing the warped flooring with Pergo. A talent indeed. My attempt to crochet again is just frustrating 😒
Fed Ex delivered 3 packages a day early - it was like Christmas morning! Rich can’t wait to put the brush and pail to use to wash the rig.
January 12, 2021, Tuesday 
Hundreds of trains rumble by in the distance - depending on how many cars there are, you will see up to 6 engines placed in the front, middle and rear. 

We can see (and hear) Osprey planes over head  for the airport nearby. 

Saw my first live road runner today just outside of our front door. 
If you didn’t know, Rich and I were extras in a Christian movie, I’m Not Him, filmed in the Stockbridge area. It was a whirlwind affair for us as we were asked on a Saturday, sent in pictures to be accepted, poked around for funeral wardrobe (ugh), went for a rapid covid test on Monday afternoon, received the 93 page script at 9pm that night, arrived at the Red Lion Inn 6am Tuesday for wardrobe provided by Shakespear and Company. We were in the first scene shot (cemetery) which will be the last scene of the movie. So interesting to see all that happens behind the scenes. Some of the reshooting was due to noises of an airplane, truck, or Rich’s pant leg riding up. A cute young wardrobe girl would have to come over, have him stand up, and pull his pant legs down to match the prior scene. We all had a few good laughs over that. The attention to detail is astounding. Stay tuned for the premier in 60+ countries streaming on IMDb Easter 2021.  

January 13, Wednesday
Ordered our groceries through the Walmart pick up app again - great way to shop!
Well, the day warmed up and the hoses are thawed, so he is able to give Road Runner (the RV) a much needed scrub and shower. 
As we sit in the warm sun in the afternoon, occasionally another camper walks by and a simple wave or hello unleashes great conversation. We have learned a lot about our fellow campers in this park - everyone is trying to find their way. Some are dealing with health/aging issues, others with loneliness, others with boredom, and so on. But most people enjoy talking to someone - at a distance! By the way, we have seen a number of women traveling on their own.
January 14, Thursday (my birthday)
Say what? I was just getting used to being 72! Woke up to a plethora of birthday wishes (thanks to all) and a warm 49 degrees for starters. 
I have been walking around the park but miss my deep conversations with Kathy and Sharon! So listening to an audio book with earbuds is the next best thing. Just finished Eleanor (Roosevelt) which I highly recommend. She wasn’t perfect, but was so far ahead of her times and a strong humanitarian who fought long and hard for social justice. 
Also, trying to avoid a hip replacement by doing stretching and strengthening exercises suggested by my ortho surgeon and physical therapy. The left hip was a piece of cake, but don’t want to be sidelined at this stage of the game...
We weren't supposed to enter except to use bathroom...

Everyone talks about the Adobe Deli so that is where we went for my birthday at 4pm. 
Out in the dessert, outdoor seating with a dusty dirt floor, camouflage roof, and oversized portions - yum!
We ate all of our soup and took 1/2 portions of meal for lunch tomorrow.


  1. Keep enjoying! Sounds like you really love it!

  2. Happy Birthday, dear friend!!! You are just a spring chicken :)!!!All sounds great!!! You both are Movie Stars- WOW!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing! Stay safe!

  4. Love all you have to say. Keep it coming. Happy Belated Birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday, Monda. Hope you had a great day. Enjoy reading your continuing adventures going West. I am envious! Look forward to your next chapter. Travel safe. Ellen

  6. Yes Happy Birthday Monda....what a way to celebrate! Keep me in the loop with your movie release, how exciting. Thank you for sharing, stay safe, Carmen


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...