Friday, January 22, 2021

Apricity West

January 15, 2020, Friday
Took Gracie (VW) for a ride today to Las Cruces which is about 50 miles east of Deming. We pulled off at a rest area to see a close up of the Road Runner metal sculpture. 

Also came upon a huge tumbleweed at the onramp to Interstate 10. Couldn’t stop for a picture but it was about 3 feet in diameter. 
We drove into Old Mesilla (Ma-saya) meaning side table to see the historic site where Billy the Kid, Kit Carson, and Poncho Villa lived. This was the first stage coach stop on the Butterfield Overland Trail in 1858 and the only one that remains. 
When you want to beat the crowd you go to outdoor dining for lunch at 11am at La Posta. 
Thus drinking margaritas so early in the day. 
A delicious lunch followed by a sopapilla each - they were 4" x 4” - not what I was expecting! But wonderful. 

Strolled through a coop art gallery and met a watercolor artist who lives in Deming, John Glass.

Rich chatted with him about a fellow artist in the area who he really admires, Robert Highsmith. There are three of his paintings in the camper that look just like a photograph. 

January 16, 2021, Saturday
Walked over to Brenda and Dennis Keller’s 5th wheel in the back of the park to reminisce about the time that Rich was manager of the park. Things have really changed!! They are another great couple with many talents and it was nice to hear the stories of old. Dennis makes beautiful wind chimes with a little bit of glitz added in. 
January 17, 2021, Sunday
Listened to First Congregational Church service today while crocheting. Thank you Marcia Eveland for describing the process to become a pastor in the United Church of Christ and what lies ahead for the selection of a permanent pastor for UCC Lee. In the meantime, it is good to know that Interim Pastor is a specific skill set.
January 18, 2021, Monday
We drove over to Columbus, NM and walked across the border today into Palomas, Mexico to take advantage of their medical services. It cost $45 for Rich to get his teeth cleaned and $140 each for new lenses for our glasses. The $25 exam was free if you bought lenses there. Both of our lenses were very scratched up so we got new ones with progressive vision and transition to sun glasses.
The Pink Store is the prize in this town - located in the same square as the dentist and eye doctor offices. It is owned by Ivonne Romero and her husband Sergio. They were on a buying trip while we were there. 
As you enter you are overwhelmed with bright colors on display on ceramic, enamel, glass, wood, vinyl, and fibers. The merchandising is magnificent; even the table cloths are brilliant, the margaritas salty and savory, and the meal delectable. 

We were entertained as well.

I managed to choose a trinket for each of the grandkids which was difficult with such a vast array of choices. 

Senora happily posed for a picture for a tip in her basket. Beautifully adorned in her native apparel as well as a New York sweatshirt (the hook?).

Stopped at the Art Gallery in Deming where John Glass displayed his watercolors this month. We were very impressed with his work and wish him well.
When we first met, I was showing Rich around the Berkshires and introducing him to numerous friends. He said he couldn’t wait to show me around his turf. This turf turns out to be most of the United States which he has traveled over the years. I am so blessed to have him to show me new places while feeling secure and safe. 
January 19, 2021, Tuesday 
Lazy pajama day today - very windy, dark and cold - probably the second non-sunny day since in New Mexico. The most I did was make mousse and tear out my crochet project and start over (Debbie Dutton 🤪). I finally had the pattern that I thought was right down pat, and looked at it more closely to see that it was no where near what it should have been. Watched numerous tumbleweeds roll by too.
January 20, 2021, Wednesday 
Inauguration Day!!! Yay… It was so uplifting to watch the new administration be sworn in and to hear the messages about our future. Lady Gaga looked and sounded awesome, singing with such passion. I wondered how Jay Lo could match that, but she did with her heartfelt rendition of This Land Is Our Land / America the Beautiful. The show stopper for me was Amanda Gorman - outstanding young woman who has such a strong presence and animated style. I'm sure we will be seeing more of her!

Our final mission of the day was to get our Covid tests before entering Arizona to see Terri and Jim. Successfully negative results...
January 21 2021, Thursday
Pulled up stakes and headed for Tucson mid-morning - a short 3 hour journey. The stand out photo op was the Texas Canyon - trouble is picking which shots to share...
Our home for the month...
We're in the thick of it here - can see and hear planes, trains, and automobiles.  The park is pretty much full and tight. A direct contrast to Deming. We will be doing a lot of day-tripping with Gracie. 
Finally - it has been 4 years since I have seen my sister, Terri and her hubby, Jim. 

We had a wonderful homemade Southwestern corn and potato chowder with wonderful fresh artisan bread by the propane fire pit. They have a lovely back yard in desert motif. Super cute couple 💕.

More pics to follow...


  1. Your blog is the next best thing to making the journey myself. Thanks for all the information and photos. Enjoy and stay safe.

  2. Loving your travel blog. Brings back many memories of our trip across the southern staes and wlking over the border for dental work, glasses and medications, We did the same. The colors are eye-popping. And the food fantastic, including the margueritas.With the crocetting, my problems was always getting into the first stitch after turning, the piece get narrower and narrower as I worked, The good partis that it is easy to rip out and start over. Keep at it. Keep it coming. And a belated Happy Birthday. Love Susan

  3. Hi Monda,
    Glad you are enjoying your travels. Love your blogs and am looking forward to the next one!!! Hey Ed Green, how did you get your name to show up instead of Unknown?


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...