Thursday, January 28, 2021

Apricity West

Terri and Jim’s desert oasis...
Spot the neighborhood black kitty in the center... 

They have lived in this little Southwestern bungalo for 30 years and have found so many ways to personalize it and make it the cozy private corner lot of desert that it is (accented with a bountiful grapefruit tree).

Both seasoned bicyclists, they have taken full advantage of the miles and miles of bike trails. 
Jim is a die hard Boston Red Sox fan and has an abundance of baseball caps and other memorabilia. His creativity is obvious in the Green Monstah bike. See how many symbols / tokens you can identify on this masterpiece...
January 22, 2020, Friday 
Explored the RV park to see the lay of the land and though it is tight spacing between sites, it doesn’t really matter because no one seems to come out of their home. There is a nice heated pool at the club house across from us with lovely wicker furniture under cover and cool picnic tables spread out far and wide. It would be a great place to visit with our guests when they come over here since I haven’t seen anyone sitting there at all. 
January 23, 2020, Saturday
Went for a walk with Terri in our neighborhood which ends up on a bike trail they use. We had a great walk ’n talk catching up on life in general. It is soooo good to see her! We decided we could go for a Tour de Tucson all in the same vehicle (Jim’s 2005 Rav 4) with masks on and windows open. He is the best tour guide with his knowledge of the area having lived here most of his life. The murals around this city are amazing and spread out all over the place...

Our grandfather Bickford's brother, Stanley, lived in this house on the same street as Terri back in the 50's!! He and his wife moved West as he was suffering from tuberculosis. He died at the young age of 47 in 1955. We discovered it quite by accident when reading through letters that Gramma had saved. We noticed the return address on an envelope and were shocked. 

El Tiradito (The Wishing Shrine) is a little nook in the Barrio which holds hundreds of pictures, candles, notes stuffed into holes in the walls, stuffed animals, etc. in memory of loved ones lost. The plaque states, “This is the only shrine in the United States dedicated to the souls of a sinner buried in unconsecrated ground. It is affectionately called “El Tiradito” the castaway. The many legends about its origin all involve a tragic triangle love affair in the early 1870’s. The mysterious powers of “El Tiradito”are still an important part of local Mexican lore and culture. This site is on the National Register of Historic Places."   
It's hard to see it but the blue “A” on the ledge represents the University of Arizona. It provides an excellent view of the city.
A white bike at the top of “A" mountain is a memorial for a rider who lost his life on this treacherous road.  
Tucson is like a bowl with the magestic mountain ranges surrounding it:
North - Catalina Mountains
East - Rincon Mountains
West - Tucson Mountains
South - Santa Rita 
We stopped at a courtyard made of old rusty containers for a pit stop and to have a cocktail outside. Jim was a bartender in the early years and Rich owned a bar, so they were off and running with drink recipes and fixins. 

It was a gorgeous day with the sun shining bright for our little jaunt and temperatures suitable for open air. Went back to their house and sat in the back yard warmed by the fire pit and creative storytelling over hors d'oeuvres and a delicious chicken salad with feta cheese and pomegranate seeds. 
January 24, 2021, Sunday
Lolled around all morning, gathered up the laundry, and took it over to Terri and Jim’s to do while watching the end of the football games. Zoomed with grandkids and moms, then on to cocktails and Terri’s yummy tortilla soup. 
January 25, 2021, Monday
High winds today up to 24 mph so we stayed in and put laundry away and did our Instacart shopping at Safeway. 

January 26, 2021, Tuesday
Had a visit from Mark and Regina who worked with Rich at North Ranch RV Park in Congress, AZ in the past. They recently bought a home in Oro Valley and along with their cat Sonny, are adjusting to more space than they have had in many years. It was a nice visit and they were happy to share news and stories from the past. 
Being in the desert, the temperatures can span 30 degrees in one day! Snowfall followed us out to Tucson.
Morning -
Afternoon -

January 27, 2021, Wednesday
On the drive over to Terri and Jim’s - snow still on the mountain tops; 25 inches fell at the highest point of Mt. Lemmon. As it melts the dried up washes will run like rivers. 

Terri and I went for a walk on the bike trail nearest them - it is just like a two way paved road and people of all ages enjoy this trail. A little girl no more than 3 years old was being coached by her dad while walking her training bike; a pair of fit young men raced by in their recumbent bikes; bicycles built for two rolled by; men and women older than me pedaled past us. 
We (Rich) prepared four Hamburg steaks smothered with onions and mushrooms and butternut squash for dinner and I made chocolate mousse for dessert. 
January 28, 2021, Thursday
The winds blew so strong last night that I thought we would be blown away like Dorothy and Toto in the Wizard of Oz. And since they haven’t let up that much, today will be a day of creativity - me attempting to paint pictures with words in this blog, and Rich drawing and creating furniture.

The table between front chairs (pictured on the floor) took up too much room. So why not take a handmade cutting board, drill holes in the bottom, and repace it? Perfect - it even swivels. 
 Early morning art...


  1. Sounds like the adventure continues and you're really enjoying it.......stay safe!

  2. I have a good friend who lives in Tuscon. Whenever I'd ask how he was doing he'd say, "Living the dream." Sounds like you are.

  3. Good blog. Looks like your having a great time.

  4. Every day looks wonderful!! Enjoy!

  5. Loving this whole trip! Your dream has come true and what a dream!!! So happy to see Terri & Jim, heard about them and Arizona but never met them, maybe some day when this craziness is over. Can't wait for you to get back home & walk & talk!!! Stay safe & happy trails to ya!

    1. We will have a lot to talk about on our walk... miss ya!

  6. So happy for you enjoying time with your sister 💕

  7. Beautiful pics! You wont want to come home! Say Hi to Terri and Jim for me. I think of Mt. Lemmon and Sabino canyon often. Love and more happy memories!

    1. Terri and Jim say "Hi" back... We went to Gates Pass today.

  8. This is incredible! So interesting! Love the area. I’ve never been to that part of Arizona!

  9. Thanks, Liz. Glad to share the experience with others!

  10. Sounds like you are having awesome time!
    How far from Eileen and John’s?


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...