Thursday, February 11, 2021

Apricity West

February 6, 2021, Friday
We both got our 1st  vaccine shots today in Green Valley!! We felt fine afterwards, so went another 30 miles further from home to the cute little village of Tubac for an Art Gallery and lunch, of course.

February 7, 2021, Saturday
Mt. Lemmon (elevation 9,157 ft)
Like an iceberg, Mt. Lemmon that we see and climb is only the tip of the actual mountain. The base really lies far beneath Tucson deep in the earth’s crust. Some of the oldest rocks in these mountains were formed 1700 million years ago. 
Today was a perfect day to drive up Mt. Lemmon - sun shown bright without a cloud in the sky and the temperature was low 70’s. 
Remember how I said that things are measured in feet above sea level? Well we had to dress accordingly as the temperature drops as we get higher and ended up being in the low 50's on top.
As we climb there is a distinct difference in the landscape. Saguaros are at the base of the mountain; the reason they do not populate in the higher elevation is that they have pleats that allow them to expand when they drink water (like an accordion) and contrast as they use up their water supply. Saguaro are killed by being struck by lightening, blown over in a wind storm, and by people. But the largest cause of death is freezing and the effects of freezing may take several years to become evident. Freezing weakens the cactus, making it more susceptible to infection.
Ski area at the top

Water turns on and off like a faucet in the southwestern desert. Melting snow in higher elevations melts and runs downhill and fills the creeks in the canyons below. We will visit Sabino Canyon in a few days. 

Rich taking a shot at rock climbing!!  NOT!!

Since the devastating fire in 2003, started by humans, they have begun rebuilding the Mt. Lemmon Hotel with small cabins.

Tanque Verde Ranch (est 1868)
On the way back from Mt. Lemmon, Jim drove us over to the ranch where they had their wedding rehearsal party many moons ago. The family from back east was so impressed with the southwestern hospitality we received - cowboys prepared dinner at the chuck wagon, music filled the air as we danced on the wooden platform, javelina’s snorted from the desert side of the chuck wagon. It is a resort ranch, but to me is the closest thing I have seen to a dude ranch.
There have to be 100 horses in the corrals that we stood around watching the horse behavior - several were lying down amidst their fellow horse’s hooves, some played with each other nipping at each other’s tails or necks, others would make sudden moves which created a ripple affect of movement of others close by. We were too early for “horse turnout time” which I imagine was opening the gates after the last trail ride returned to run the larger open fields. As we meandered around the grounds, we came upon a falconry instruction group. About 1/2 dozen guests had long, thick leather gloves on for the falcon to land on. It was fascinating to watch. There was a lovely pool/jacuzzi area, tennis courts, a buckaroo bunk house, cactus gardens, and more.  

February 8, 2021, Sunday
Rich and I on our thrones in back yard.
Super Bowl Sunday - Our new favorite Mexican restaurant is T&J Parsons! Delicious enchiladas...

February 9, 2021, Monday
Today was a day to put our art skills to work - mine being crocheting 
and Rich drew Mt. Lemmon. 
February 10, 2021, Tuesday

Just lolling around. Cleaned the camper and did some shopping.
February 11, 2021, Wednesday
Sabino Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountain Range, Coronado National Forest
Terri took the day off so we could play. It was another gorgeous "top down” day. 
My first time to use my National Park Pass which I bought several years ago. I had been here years ago, but it has a tram now with a guided tour through earbuds. There are 9 stops along this 3.5 mile trek, most with bathrooms and picnic areas.  

Dinner at T&J Parsons again... 😁

 February 11, 2021, Thursday

I do this blog throughout the week, but Thursday is crunch day to reread, edit, polish on my MacAir laptop, then drop in pictures on my Android phone. I had big problems today because of weak internet. Ugh! The final step is to have my fact checkers and spell checkers give the nod. They are Rich, Jim, and Terri while in Tucson. I'm sure T&J look forward to this after a hard day at work 🙃, but they never fail me. Thank you.

Next week may be easier or harder - we'll find out - because as of tomorrow I have changed back to iPhone. I like the Samsung that is dying more every day, but the new ones are bigger.  I don't want bigger - too heavy and won't fit in the places I carry it. Soooo the sales rep suggested Apple which I agreed to. Back in the day, I started with iPhone (after a Palm Pilot) but it will be a learning curve for me. Thank goodness I have time to learn!
Stay tuned for our last week in Tucson (for now)!


  1. Wow! So wonderful to see warmth and happiness!

  2. More beautiful pictures as usual! Glad you got your shots. Send some warmth please!! Debbie

    1. Thought of you while revisiting Mt Lemmon and Sabino Canyon. We saw rock climbers - remember?

    2. Oh what wonderful pics and beautiful prose..
      So happy you are having a great time... wish we were with you!

  3. Gotta love the desert!🌅 But only in winter.😁

  4. Thanks for sharing your adventures. I really look forward to seeing and reading it. Many years ago Terry and I drove up Mt. Lemmon. Hot at the base, snow on top.

    I too have a natiol parks senior pass card that I've been carrying around unused for several years. Hopefully, like you, I'll get use it one day.

    Terry and I were able to score our first vaccine shots today. Quite an adventure driving around the Berkshires, but well worth it.

    Enjoy your journey. Stay safe!


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...