Thursday, February 18, 2021

Apricity West

February 12, 2021, Friday
Since my phone is dying in my hands, I have made a concerted effort to find the right new phone for me. I can’t count the hours spent on the phone with internet sales reps looking for the best deal, best service, best size and best camera - all for the best price. 

Also, crocheted to relax a little. I am listening to Barack Obama’s book, A Promise Land, when I crochet and walk. It’s a great tell-all book and I love his voice and delivery... highly recommended.
February 13, 2021, Saturday
Jim wanted to grill Salmon with mustard sauce and roasted potatoes tonight. Terri made a delicious salad. No one is objecting.  

February 14, 2021, Sunday
Valentine’s Day was lovely. Picked up my new iPhone 11 in the morning and then went on a guided tour (Jim) through Oro Valley in the Northwest part of Tucson. Gorgeous homes up in the foothills. We stopped to wish Mom Parsons (Jim’s mom) Happy Valentine’s Day. She just turned 90 years old and is witty and sharp as a tack!


The celebration parade after statehood was announced Feb. 14, 1912 

The people of what would become the state of Arizona suffered three decades of waiting for statehood… President William Taft was to officially declare statehood on February 12, 1912. On February 10th the Washington correspondent of the Arizona Republican sent a note that Taft would delay the announcement by 2 days because he had scheduled a visit to New York. There was no mention of it being Valentines Day but that the date should not coincide with Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. The newspaper took offense: “This decision has been made by the president because he happens to want to take a trip to New York Monday afternoon and; perforce, he hasn't the time to affix his name to the stated proclamation before he starts."
Had dinner with Terri and Jim. Rich prepared three flavors of shrimp on the “barbie”. Terri made green beans almandine and I brought Keto brownies and butterscotch syrup. 
Stayed up until midnight learning about the new phone. Praise God, it will sync perfectly for doing my blog. Trying to merge the MacAir and Samsung Android was challenging at times.
February 15, 2021, Monday
President’s Day - Hung out in the morning and spruced up the Roadrunner to receive Terri and Jim for dinner which they provided - delicious gnocchi soup. We provided the Blue Belle ice cream, chocolate and butterscotch syrups.
February 16, 2021, Tuesday
My allergies are out of control today. I take Sudafed (morning) and Zyrtec (evening) every day, but some days my nose is a running faucet. I can’t believe I didn’t bring my Neti Pot - that would come in real handy today!! I just ordered one from Amazon - arriving tomorrow. There is such a thing as Valley Fever, but I don’t think it is that. 

As I sit here sneezing, sniffling and blowing, Rich has been on a roll with his art work this week...

I changed colors in my blanket…Yay!

February 17, 2021, Wednesday 
Terri and Jim worked from home today so we (Rich) prepared their dinner for them. It was cold and windy so we ate inside. As much as I love their backyard, I love the whole interior of their casa. This is my view from the kitchen table…

Rich gave them one of his latest masterpieces of Tanque Verde Ranch pictured in frame on the wall. The colors of the picture and the matting fit perfectly into this cozy little corner. 

Zoom in to see Jim’s amazing abstract of the same colors. He has been at this art thing his whole life and it is evident. Here’s another:

Terri has been taking it seriously lately more as therapy. Very cool, right?

I am giving it a shot but have a LOT of catching up to do with this crew. Find the letters embedded. What do they represent?

February 18, 2021, Thursday
Feeling so bad and praying for the people so nearby that are suffering with the cold, water and propane issues. Appreciating how blessed we are to be in the 27% of the country not under snow!

As we prepare for the sad goodbyes with Terri and Jim on Saturday, the following poem seems appropriate to end this week’s message: 
No Place Like Tucson
There is something special about Tucson
Something not so tangible. More conceptual.
It is a place to find your truth find your courage, find your YOU.
This city. It’s sky bursting with stars, fills your heart.
Leaving you, somehow, someway, homesick before you’ve even parted paths.
Come here for a day, a year, a decade, a lifetime.
Be born here, raised here or transported from a land afar.
The desert doesn’t discriminate, offering its magic to anyone
who plants their feet on its dusty terrain.
Find healing in the sun, redemption in the monsoon’s rain.
Here, amidst the saguaro and the wren, there is peace.
There is possibility, alchemy to help through the pain.
You are where you are meant to be. A child of the earth, a spirit free.  
Let yourself go. Surrender to the music of this sweltering city. 
Drink the spirits, devour the cuisine, journey through the culture,
adventure into the backdrop the everyday sightseer never sees. 
Dry in the heat, abundant in heart, here you will find what you 
seek and encounter those you are destined to meet.
Love? In this wild west, you’ll stumble across it, expose it, 
explore it, and, perchance, lose it. 
But will it be worth it?
Yes, One million times, yes.
Tucson is a place you will not soon forget. 
                 - A poem by #rebelheartpoetry


  1. Making me homesick for the high desert. We loved our 6 years out West. Extraordinary landscapes and exceptional, still pioneering people.

  2. This is Dee!! Once again I look forward to seeing your blog! ❤️ it!!

    1. Thanks Dee. Hope you have a wonderful time in Florida!!

  3. As alwYsy,thanks for the update and education. I know you're missing the snow we're "tolerating" here in the Berkshires.

    I remember a few years back during one of your trips to Florida you were learning the ins and outs of your new Samsung. I never thought you'd convert to Apple-ism, but I guess you have. To be honest, I know more people who've gone the Android-to-Apple route than the opposite. Hmmmm!?

    Keep enjoying your dream and the good life.

  4. Yes, Randy convinced me to switch from Apple to Android back then. Three months later he went back to Apple for a family plan. Now he is talking about going back. Fickle guy! Terri and Jim are totally Apple and are giving me helpful hints.

    I am sure you guys are enjoying the family in the Berkshires now that they are close by...

  5. I LOVE Terri's watercolor/ink flower painting! Nora


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...