Thursday, March 10, 2022

Apricirty West 2

March 5, 2022, Saturday
Did not need a crutch and was able to do it all - just at a slower pace. Still taking 1000 mg of Tylenol.
Sonoran Hotdogs - closed on Mondays as family day.

A Tucson staple, wrapped in bacon, served in a warm, Mexican bun & topped with diced tomatoes, fresh white onions, butter sauteed onions, whole pinto beans, mayo & mustard, finished with a delicious jalapeƱo sauce and yellow grilled peppers upon request for spicy food lovers!

Dragoon Brewery 

1912 Brewery 

Found a berry blast sour (light drink) that was enjoyable. 

Himmel Park Mural

Nibblies back at the Parsons resort - it has been rather windy which has kept us inside more this year.

March 6, 2022, Sunday
Leg feels good today - no crutch, less Tylenol, still slow. My forearm is healing well but makes maneuvering in and out of the car strategic. 
Visit to Tanque Verde Ranch (60,000 acres)!to decide about horseback riding. Choices are Walking vs. Loping (requires a Loping check to determine ability), time of day, and length of ride.

Terri and I will be sipping on Margaritas in the bar when the riding begins. 

Firetruck East Brewery

Black Rock Brewery 

Signs here tell it all:
We can help!


1: BELHAVEN - I need an escort to my car 
2: LONDON ALE - I need a taxi 
3: JET BLACK STOUT - I am in danger, call the police!

If you are able to order an UBER while in here, you can stop outside the bathroom door by the shirts, and call the bartender over. Let them know and they can let you out the back door if needed.

We want to help you stay safe!

BlackRock Brewers 1664 S Research Loop #200 Tucson, AZ 85710


Directions to Restrooms 
Halfway through our mission of hitting all 20 breweries in Tucson. 
March 7, 2022, Monday
Leg is better yet - up and down stairs is easier too. 
After introducing T&J to Harbottles, we enjoyed Terri’s wonderful Southwestern Chowder at our place. 

March 8, 2022, Tuesday
Happy Birthday sister Cindy

My first attempt at Zentangle
Jim’s Uncle Dean (Carolyn’s brother) has been in hospice for a while now with a terrific attitude about his bedridden state. He passed today - may he Rest In Peace.
March 9, 2022, Wednesday
Can't believe how little pain I have even without Tylenol! The forearm is more itchy from healing than anything. Someone is surely watching over me...
March 10, 2022, Thursday
Our acquaintance, Marilyn, pulled into Crazy Horse today with her Casita. It is a plus to “bump into” familiar faces as you travel. We have been in Deming, NM and Congress, AZ at the same time. She is here for a month and already has plans for Alaska next year!

Rich is pumping out art like a machine. To view all of his works (cards, nameplates, treasure boxes), visit - we are getting views from around the world - India, France, Taiwan, US of A…

My first Zentangle abstract - ha!


  1. Do you remember the women's retreat when I brought the zentangles?

  2. I am still jealous about all those breweries BUT-Rich's art work is incredible!!!! What a talent!! You are next :-)

  3. Hi Monda Rich Terri and Jim! Thanks for all the news and love your zentangle abstract and Rich s cow. On a rainy day will you send me Terri's Southwestern soup recipe? Had dinner up by University with Susie at her sister Pat's home. She is visiting her and hasn't seen her in a few years. We got out of Dodge just in time as the snowstorms started. It feels good to see Tom and Colleen and friends and visited our friends at the Isles yesterday. Luv, Deb. P.S. Our brewery in Barrington doesnt compare to all you are visiting!!


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...