Thursday, September 29, 2022

Apricity West 3

September 24, 2022, Saturday
Driving along Route 66 (Mother Road per John Steinbeck in Grapes of Wrath) from Elk City, OK to Albuquerque, NM today (440 miles) after a good night’s sleep at the KOA which surprisingly had a full bar and a decent menu. We had baked potatoes and chicken wings. Heavy rain before we left at 6:45am Central time followed by a stunning sunrise and lovely rainbow.

Enjoying the change of scenery along Route 40/66:

Commissioned in 1926, Route 66 reduced the distance between Chicago and Los Angeles by more than 200 miles, which made Route 66 popular among thousands of motorists who drove west in subsequent decades. Like other highways of its day, Route 66 reflects the origin and evolution of road transportation in the United States. It crosses 8 states and 3 time zones. In the beginning only 800 miles of Route 66 were paved. Only in 1937 did Route 66 get paved end-to-end.


Trailer trucks galore (approx. 3 cars to every 12 trucks)

Amarillo Billboards boldly advertising a FREE 72 OUNCE STEAK! What? Well you have to eat every bit of the meal (salad, potatoes, sides, steak) in one hour to get it for FREE! Always a catch...



Tractors towing tractors,

Welcome to New Mexico:


Solar panels, 

Tucumcari, NM - according to Autio, legend has it that Apache Chief, Watanoma, was soon ending his time on earth and was troubled about who would succeed him as ruler of the tribe. His two finest braves were rivals and sworn enemies, and both wanted the hand of Cari, Chief Watanoma’s daughter. He announced that they would bring their long knives and have mortal combat to decide who would succeed him and have for his wife his daughter. As they began combat, Cari was hiding nearby. As Totapu’s knife found its way to the heart of Tocum, Cari rushed out in horror and thrust her long knife in the heart of Totapu - as well as her own. Upon seeing this, the chief took his daughter’s knife and buried it into his own heart crying out in agony "Tocum Cari", which became the town of Tucumcari, NM. 

Moriarty, NM Pumpkin Patch Festival is an annual event which draws hundreds of car loads of people to enjoy the corn maze, food, fun and pumpkin patch.  

Truth or Consequences, NM - named after the radio/television show as the first town to volunteer to change their name - originally Hot Springs - when Ralph Edwards offered to broadcast from there on its 10th anniversary. 

Hatch, NM - Famous for their chili peppers found in stores throughout the United States,

September 25, 2022, Sunday
Last stint from Albuquerque south to Deming (via Hatch, NM) on Route 25. Very nice road, light traffic with hardly any trucks on it. Seeing more mountains now. 

Pistachio trees,

Deming, NM - Arrived at Dream Catcher around noon and will be here for a week. Lo and behold, a man stepped out of the camper next to us and it was Mark (of Mark and Regina Linsalata, former work campers) who visited with us the last two years in Tucson. They had gone off the road to live in a house in Oro Valley but have decided to get back on the road again. They were here a couple of days but will try to get into North Ranch while we are there. We went to the Sunday Ice Cream Social for good conversation with fellow campers. 

September 27, 2022, Tuesday
Went for a short walk today around the park. Then went over to the clubhouse to do laundry and finish up the jigsaw puzzle started yesterday. 
September 28, 2022, Wednesday
Rich had a dentist appointment today in Palomas, Mexico. The loose dogs were frolicking about as we walked along the beat-up street. At 8:30am, the shopkeepers were busily sweeping the sidewalk’s dirt into the street. 

In one hour and a half, Dr. Lam took care of his dental work (2 extractions and a new partial plate) for a mere $200 and we went the Optical store to check my glasses prescription and then into the Pink Store for lunch and margaritas. 


I asked about the military presence (15 soldiers armed with automatic rifles and vehicles) seen around the store and was told that General Alejandro Gertz Manero (since 12.1.2018) was having a casual lunch right behind me! His security team goes everywhere he goes. He was not in uniform.

Luis has been at the Pink Store cafe for 10 years now - as long as Rich has been going. Always a smile on his face...

I asked the little lady who opens the door for us (and charges $2 to have her picture taken) what her name was. I honestly can’t remember what she said and yet I said it back to her at the time - Sierra or Consuella are the two best I can come up with...

We were invited over to Rich and Fran Tilgner’s apartment for pizza and conversation. Fran had her hip replaced 6 weeks ago and is progressing nicely. Her husband, Rich, is her “get it done” guy while she heals.  
September 29, 2020, Thursday
Went to the clubhouse to do Keep Moving exercises with Growing Young DVD. It felt good to stretch and move more…

Duane and Louise Wegley stayed at Dream Catcher for 2 days on their way to Apache Junction. We did a lot of catching up at lunch with them at the Ranchers Grill - great food and salad bar.


  1. We had some friends that we went to Alaska with who moved to Apache Junction. Sadly, Ron has since passed away.

  2. Eat , Drink, Eat Drink, my kind of place💕💕💕DS

  3. Thanks for the great tour!!! Looks so nice out there, be safe

  4. Boy I'll bet the skirt the door-opening lady is wearing would spin mighty well! Melissa (aka Mimi)

  5. I really enjoy your trip. Love to u 2


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...