Thursday, October 20, 2022

Apricity West 3

October 14, 2022 - Friday
Line dancing - accomplished all Beginner dances plus 3 Intermediate dances. Success! Several of my fellow dancers are turning 80 this year! One is a young 82 years old… gotta keep up.

We got a new neighbor today - a youthful senior single woman, Nancy from Montana, in her van. She is not towing and is a small rig so a good neighbor to have. She has been camping in this van for 22 years and it looks like brand new. 

Went into Wickenberg Elks Lodge tonight for Fish-fry Friday. The evening meal is far better than the lunch - we had fried fish and baked potato. The Desert Heat band is still playing there, but the female lead is sick tonight. Sandi Dalton is the greeter tonight. 

October 15, 2022 - Saturday
Laundry day today and while processing, I enjoy working on the community jigsaw puzzle set up in the clubhouse. Volunteers are working on organizing the library and putting returned books away. In another room, two tables of bridge were going on.
It was a stormy day in the desert with thunder, black clouds, high winds, and occasional downpouring rain. Rich took the American flag in and put the lawn chairs under the rig. 
I finished listening to my book, American Dirt, by Jeanine Cummins (Oprah’s Book Club) recommended by Fran (thanks). It was a riveting story of a forced migration by the cartel from Acapulco, Mexico into Tucson, AZ. 

October 16, 2022 - Sunday
Went to online church today at First Congregational Church of Lee, MA. With a 3-hour time difference, it works out that I am just finishing my breakfast when the service starts (10:30EST). 

It was still cool from the rain all through the night, so I took a walk through the Cactus Garden again. Yellow Barrel Cactus still has moisture within its bright yellow thorns. 

Speaking of thorns, there is a plant thorn called a goat-head which is extremely hard, sharp and painful if stepped on. You can accidentally bring them into the rig on the bottoms of your shoes. 

October 17, 2022 - Monday
Keeping in step with the line dancing.
Went into Wickenberg today for lunch at the Elks and a stop at CVS. I got a spiral notebook to document what I am discovering about our family through Fascinating!
Practicing the ukulele with Bernadette on YouTube. I like her style of teaching. 

October 18, 2022 - Tuesday
Happy 37th Anniversary to sister Terri & Jim Parsons!
We exchanged cups of coffee with neighbor Nancy this morning. She brought over a cute little tin cup of espresso and Rich made her a French Roast. We had a great visit - she is from Whitefish, Montana and had lived in Big Sky as well. She is building a new home at Wickenberg Ranch - a huge community of new homes and forever growing. She has her membership card and goes over to swim in their luxury pool regularly. She invited me to join her some time which I will do for sure. Her daughter and son-in-law just bought 10 acres of land very near to this RV park - they have horses and ride in the roping contests, she is the header and he is the heeler
October 19, 2022 - Wednesday
Progressing nicely with line dancing - even taught a familiar dance today. Our Beginner’s teacher, Theresa, is asking dancers to teach on Wednesday’s as her knee is in a brace waiting for surgery. 
Went for a short bike ride as Rich’s gears weren’t working. Some wire must have jostled loose on the rack-ride here.

Went to Ramblin' Dan’s’ for dinner tonight. It’s a small bar in Congress where the cowboy music was blasting and a rodeo was on TV. We will definitely be going to the Two Man Roping again soon.  

October 20, 2022, Thursday
Full day today - ukulele practice with Joanne in the morning...
Took Nancy up on swimming invitation at Wickenberg Ranch… It was awesome to swim/walk laps there. She is amazing and swam 23 laps - no walking. 

Fire pit overlooking golf course.

Nancy’s home in progress…

Last book club meeting with Pastor Jay before dinner...
Beautiful end to a full day…

Author’s Note: This is the third year I have been traveling/blogging. Long time readers may notice repeat pictures or stories, but there are a fair amount of newbies on my distribution list and I want to bring them up to speed. Please remember to sign your name if you send Comments so I know who you are...


  1. Was at a free entertainment function at the RV park/condo on Crown Lake AR (we stayed in a log cabin) and there was a lot of line dancing going on; all ladies of all ages. Phil was amazed as how they all knew the steps. Kibbie

  2. It does seem like you don't want any of those sharp things in your feet! I'm going to check out that book, thanks for the recommendation! Melissa

  3. What a beautiful area! Liz

  4. It is me, the old lady from next door. All is well. I just love your blogs. Keep them coming... Stay well. A big HI to Rich....


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...