Thursday, October 27, 2022

Apricity West 3

October 21, 2022 - Friday
Line dancing today was good - still making progress.

Put the top down to go into Wickenberg this afternoon to drop off Rich’s bike at Bike Shop, deliver more of his cards to Ruth’s Bunkhouse for consignment,

and lastly, to the Elks for their popular chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, salad and a roll. I brought half of mine home for tomorrow’s lunch.

The whole band was here tonight.

October 22, 2022 - Saturday
Happy 17th Anniversary to daughter, Shannon, and David Clark 💞

Went back into Wickenberg today for groceries - 8am is the perfect time to go as it is NOT busy at that hour. After putting it all away, I took a walk (stroll) with Lu. We did more talking than walking, but caught up on important stuff. 

Pomegranate tree in someone’s front yard…

Then took the laundry over to the clubhouse and worked on a jigsaw puzzle while waiting. Leftover lunch and then worked on stuff. 

The wind is whipping about and the air is 10 degrees cooler than it has been. Lily is lazing about as I work on my laptop.

October 23, 2022 - Sunday
Nancy and I took a walk/talk around the neighborhood. The weather is much cooler here now - windy and 67 degrees. A lazy day indeed to lounge around until 4pm’s Sunday’s Ice Cream Social...

October 24, 2022 - Monday
Nancy joined us for line dancing and will stay on. It was her very first time trying it and she did just great! We had a last minute puppy break - male and female. Mom is a Toy Australian Shepherd and dad is a Shih Tzu - very cute offspring.

October 25, 2022 - Tuesday
Went swimming again and after warming up in the hot tub, we got in the lap pool and began one hour of water moves - Nancy swimming the entire time and me swimming, walking and squat walking! My goal was to keep moving the whole hour and I did! Here is a different shot of the pool area.

Rich and I went into town to pick up the repaired bike at Vultures Bicycle. Nice shop...

Very big bike with super FAT tires…

October 26, 2022 - Wednesday
Line danced, jigsaw puzzled, went to the Sizzling Wok for lunch, worked on Ancestry - have tracked down the Thurlows of Raymond, ME back to the 1500’s in England where I hit a brick wall. You have to $ubscribe to research foreign countries and I'm not doing that at this time.

October 27, 2022 - Thursday
Ukulele with Joanne in the morning and jam session in the afternoon. 

I am featuring Denny, Joanne’s husband, who plays the dobo (steel guitar).
He also edits the online service from their church back home in Michigan - it is broadcast around the entire world except for 2 islands that have no inhabitants.

When we came back to our site, we have 2 new neighbors (a motorhome and a fifth wheel) who are traveling together from Washington state. They are here until the first of the month next week. Always meeting new people…

Another gorgeous sunset / 💤 


  1. This is sooo beautiful!! I would love your line dancing days🍷 Dee S

  2. I researched my g, g, g grandmother ancestors back to 1513 in England through the Church of England. They kept excellent records for tax purposes. Never saw a pomegranate tree growing in water.

    1. Did you have to pay for the Church records? The tree is being watered by an irrigation system.

  3. Seems like a great place! Liz

  4. Looks like a fun trip thanks for sharing!! Sue C

  5. Keep on truckin' my friend! Melissa

  6. Sounds great. Keep on moving. The pool looks awesome. Great weather back in Berkshires. Enjoy. Dave E.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...