Thursday, December 22, 2022

Apricity West 3

December 16, 2022 - Friday
Skipped line dancing today๐Ÿ˜ณ. Needed the time to finish up some projects (like publishing the last blog) before going to Surprise for lunch at John and Eileen’s. Her sister, Susan, is here visiting so I got to meet her and hear them reminisce about growing up in Whitehall - who lives where now, who has passed on, memories of the good old days! 

December 17, 2022 - Saturday
I declared today a pajama day since there is nothing on our calendar. It is cooler than usual but the sun is shining bright. Rich worked on his new birdhouses and I studied strumming with Justin Guitar on YouTube, journaled, pulled out my quilling project, and made some cinnamon pinwheels to nibble on. It's amazing how much you can learn when you have the time to focus. This is his first birdhouse on rock…

December 18, 2022 - Sunday
Another do nothing day...
December 19, 2022 - Monday
Line danced, cardio drummed and sat outside in the brisk sunshine. Temperatures are still cool, but heading up to high 60’s and low 70’s.
December 20, 2022 - Tuesday
Rich went to Art Club in the morning and I did laundry cleaning (mostly dusting desert dust and sweeping Lily cat hair). Went over to Dot and Harvey’s for another jam session practice. We chose and practiced our songs which will all be Christmas this week. We think we sound pretty good in our small group... See the video clip of Harvey singing a cute song, Fishing for Chickens…

Went to Nichols for a holiday dinner (thanks, Mom). Bouillabaisse for me…

Shrimp and scallop pasta for Rich…

Remember bartender brothers, Noah and Nick? It seems that they followed through on their plans to return to Oregon to work for their father. He has a wind turbine farm and they were being tested on their ability to climb those suckers for maintenance. Technicians have to climb up an interior ladder 300 feet and go out onto the base of the blades, tethered, to inspect and maintain. The gear box is a large unit which may need replacing; innovations have made it more efficient using a very large crane to lift a new one up after dropping the bad one onto the ground. 

I once climbed a 40’ telephone pole for a team building exercise, tethered into a belay system, and had to climb atop the pole on an 18” disc, turn 180 degrees and then jump - trusting that the team would hold the ropes taut for my descent. That was high enough for me. I have a picture of this feat back in Lee.
Meanwhile, bartender Lily mentions that she has been gone for 2 weeks. When asked where she was, she said she was in Vegas for a week and brought back the Vegas plague (her words) and was down and out for another week, as were her travel companions! Sound familiar, Dee? She tells us she is barrel racer and has been riding since she was a kid. Don’t know how she can keep those nails while riding...

December 21, 2022 - Wednesday 
Line danced, then went into the Elks. 
December 22, 2022 - Thursday
Got together with Joanne to practice strumming. Then on to the Jam Session where things went very well! 

Tonight is the 6th Annual Christmas Light Parade. John and Geri Moore have been organizing and coordinating this spectacular event from the start. There must have been 40 North Ranch vehicles (ATV’s, golf carts, motorcycles, bicycles, and a flatbed tow truck) decked out with lights, unique horns and music too! Ten of us sat around the fire at Denny and Joanne’s to watch it roll by…FUN!

Merry Christmas to all… be safe! 


  1. Merry Christmas! Melissa

  2. Merry Christmas Monda! Hope to see you soon!

  3. Merry Christmas and a healthy 2023! Nice bird house. 55 degrees to 10 in 12 hours. Welcome to the Berkshires. Dave

  4. Have a very Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„
    Rich….Love the Bird houses!
    Love ❤️ You Guys. Brooke

  5. Merry XMas๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐Ÿท!!! Miss you guys! Dee and Tim

  6. Merry Christmas Monda and Rich๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„
    Love, Liz

  7. Merry Christina’s aunt Monda! Love catching up on your life! ❤️Sarah


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...