Thursday, March 2, 2023

Apricity West 3

February 24, 2023 - Friday 
Went to Murphy’s Pub for lunch. Bartender, Matt, was in Santa Fe as mentioned in last week’s blog. I forgot to attach his song to the email, so it is in this week’s email. Kendra was bartending instead. Nothing exciting to report except that Rich was under-charged for his Guinness for the second day in a row. Yesterday at Union Jack, she comped him. Today she charged him for a less expensive beer. They had a pear cider today which was very good.

February 25, 2023 - Saturday 
Terri and Jim drove us to the northwestern side of town, Marana. We stopped at the Ritz Carlton to see the layout there, but the security said, “Not today!” When asked why - he responded, “We're very busy.” Hmmm. We brainstormed a number of things that could have been going on that would keep us out - VIP, lock down, breach of security, fire, etc. We’ll never know.  
On to the Dove Mountain Brewery where we enjoyed food and drink...

The boys each got a flight of dark beer…

Back at the Parsons’ oasis, we sat in the long absent sun and had a mini concert - me and my ukulele. They endured and I got to practice. 

A short clip is in the body of email…
February 26, 2023 - Sunday
My turn to cook so I made spaghetti sauce which simmered all day. Haven’t made it in over a year, so was glad that it came out good. It was recommended that I wear a bib to protect my clothes 🤪

Terri and I worked on Ancestry for a couple of hours and got more frustration than pleasure out of it.
February 27, 2023 - Monday  
Rich is working busily on a new idea. They are pen/pencil/paint brush holders surrounded by a miniature village...

Went to Harbottles Brewery briefly - still in search of the perfect spot. Later, Rich was outside with his saw cutting up small pieces for the miniatures and a fellow stopped to ask about it. Turns out he is a woodworker from Indiana and has done a variety of pieces. He told us that if we are ever in Indiana to stop at a huge flea market there (didn’t really get the name of it) to see amazing woodcrafters.  
In the afternoon a couple of rigs pulled in at the same time - turns out they are traveling together as the wives are twins. The park tried to squeeze them into the two spots next to us but thankfully, one opted out for a spot nearby so we still have an open space next to us. The other couple are in the next one over from us and we had nice conversation. He had a Boston Red Sox shirt on and their license plate was New Hampshire. He really reminds me of Rich’s son, Perry - pony tail, same build and mannerisms, even talks like him. It is their first year camping, but they have traveled 4000 miles since mid-January with stops in Florida (Zephyrhills where my great grandfather lived), New Orleans, New Mexico, Texas. Drove 400 miles today and will be here for 2 nights. They are very familiar with Lake George, Whitehall, Saratoga… Also have spent a lot of time in York, Maine and fishing on Sebago Lake (lake next to us in Maine). 

February 28, 2023 - Tuesday
Stopped at Murphy’s today and met the young owner, Adam. He is opening a coffee shop next to the pub in a couple of weeks. When asked why, he said he has two small children and felt the need to expand. His opener, Gabe, was helping out with various things and then his dad showed up and started helping with some maintenance issues. Tucson may be a very large and growing city, but I love the neighborhood pockets in the community. It made me feel like I was back in my small town, Lee, at the former Bull’s Eye or Locker Room with everyone knowing everyone else and helping out when they could. Once open, we look forward to checking out the coffee shop.
It turns out that they have snowbird friends from Lake Placid. They talked about the mammoth Olympic ski jump and bobsled. Rich shared that he had ridden as the brakeman in that very run with Reggie Bennam, son of Stan Bennam who participated and won in the Olympics back in the day. Well, Gabe and his dad also got to ride in a bobsled and said it was the greatest thrill they've had. 
Got me a cane today - purple of course.

The Line Dancers from North Ranch sent a group picture from their Teacher Appreciation Dinner.

March 1, 2023 - Wednesday HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SISTA TERRI
We’ll party this weekend 🥳💗

Tried out Copper Mine Brewery again. We went there our first year out here and it was nice, but no cider or root beer for me. Decided to check it out again and the bartender, Marina, was friendly and informative. The atmosphere is nice and the selection of beers is plentiful. I had a Sprite and caramel popcorn made and packaged in Tucson - delicious. 

Chatted with a couple from Minnesota and recalled the hardships of times back home during winter.
March 2, 2023 - Thursday
Very high winds last night rocked our rig and this is what we woke up to. Not what we signed up for, but at least we don’t have to shovel it. 

It’s hard to get a decent picture of the Davis Monthan Air Force graveyard, but each time we drive by there, we marvel at the hundreds of props and jets that are in mothballs. 

I watched"You're Not You.” Great cast and storyline! Check it out on Prime Video!

One more creation…


  1. Love your Blog. Wish you could be here Saturday for the North Ranch Beanbag Baseball Tournament. Dot

  2. We are supposed to get more snow tonight🥲! Can’t wait for daylight savings day ! Maybe things will change for the best! Glad your still exploring food and grog💜Dshep

  3. Thanks for sharing. Rich is quite the creator and that spaghetti looks delish ❤️ Ms Lydia

    1. Hope all is well with you Miss Lydia 💕

  4. Love the pencil holders! And I thought that movie was excellent too :) Melissa


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...