Thursday, March 9, 2023

Apricity West 3

March 3, 2023 - Friday
Haircut this afternoon with Aysha at Shear Force. Then to Murphy’s for a pear cider and Guinness. There was one other man in the bar sitting next to me. He left some personal papers on the bar and left the building for a bit. When he returned he had two bags from Albertson’s which he boasted were steaks on sale. So I asked him about it and he showed them to me. They were almost half price and looked delicious, sooooo we stopped there on the way home and Rich picked up a couple of packages. The store was NOT busy which surprised us for a Friday. Nothing like word of mouth for advertising... paid $24!

We have had our own "up close and personal" air show this week as we are just minutes from Davis Monthan AFB. It incentivized us to watch Top Gun Maverick - it was a thriller for sure! Don’t know how these pilots have the courage to do what they do. 
Stock Photo as I’m not quick enough to get a picture  in flight. 

First born granddaughter made 8th grade High Honors πŸ’•πŸ‘ as well as being a great kid! 

March 4, 2023 - Saturday
Celebrating Terri’s birthday with Mom Parsons today at PF Changs. The last and first time I was at a PF Changs was in Phoenix 2 decades ago with Terri and Jim. The thing I remember most about it was the lettuce wraps and we started today’s meal off with the same. Simple (lettuce leaf filled with yummy chicken mixture) but sooo memorable. Then we had pork dim sum, and several entrees (orange chicken, honey shrimp, and beef Mongolia with brown rice) to share by all. Asian (and Indian) spices are like a party in my mouth! 

There was a disc on a dish that made us curious. It turns out to be a hot hand towel when hot water is added...

Back to the oasis for gift opening and cake! 

My card...

Watched the original Top Gun to remind us who all of the characters were - I recommend doing that in reverse: the original first, then Maverick.  
March 5, 2023 - Sunday
We are using Instacart since I can’t walk the grocery store anymore. It is truly one of those positive developments from Covid that has served us well. 
The Miniature Museum was so interesting and inspirational for Rich’s projects. Pictures are better than a thousand words...


Lagniappe (pronounced 'LAN-yap'), is a French Creole word which roughly translates to "a trifle extra," or "an unexpected gift." Artist Madelyn Cook spent over 3 years planning and constructing Lagniappe, which includes two separate wings and 25 individual rooms. She handcrafted nearly 90% of the miniatures found within this piece. Inspired by George Washington's Mount Vernon estate, Lagniappe references the plantations built throughout the Virginia Tidelands during the 18th century. Cook chose to portray the estate of a fictional merchant sea captain and his family living during the American colonial period, complete with furnishings reflecting the captain's voyages and highlighting his trade with ports around the world.

Silver Queen…

Colonial Room…

Steady hands and magnifying glass? In a walnut shell!


In the floor under plexiglass!

Pocket Dragons…



Back at the Parsons’ ranch for surf and turf, Jim grilled shrimp, Rich cooked up the steaks and Terri cooked her yummy garlic green beans. On top of that, they sent us home with a huge piece of the birthday cake.  

March 6, 2023 - Monday
Well, well, well - at last a forecast that is more like Arizona.

Went to Murphy’s for a pear cider for me and Guinness for you know who. Learned that Adam the owner is the brother-in-law of Gabe as he is married to his sister. And Gabe’s dad who does some maintenance work is Adam’s father-in-law and his mom often comes along. It’s a family affair. The keys were handed over to Adam on April 1, 2016 and their first child was born on April 2nd. Like I said, Tucson is like a bunch of small neighborhoods. 
We left there and stopped at Final Touch Nail Spa to get pedicures (walk-ins only). This is the closest set up to what we are used to back home, and cheaper. 
March 7, 2023 - Tuesday
I tore the dinette apart today in search of my capris since the weather is really warming up. Put away long sleeves and some jeans too. Rich finished up his 18th woodcraft piece and started sawing more small pieces to create mini-buildings. I worked on my mother’s birthday card - coming soon. 

Enjoying the thrill of having streaming TV, we watched Seven Days in Utopia. This is a great "never heard of” movie about a golfer meeting up with a rancher. Good story - love Robert Duvall.   
March 8, 2023 - Wednesday HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SISTER, CINDY πŸ’—☘️
Gorgeous day here! Blue skies and sunshine all day long reaching 75 degrees. Worked on art projects in the morning and sat outside in the afternoon. 
March 9, 2023 - Thursday
Called my surgeon’s office again, left a message. 
All work and no play today - Rich worked 9 hours today on this magnificent pencil holder surrounded by a village. It was a total of 19 hours!

And I got a good start on my Paisley Collection...



  1. I saw the Maverick movie back last summer at the Cape at the Drive-Inn!! It was fascinating!! It’s still cold here but nice and sunny!! Happy Daylight Savings DayπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸΉ! Dshep

    1. Yes - the best day of the year for youπŸ˜†

  2. I’m pleased that I took the time to read your blog it’s well done & uplifting❤️❤️

  3. Glad to hear this… I can’t tell who you are though πŸ€”

  4. I love the pictures of the miniature museum. Its one of my favorite things to visit at a museum. Such intricacy. And I absolutely adore Rich's pencil/pen/paintbrush holders. Save one for me. I think they're terrific.

    1. Thanks - will save you one… See you sooner than laterπŸ’•


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...