Thursday, April 6, 2023

New England 3

March 31, 2023 - Friday
There was quite the thunder and lightning storm last night, but we got on the road at 6:30am to beat the second round coming in from the west. Had a clear day traveling from Springfield, MO to Cloverdale, IN, crossing another time zone (now EST), passing St. Louis (Gateway to the West). 7.5 hours on the road. 

Effingham, IL is the site of the 2nd largest cross in the country at 198 feet tall and 113 feet wide. It can withstand winds of 145 mph and has church music piped in. 

My surgeon’s office called to say that I need consent from my cardiologist (have had a pacemaker for 10 years) before they will even schedule my surgery, so here we go - reaching out to a doctor on a Friday afternoon. They said they would check into it but I didn’t hear back. Soooo, I sent a message through my Patient Portal whining about what I need ASAP with a touch of “kindly" and “please” - like my mama always taught me! 
April 1, 2023 - Saturday HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NORA πŸŽΆπŸ’•
No “fooling" around today - we are so grateful to have been spared from danger last night! There was a tornado watch and warnings about 50mph winds, heavy rain/hail, extreme thunder/lightning. In other words, we did NOT get a restful sleep. Radar was showing the brunt of it between 11pm and 1am so we pulled in the slide which means no bed and this is WAY past our bedtime. Sitting at the dinette surrounded by blackness, we listened to the calm before the storm. There was one woman in a popup camper near us and no one else in the park! We put on our outside light in case she wanted to join us, but no go. We never met her; just saw her across the way when we pulled in. There were a few times that we heard a roar of wind, but it didn’t hit us. After a couple of rounds of heavy rain/hail and a few lightning strikes, the radar showed that it had moved on and we put the slide out and went to bed. Last night’s storm was much more significant than tonight, but it is nerve wracking.
Yellow dots - lightning
Dark blue - heavy rain
Clearly, someone is watching over us!

Woke up to a clear sunny day, but I fear we are heading into more rain in Erie, PA. Left Cloverdale at 7am and worked our way through Indianapolis, IN and Columbus, OH. Winds are tossing us around a little bit and I have to confess I have not driven once this trip! Not because of my hip, because of the very high winds (40-50 mph). The roads in Illinois were horrible causing my stomach to lurch until we crossed over into Ohio - smooth as can be. Eight hours on the road today - poor Rich. White knuckle ride all the way… On top of that, he is the one taking care of the outside of the rig in this miserable weather - meaning hooking up electric and water, dumping, kicking the tires, bringing up the stabilizers and emptying trash! While I manage to push the button that puts out and takes in the slide 😳 - usually my job is the inside so I do what I can while pivoting on my left foot (not a lot of room to cover). 
April 2, 2023 - Sunday
After a long, sound sleep we are back on the road at 7am - destination Glens Falls, NY! Today is sunshine and lollipops and because it is Sunday, very few trucks traveling today. The farther east we go, the higher the diesel prices from $3.29 in New Mexico to $4.99 in New York. There were innumerable fleets of electric trucks traveling west to help with the horrible destruction from the tornadoes and winds. 
Rich’s son, Perry had slow cooked a pork shoulder and invited us over to have wraps in the late afternoon. Delicious as always. We always have a lot of laughs with this gang! Grandkids PJ, Ellie, Kegan, Emma are to the right of Lynn and Perry...

April 3, 2023 - Monday 
We plugged our electric into Nora’s shed to stay overnight. Nora just got a brand new teardrop camper for herself. It is adorable and extremely well made with solar power, sink, all-in-one bathroom, queen size bed, and unique storage solutions.

Rich couldn’t wait to present her with her birthday gift - a miniature key ring replica. She went nuts!

Rich’s sister and brother-in-law, (Eileen and Steve) wanted to take us out to lunch after a lengthy visit in their home. We went to O’Toole’s Pub for an excellent meal and as we were leaving, Rich noticed a woman that looked like Jeannette getting into her car. Before you know it, he and Eileen were out of the car talking with her and husband, Steve. He is a retired State Trooper that used to eat at the diner back in the day. As a matter of fact, that is where he met Jeanette and they have been married ever since. Reminds me so much of little Lee - everyone knows everyone and all have nicknames. At least it was like that in the good old days.
Back over to Perry’s for a cheeseburger and conversation. Then back to Nora’s driveway to settle in for the night. Nora has been working yesterday and today, so we will visit with her and Kieran tomorrow and then on the road to home. 
April 4, 2023 - Tuesday
Kieran is Nora’s 2nd daughter and she follows in her grandpa’s footsteps regarding art. Here is an example of her digital art...

First daughter, Nora, is thriving at Wells College. 

On the final leg of our journey today to Lee, MA. The total mileage for the round trip over 6 months was 5,873 and Rich drove 99% of those miles. He says he loves driving, but he was exhausted indeed. He slept a full 12 hours. I feel like a slug as I cannot do so many things, but I called the Clark and Khant Moving Crew ahead of time to help unload the rig. It was pretty easy for the four of them (Jimmy, Zachary, Jacob, and Jeffrey) so young and strong! Their reward was lots of pizza...

The girls (Lily and Leanna) came in a little later as Leanna was in the weight room with the football team preparing for her basketball AAU travel team. They carried in the remaining items. I cannot believe how much they have all grown. All three of these 8th graders have been invited to join the Junior Honor Society 😳😘❣️

It was wonderful getting long awaited hugs and squeezes from the family. My mom brought down my shoe box of US mail which was forwarded to her. I know what I'll be doing for the day. It feels so good to be sitting in our recliners with our feet up - not an option in the camper. 
April 5, 2023 - Wednesday
Now to put away all of the goodies that were brought into the house. This will be an ongoing project as it is no longer a matter of pivoting on my left foot. I basically position myself and try to hand things off for Rich to put away. 
April 6, 2023 - Thursday
Appointment with cardiologist - had to get a walker from Brooke to walk the distance. Dr. Potash informed me that he is not “approving” surgery! He is assessing the risk and I am good to go as far as he is concerned! Yay! Dentist tomorrow…

This is my local luncheon crew - friends from high school - Class of ‘65! Ain’t they sweet? 

Will keep y’all posted on upcoming appointments and surgery date…


  1. Weather was good here in our safe "Missouri Triangle" as I call it. Areas around us get nastier weather than we do. We only had 30mph winds. It moved deck furniture around, but that's all. Bet your families were glad you arrived safely. Wishing you a most successful part replacement! Kibbie

  2. Love your crew! Welcome back. Liz

    1. Are you getting another hip? I’m still recovering from mine from 1/4. Gotta do the other one too. Keep truckin’ friend. Good luck.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...