Thursday, October 19, 2023

Apricity West 4

October 13, 2023 - Friday
Dancing in the morning, chilling in the afternoon, dining with the Elks in the evening (chicken fried steak this week) is pretty much what Friday’s look like for me. While at the Elks, a man asked us if we knew about the solar eclipse happening tomorrow - we did. He proceeded to offer us a pair of Eclipse Shades and introduced himself as a representative of the Wickenburg Dark Sky Association. Who knew there was such a thing? This group is committed to keep the local skies dark and starry. When I told him we were from Massachusetts, he cringed and said, "All of the northeast is ‘lit up’ and city dwellers have probably never seen the big and little dippers.” I do enjoy looking out of my window while in bed at night to see all of the stars glittering in the distance.

Wayne Elliott provided the music tonight…

October 14, 2023 - Saturday
Went for an early morning walk to and through the Saguaro Park. Take a stroll with me...

It was about 8:30am when I returned to our site and got the protective glasses to look at the eclipse in the beginning stages; it looks like a bite was taken out of the sun. The bite continues to get bigger until the sun is totally eclipsed by the moon showing a rare "ring of gold" and then proceeding to the other side. It continued the progression until 10am. The full total eclipse is in the middle of it appearing like flames. Often times one will notice cooler temperatures, birds and insects chirping as at dusk. This event happens annually but is only seen during a full moon and often it occurs over the ocean.

Went into Surprise to see Rich’s cousin, John, and Eileen and then on to the Saigon Kitchen for a delicious lunch which counts as lunch and dinner. 
As I was sitting on the shady side of the camper, I saw (and heard) a hang glider floating across the skyline. Later we saw a truck drive into the park with what looked like an air boat machine in the truck. Rich informed me that it was the motor that the hang glider used. 

October 15, 2023 - Sunday
Pulled out the uke to practice a little so I can play with Harvey on Tuesday. Then we sat out in the shade of the camper to enjoy the view. 

October 16, 2023 - Monday
Line dancing today was energizing and burned off some serous calories too. Went into the Elks for lunch and then shopping at Safeway. First time we’ve been into a supermarket in months as we use Instacart wherever it is available.
October 17, 2023 - Tuesday 
Chair Yoga today - it feels so good to stretch and twist and turn in ways that just don’t happen in everyday life. Went over to Dot and Harvey’s to practice music. I've got a long way to go, but certainly value Harvey’s talent which he is willing to share. 
October 18, 2023 - Wednesday
Line dancing again today and was happy to see Nancy (neighbor from last year) came. Lu is expected to arrive today too. Fun times. 
October 19, 2023 - Thursday
Chair yoga is affording me more calories for the day and it really relaxes me… 
Jam session this afternoon - a drummer, Mike, and violinist, Wilma, joined the group. Next week I plan to be there playing. Gotta practice this week. 

Sadly, I found out today that Dottie Barry had an aneurism and died suddenly! I was devastated to hear this - she was so sweet - always helped at line dancing and invited me to her home to practice ukulele. She and her husband were married in 1964 - can’t imagine how he is handling this.😞

RIP - Dottie ❤️


  1. Thanks for sharing. Loved the photos!
    Very sorry to hear about Dottie 😢
    We all have to live each day to the max!

  2. Great pictures of the eclipse !,, I’m glad you’re back dancing💜! So sorry for your loss of Dottie🥲!, Dshep

  3. Nice blog your efforts are appreciated ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Pictures were great. Keep it up. Lv u. Be safe.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...