Thursday, November 16, 2023

Apricity West 4

November 10, 2023 - Friday
Changed it up this week - went to the Elks for lunch instead of Fish Fry dinner. And there was no line dancing in the morning because the North Ranch Yard Sale was happening on Friday and Saturday. Bless those that make these signs!

November 11, 2023 - Saturday
Lu and I took a short walk to check out some of the sales. We ended up stopping and talking so much that it was a leisurely stroll. Talked with Jan who had come to the jam on Thursday as an observer. She told me a story about the song I had played - Little Boxes by Pete Seeger. Her mother always sang it to them as kids so she knew it very well. Someone thought it was made up which they protested it was not. Anyway, I asked her if she played an instrument and she said she considers her voice her instrument (as do I), but she picked up a mandolin and banjo to give them a try. I invited her to come sit right next to me as a newbie and give it a twirl. We’ll see next week if she comes. 

Nola and Mary are the main keepers of Saguaro Park and were selling cactus cuttings that they had planted into small pots. 

Bought a few affordable items and was really interested in one lot that was totally loaded with Western wear and other cowboy items.

A life time collection of boots. 

My purchase was a DeGrazia piece that her mother had bought in Tucson. Sound familiar? We visited his museum with Terri and Jim in Tucson about a month ago. Great buy!

We opted to go to Nichols for dinner to celebrate my book release. Sat at the bar, as we like to do, and started watching the John Wayne Western, Stage Coach, on the TV. The fellow next to Rich turned and said, “That’s a Concord Coach, the best stage coach ever made, and I grew up in the same area in New Hampshire.”

Of course, this led to a lengthy discussion about our home bases. He is a retired State Police Officer of New Hampshire. He came out here for a short spell and is still here 14 years later. We mentioned that we were in North Ranch and his head spun around. He had just moved out of a lot there today and was finishing up tomorrow. We know exactly where the lot is, next to our friend Josie.
November 12, 2023 - Sunday
Walked again with Lu to get some brisk exercise. Came across the owner of that cowboy lot so stopped her to see how she did. It was the best sales day she has had. Her name is Dee and she recently lost her husband of 10 years after a year of fighting off cancer. She told us she would be open again today to see who came out. We were there with money in our pockets to take a closer look. One thing led to another- an hour and half later, we made our way home.

She and Russ married in Vegas in full regalia…

During lunch, I was telling Rich about the Stetson hat I tried on at Dee’s and actually had taken a picture in a mirror. Sure enough, he wanted to go down and buy the hat for me. I protested, but was persuaded to join him. Another Richard and Pat were there and set up chairs and beer for us. Then Conrad from Washington state drove up and made a few purchases. After we bought the Stetson and I was wearing it to protect myself from the sun, someone made the comment that I needed a Western top to set off the hat. Soooo I got up and started poking through the glitzy tops and found 2 that I had missed the day before. Tried them on and voila! I finally have a full blown cowgirl outfit (with bling). Rich decided to try on a hat and sure as shootin’, bought it. (Not pictured below) Three hours later, we moseyed on home and started thinking about dinner. 

November 13, 2023 - Monday
The usual - dance and lunch at the Elks. While the dancers are dancing, the Beautification Crew is hard at work doing designated chores on the park grounds. The 18-22 volunteers are residents who come out every week to do community work under John’s direction. At the end of the hour, coffee and snacks are provided for their hard work and dedication, coordinated by his wife, Gerri. 
November 14, 2023 - Tuesday
A walk with Lu, followed by Yoga in the morning. Went to Dot and Harvey’s to play music. This time poor Rascal was behind closed doors, so that Dot and Rich could practice harmonica. Dot really knows how to play and it is a joy to hear her. She taught Rich how to play an easy song.
North Ranch Roadside Cleanup happens once a year under the direction of Doug and Suzanne. It extends 1/2 mile before and after the entrance. The volunteers are home/lot owners here - 28 folks came out to clean up the shoulders of Route 89. Blue bags are left on the side of the road for the state trucks to pick up for disposal.
Beautiful sunset tonight.

November 15, 2023 - Wednesday
Dance, lunch at Elks. Usually the Cowboy Channel is on while we are there. We had never seen the following sport before - Wild Cow Milking.
Four cowboys are on each team - one is on a horse and ropes a massive wild cow and then dismounts to help control her, one goes after her tail, one goes for her head and the other has an empty beer bottle. 

The goal is to milk her for enough milk to pour out of a beer bottle. The milker has to run like crazy to the judge who then pours out what was attained to prove they accomplished the goal. Of course, it is a timed event. 

My animal-lover readers won’t be happy with this, and I, too, am unhappy to see the animals go through this. I considered taking this story out of the blog, but rodeo is a BIG sport in the Southwest and I am determined to keep learning (and sharing) the cultures where I travel - the good, the bad, and the ugly,
November 16, 2023 - Thursday 
Unusual weather here with overcast skies and light rain during the night. Rich goes with a few guys into Wickenburg Horseshoe Cafe on Thursday mornings. One whole biscuit is huge, so they each order 1/4 of a biscuit with gravy.  

Big event coming up - North Ranch Arts and Crafts Show. We have two tables at $1 each!

I put my name on a cancellation list for a pedicure since the earliest I could get an appointment was mid-December. Luckily, I got a call for a cancellation this morning. So walk, yoga, pedicure, Elks lunch, rest, jam session, cocktails is the line up for today😳🤪. 

By the way, it was a great jam session with the regulars, the occasionals, and a newby, Julie. A very talented young lady who you will see and hear more about in the future. Stay tuned…


  1. Love the hats!! What size were all the boots? I would have scooped up the ones with the turquoise on them ! Keep having fun💜! Dee Shep

  2. When do you make time to sleep? Haha!

  3. Love hearing of your adventures! Love the painting you bought. And that Stetson is perfect for you. Give our best to Rich!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Glad you are enjoying yourself, Happy Thanksgiving to you both..

  5. Love your hats and love those boots too. You guys are doing so much; I'm tired just reading all! LOL. Happy Thanksgiving to you both! Stay Healthy. Luv, Deb.


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...