Thursday, October 31, 2024

Apricity West 5

October 25, 2024 - Friday
Walked, danced and hung out all day. What a life?! Back home, Lee is a big football town - both grandsons play and my son was on the team that won the Central/Western Massachusetts Super Bowl as a wide receiver. They had a 30 year reunion on the field before the current Lee High Wildcat team played. This team is still undefeated, 7 and 0, so it was a big night under the Friday night lights!

October 26. 2024 - Saturday
After my walk, we went to Wickenburg for supplies. It’s amazing how much food you need to follow a Weight Watcher Diet! I swear we should be set for 2 weeks, but time will tell. Cindy came over for a visit in the afternoon. It is getting darker earlier, so it’s hard to stay up a little later after supper.
Another loss 💔 - Roxie, the leader of our HUG ukulele group passed away peacefully at home. She organized the group, got a tax exempt status, provided “loaners" to folks who wanted to try a new instrument, made gig books, and finally, opened her home to us for practice sessions. She will be missed by the group and the community. 

October 27, 2024 - Sunday
Weighed in this morning and we are both ⬇️!

Laundry, walk, church, and a gathering of the minds in the afternoon - Cindy and Lu came over and Dee and then Dwight pulled up. 
October 28, 2024 - Monday
Nice surprise that Roberta showed up at line dancing. She used to teach line dancing and brought over a couple of cute pairs of cowgirl boots to donate. After that, she came over to see Rich. She and Keith have made the decision to live full time in their park model home here in North Ranch. They donated their 5th-wheel, which they have had since 1986, to Best Friends, "the largest sanctuary of its kind in the US, is the heart of a collaborative no-kill movement, and a a model for the future of animal welfare.” It is my understanding that they picked up their 5th-wheel and will sell it using the proceeds to benefit the sanctuary. 

October 29, 2024 - Tuesday
Walked in the chilling 47-degree morning light. If I don’t do it first thing, I might not do it. Went to the HUG ukulele group session - we will soon be doing a memorial to Roxie in a local park with music, music, music. Rich picked me up and we went into Surprise to see John and Eileen. 

As always, we find a cool place to have lunch. You can find a Mexican, Chinese, Burger, Burrito restaurant within walking distance of each other. We chose OHSO nano-brewery and distillery, a brand new building in an extremely congested section in Surprise. Outrageous Homebrewers Social Outpost is a dog-friendly establishment and, if you look closely, they have orange bicycles hanging on the walls. 

October 30, 2024 - Wednesday
Forty-five degrees when I walked this morning, but I pulled up my hoodie and did just fine. After dancing, I worked on the jigsaw puzzle a little bit, then got home to practice music. 
October 31, 2024 - Thursday HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Busy day today - walk, yoga, jam and Halloween Party in downtown Congress. Allison had a Grand Opening of her new thrift store, the Dusty Diamond, with 4 food trucks, the Wise Owl band …

How can you resist fresh fried mini-donuts in cinnamon and sugar? 

Trunk or Treat…

Antique trucks…

And costumes… It was fun and I didn’t even recognize costumed people that are people I see daily! Dee and Dwight…

Ed and Maryann…

When Lu and I walked through Saguaro Park, Nola was at the exit. She said, “The Easter Lily is in bloom back there.” I told her I would see it tomorrow. She says, “It won’t be there - it only blooms for 24 hours!” So we turned around and went back for a picture…


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Apricity West 5

October 18, 2024 - Friday
Walked (very windy), danced, and later we were off to the Wild West Saloon for an early appetizer and a cocktail. The good news, it is only 3.6 miles down the road and no construction. Going into Wickenburg is 12 miles with construction along the way.
Look who’s back - Lu! She and Roger pulled in yesterday and she showed up for line dancing today. Sassy little thing…😉

October 19, 2024 - Saturday
Woke up to 51-degree weather today, so the electric fan is off and the little heater is on. It was pretty cozy under the comforter, so I didn’t walk until 9am with Cindy and Lu. We stopped at a Yard/Moving Sale to check things out. Rich and I went to the Dollar Store to stock up on wine and supplies for making veggie salad. Cindy stopped over for a nice visit.
October 20, 2024 - Sunday
Sleeping a little later now with the chill in the morning air. Walked at 7ish and noticed a roadrunner, a flock of quail, and rabbit all sharing cover of the same bush. As I walked, I listened to my back-home church service. I liked her message, “The older I get, the more I realize how much I do not know… and the more open to learn I must be." And of humility, Rick Warren said, “It’s not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Being humble makes you honor, respect and value others more. 
My weigh-in was successful - still going in the right direction - ⬇️...
RIP - Cowboy Bob! 💕 This picture was taken last year on 11/1/23 and now he is gone. And what a presence he was - well over 6 ft. tall, add the cowboy hat, his booming bass voice, and his rich sense of humor - that was Bob. Rich knew and loved him for the last 12 years. While he was manager here, Bob would come to his aide any hour of the day or night if there was a water or sewer problem in the park. What a loss to this community…

Eddi was moved by the fact that they lowered the SKP flag to half mast which is reserved for lot/home owners, but they lowered it for him. They have lived here in the park in their 5th wheel for 21 years.

October 21, 2024 - Monday
It was 50 when I walked but by the time I got out of dancing 3 hours later, it was 73… 
Joanne’s friend, Kay, has purchased a ukulele and is learning so I went down to play along with them. 
Our new neighbors, Anita and Steve, stopped over as we sat outside and we started a lengthy conversation revealing several similarities. They too are from back East - Maryland, in fact. They are full-timing and use Livingston, Texas as their domicile to receive mail. On top of that she also writes a blog since they have been together - 2 years. They met at a party, but he was in the middle of his divorce. A year later they went to a party at the same place and he asked her out. They are self-proclaimed DINKs - double income, no kids (without dogs). They are looking for others interested in going to Alaska next summer. 

October 22, 2024 - Tuesday
Went into Wickenburg Senior Center with Denny, Joanne and Kay for the ukulele group gathering. Twelve players were there today and it sounded really good. I get a lot out of playing with this group, especially the rhythm!

October 23, 2024 - Wednesday
Walked, danced, and got a haircut from Nancy - right here in the park. We had a great conversation and learned a lot about each other - I walked out with a great haircut. Rich said I should weigh in now since it had gotten so bushy and out of control...
October 24, 2024 - Thursday
Walked, did chair yoga, visited with Lu, had lunch, visited with Cindy (who brought 3 cookies for Rich). She said she wouldn’t sabotage my efforts to lose weight.❤️

Went to the jam where only 6 players showed up due to extenuating circumstances. Only 5 of us sang, so we were under pressure to pick our song every 5th sing played. Doesn’t sound like much, but it can get tricky. Thankfully, we are there to have fun and hopefully, the full capacity audience enjoyed it.

My morning walk had lovely landscaping along the way.

Took a brief break on a bench in Saguaro Park to enjoy the view - and catch my breath…

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Apricity West 5

October 11, 2024 - Friday
Did my walk, but skipped dancing today because we had plans to go to John and Eileen’s in Surprise for a visit and lunch at the Wolfhound - these boys love their Guinness. We all had the Guinness Batter Shrimp Basket, which was way out of line for WW, but I counted the points as best I could and stayed within budget using weekly points. That was our meal for the day. 
Cindy (line dance teacher) from Wyoming pulled in today, so we had her over for a cocktail and conversation. She and her bestie just got off of a trip to five National Parks within 10 days - Great Sand Dunes, Carlsbad Caverns, Guadalupe Mountains, White Sands, and Saguaro. Twenty down - forty three to go. She had great pictures and tales to tell about them. 

October 12, 2024 - Saturday 
Cindy and I walked and talked and I hit two miles for the first time in years. Yay! 
Pat, a recently retired SKP park manager who Rich knew, arrived across the street from us, so he went over to welcome her. Later, she stopped over to wait for her rig temp to cool down. She told us about her hero-ing journey from Tucson (2.5 hours) driving her rig while towing her car for the first time as a widow and retiree. Several things went awry before leaving, but along the way she had, not one, but two tire blowouts within 10 miles. She had to call her tow service for two separate issues within an hour! As we talked, she mentioned that she had a daughter who lived in Maine. I always ask the question, where in Maine as we have a family camp on a relatively small lake in a small village and yet so many people that I come in contact with know of or have history there. Sure enough, her daughter lives in Portland and she knows our town very well as she worked for Hannaford Supermarkets as a Scan Specialist and there is a store in town. That information led us to talking about the supermarket industry since my career was at Big Y Foods - we had similar career paths. We were both involved in opening newly acquired stores; we were both there for Y2K transition to 8 digit dates; we both got degrees later than most to do for our job.

October 13, 2024 - Sunday
Did our shopping right after my walk and stocked up on the WW appropriate fruits, veggies, chicken, and salmon. We both weighed in - not as much as last week, but the scale is moving in the right direction! Went to church online and just chillaxed the rest of the day. Practiced a little ukulele too.
October 14, 2024 - Monday
Walked, danced, sat outside for a change with temps in the high 80’s - it felt good. We even got to sit out after dinner for a while. 
October 15, 2024 - Tuesday
Walking a little later as the sun rises later and, thankfully, it has cooled down today - sweater weather at this hour. Of course, that changes as the day goes on. 
Did chair yoga which is a decent workout and then started cleaning the camper. Made my second corn and black bean relish as the first one was gone in two days with both of us eating it. ZERO points for this delicious option. 

Had an impromptu cocktail hour now that the weather allows us to sit outside comfortably. L to R - Cindy, Rich, Dee, Dwight…

October 16, 2024 - Wednesday
Tired today so did a little shorter walk before line dancing. Then went into the Elks for lunch - the turkey wrap is full of turkey breast, lettuce, tomatoes and a little cheese - no dressing. Delicious and healthy. Happy hour with Dot and Harvey on their patio - we had a lot of catching up to do. They have put Harvey’s Herkimer (NewYork) Diamonds on display inside. He made all of the flints as well. 

Outside is a nice exhibit of rocks found over the years…

October 17, 2024 - Thursday
Cool, crisp walk at 6:30am is a good start to the day. Later did chair yoga, followed by practicing uke songs with Joanne for the jam. It paid off - we did a decent job. Rich surprised us with playing harmonica for Red River Valley. Charles, who sold Rich his harmonicas last year, has picked up his guitar again and came with some sassy tunes that he did back in the day. It was great to see him surprise himself.  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Apricity West 5

September 30, 2024 - Monday

After getting our winter home set up, we, of course, wanted to have lunch at the Elks. What a surprise to find that our favorite bartender was no longer there. I thought Rich was going to cry, “This changes everything!"
True confessions - I joined online Weight Watchers today. Been there before, but want to get healthier (and lighter) now. I enjoy tracking food; it is a distraction from eating it. I plan the meals and track the points in the app accordingly. Looking for good results.
Later, Dee stopped in for a cocktail and got us all caught up on North Ranch happenings through the summer months. 
October 1, 2024 - Tuesday
Denny and Joanne got here from Michigan a day before we did. I went into the Wickenburg Senior Center with them to play ukulele with a couple of the HUG (Hassayampa Ukulele Group). Then listened to Denny play his dobro with the Wise Owl Band, followed by a delicious salad for lunch. 
It is over 100 degrees during the day, so I find myself walking at 6am just as the sun is rising and temperatures are high 70’s. My sleep pattern has changed with the loss of 3 hours due to Time Zones. These are record breaking temperatures - it has never been this hot while we were here. 

October 2, 2024 - Wednesday
First day of line dancing since January and it came back to me - YAY! Good old muscle memory. There is a swamp cooler and 4 box fans keeping the dance room very cool. My knees are a little bit swollen afterwards, but the hips work great!

October 3, 2024 - Thursday 
Went to chair yoga after my walk and it really feels good to stretch! Today was the first jam of the season and it was a blast! Several folks have new instruments, and Julie’s husband came adding a new sound and rhythm with his new guitar. Joanne has a new baritone ukulele and she joined in. A guitar player from Yarnell saw our bulletin board advertising the jam and showed up. He plays rock music professionally and had never jammed before. He didn’t know any of our music, but followed the chords he could see the other guitar players playing. 
October 4, 2024 - Friday
Put laundry in the clubhouse washer at 6am and returned from my walk in time to move it to the dryer. We can sit outside until about 9am, then retreat into the A/C. There is a LOT of activity between 6 and 9 - walkers, bikers, pickle ballers, golf cart-ers, etc.
Cowgirl Dee came by for a visit before going out dancing.

October 5, 2024 - Saturday 
A looooooong, hot, boring day - no activities on my calendar for Saturdays except walking and that is at the crack of dawn. This is what fall in the desert looks like...

October 6, 2024 - Sunday
Weighed in today for the first time and it was a very good week! - motivating me to keep on going on. Went to church online after my walk. It has been 7 days since I joined WW, so we went to Nichols for dinner. I know that sounds counter intuitive, but I had wine, smoked salmon, shrimp on a skewer with grilled veggies and a baked potato while staying within my points allowed. I hadn’t used any of my weekly points yet. It was a lot and we both took home half of the meal for dinner tomorrow night. 

Had a great FaceTime call with granddaughters, Leanna and Lily ❤️❤️. Couple of cuties…

October 7, 2024 - Monday
Walk at 6, line dance at 9, and off to the brand new DG Market right here in Congress, a Dollar General with fresh produce and some meats. 
October 8, 2024 - Tuesday 
Today I felt a little lighter on my feet with more wind in my lungs, so I went a LITTLE BIT further on my walk. The air was a crisp 74 degrees at 6am with a breeze blowing through my hair which led me to Saguaro Park...

Nola, 94-year-old caretaker, was going about her business - watering, raking, etc. at 6:30am. She would like more help with this task. Hmmmm. 

Went to the Senior Center again for ukulele group and then on to the Elks. The new turkey wrap is delicious - dry with no sauce. And it’s low points. 
October 9, 2024 - Wednesday
Went another LITTLE BIT further on my walk today. I am in training for when Lu arrives so I can talk and walk. New scenery to look at and end up walking through the park. Some of the lots’ decorations:

Line danced in the morning and Nancy, friend from Wickenberg Ranch, was there. She looks great and came over for a visit afterward to catch up on things and to see Rich. 

Book club Zoom meeting in the afternoon - The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. Sure am learning a lot. 
October 10, 2024 - Thursday
It was a rough night for me! I have a condo and a lot of friends in Florida, so you can imagine the distress over Milton, the hurricane of the century. I was checking the news every 1/2 hour to stay informed. Thankfully, I heard from my neighbor this morning that all is OK with the building, but no power and fallen trees everywhere. It was a terrifying storm - I am blessed to come out of it unscathed. Others I have heard from were very lucky as well. 
Much to my surprise, I walked the longest distance I have done so far without trouble. I chose not to go to chair yoga and took a rest instead. 
Afternoon jam was awesome. 

Until next time… tata💕

Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...