Thursday, December 12, 2024

Apricity West 5

December 6, 2024 - Friday
What a night from H*LL last night was! I was awake until 3am with songs buzzing in my head like a brain worm. That happens sometimes after jamming, but never for this long. I tried to listen to my book, even got up at 10pm to finish last week’s blog. Ended up sleeping from 3-5am, but still managed to do my walk so I wouldn’t break my walk every day streak AND dance for an hour. Then we went into CVS for our flu shots - already got Covid shots back home. Needless to say, I took a nap midday. At 3pm we went to the Wild West Saloon for our dinner - wings for Rich and a shrimp spinach wrap for me. It was very good while being WW point friendly.  
This common space is maintained by Gary and Kathy - nicely decorated …

December 7, 2024 - Saturday
After a good night’s sleep, I hopped out of bed to get us to Safeway early. Did my Christmas shopping of gift cards and bought a boatload of food. Our cupboards were pretty bare. Made a veggie soup immediately in the rice cooker - it had everything but the kitchen sink in it and tasted very good after my walk with Lu. We stopped to say hi to Richard M. sitting outside along the way. He has done so many oil paintings over the last 40 years that he has accumulated brushes and paints galore in his studio, which is a converted trailer. 

He took us into the storage shed to show off a few - they are really quite spectacular desert scenes. 

This one is of Kansas stone fence posts. He explained that in the mid-1800’s they quarried limestone from the ground to build fences. According to Google, the limestone was soft enough to shape when freshly quarried, but hardened and became weather resistant after exposure to air. They are set 24”-30” into the dirt with a “leaner” to hold them in position and last for over a hundred years. 

This one is my personal favorites with the roadrunner at the foot of the cactus. It stands 4 feet tall.

Later, I walked down the street to Nancy’s for a haircut. She has her Class A all decorated for Christmas. Later we were sitting outside and Eddi came over to confirm our lunch plans for Monday at Sizzling Wok. Cindy came over on her bike and they got to meet each other. 
December 8, 2024 - Sunday
Back on track with the downward progress on the scale. After weighing in, I had a leisurely breakfast in my fleece pjs. At 9am I walked and talked with Lu. Today was a "clean the inside of the rig” day. With such limited space, everything really needs to be in its proper place.
Rich mentioned that we should have gone up to Shira’s Pioneer Bakery today. I said, “It’s not too late.” So we picked Cindy up to give her the tour, buy a donut, and meet Shira. She was alone in the shop so we learned more about her and her aspirations. 

Went to church online in the evening - loved Pastor Marisa’s message of hope. 
December 9, 2024 - Monday
The weather has been so delightful - in the high 60’s and low 70’s as the day progresses. It is usually low 40’s when I walk at 7:30am, which is fine. I made a cowl neck wrap and have a quilted coat and gloves if I need them. It is actually refreshing. After walking, I went to dance and then we went into Wickenburg to meet Eddi for lunch after her doctor appointment. During our meal, she asked how I do “this" and Weight Watchers. It’s simple, I count all of my points and make adjustments accordingly during the day and the rest of the week. I know I could lose a lot faster if I didn’t have these excursions, of course, but… Turns out she was a WW Leader when her kids were young. Who knew?
Rich and I packed up my Christmas gift-box to send home. Hopefully, it won’t cost an arm and a leg to mail it. I was much more aware and careful about what weight went into it. Then we practiced our ukulele’s a while - he is doing good with the chords. Just has to build up calluses on his fingers and move those fingers quicker with practice.
No sitting outside today as the wind was blowing cold air… It is supposed to go below freezing tonight. Zero point soup for dinner and then under the covers to watch Grit. 
December 10, 2024 - Tuesday
Yup - my phone said it was 31 degrees when I got up at 6:30 and it won’t go above 60 later today.
Far right in the picture is Cindy, our leader. She is playing a new Outdoor brand ukulele which is molded out of composite polycarbonate in Corvallis, Oregon. This makes them invulnerable to outdoor weather conditions - be it the top of Mt. Hood or in the desert at Joshua Tree during the summer. Cindy and her husband do a fair amount of camping and this is perfect for sitting, playing and singing around the campfire. 

After HUG practice we went to the post office and put all of the Christmas cards and the family gift box in the mail. My caution paid off - it only cost $21 whereas last year I paid $65. 
Did a walk and talk with Lu at 3pm when it was considerably warmer. Cindy came over and brought her bottle of Tart Lemon Vodka brewed in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was VERY tart - she adds seltzer to tame it down. She joined us for Rich's turkey Chili (in an attempt to cut back points on daily foods) and it was delicious. 
After dinner, I got a surprise FaceTime call from my oldest granddaughter, Leanna, and sister Lily joined in, too. It is so good to talk to them and see their faces. We talked about her being on the varsity basketball team and both of their grades were impressive...
December 11, 2024 - Wednesday
Walked early at 7:30am in 42 degrees. It really felt like snow was coming as the cold mist hit my face. As I was listening to the radio, a real upbeat quick Scottish jig came on and suddenly my pace picked up, in beat with the music. I felt like I could break into a jog, but decided not to. Anyway, I realize why I feel energized to dance even after a walk - it's the music. The intermediate start up dance is to Runaway - there is a clip in the body of this email. 
December 12,  2024 - Thursday
Lu and I walked at 8:15 today - still cold but got to do it… Rich and I were invited for coffee at Nancy’s at Wickenburg Ranch. She was our neighbor in the park when her home was being built. What a beauty it is! Let’s take a tour. 

Nancy in the kitchen

Master bedroom

Master bathroom 

Guest room


Back patio desert view

The jam only had 6 players today and 7 in the audience, but we did our best…


  1. I thought that the oil paints were beautiful! Such a talented group you all are!!❤️ Liz

  2. Meant “paintings”😊

  3. Woah! That is definitely too cold! We may be back in Congress for February. We'll let you know soon.

  4. Just mailed two boxes of Christmas to daughter in MN and family of seven. It cost $90 and the USPS is going bankrupt. They should raise bulk junk mail prices 300%. K

  5. Fun! Sounds like you’re having a great time!


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...