Thursday, December 19, 2024

Apricity West 5

December 13, 2024 - Friday
Too cold to walk before dancing today, so I went in the mid-afternoon with sunshine on my face. Cindy’s friend, Elaine, came to stay with her for the weekend, so she came to dance too. She was here for a week last year too and guess where she is from - Rochester, NY. She is dry camping over in Quartzsite, not far from here. They both came over at cocktail hour and we got to find out more about each other.   

Lee High School basketball season started this weekend. Both Leanna and Jacob are on the varsity team as sophomores, so it will be an exciting season. I never got the home game online. Really need to get that figured out. Stay tuned.
December 14, 2024 - Saturday
Lazy Saturday morning lounging in my fleece pj’s until it warmed up a little for a walk before we went to Surprise to visit John and Eileen. Of course, we went out to lunch at Saigon Kitchen - delicious. When we drove back to their house, she invited us in for ice cream! Oh boy! Can’t remember the last time we had ice cream and it was Rich’s favorite - Blue Bell. 

This is a picture of the Hassayampa River as we cross over it. Where is the water, you ask? Well, it has only subsurface flow much of the year, it has significant perennial flows above ground in certain areas. I have never seen it flowing above ground yet, but am not here in monsoon season.

December 15, 2024 - Sunday
Can’t believe my weigh-in today was down more than usual! I have to think it is because of walking and dancing that it comes off… so I will continue. This is day 77 of tracking points and walking. Listened to church and sat out in the bright sun after my late morning walk. It was a glorious Arizona day.   
The moon was so full and bright that Cindy and 8 of her brave friends went for a night hike in the desert! 

December 16, 2024 - Monday
Walked and danced, then made some WW low point desserts. Cindy popped in during her laundry run. Gorgeous day - sunny and 70’s until the cold wind came up. 
Four of us line dancers wore flashing Christmas bulbs to keep in step with the holiday spirit.

December 17, 2024 - Tuesday
Every Monday a group of lot owners and some RVers gather at 7:30 am for Park Beautification. An impressive 20 something people show up for this important task and then have snacks in the end. Today 27 volunteers showed up for Highway Cleanup! Highway 89 is the road that brings you to North Ranch - it is a 65mph, 2-lane highway. Big blue bags, picker-upper sticks, and bright yellow vests were provided for their safety. 
Went to our last HUG ukulele practice of the year. Our leader, Cindy and Tom W had a beautiful table of Christmas goodies set up with Starbucks coffee to boot.

Each player took a gift bag which they provided - a lottery ticket (no winner here), Lindt candy balls, candy cane, and Cindy’s handmade hotplate pictured below. 

And the Senior Center had 2 cases of broccoli and huge baking potatoes on the Free Table. I took some of each even though we haven’t cooked a potato since we got here. 
We sat outsider and John pulled up in his golf cart and talked about the plans for the 8th Annual North Ranch Christmas Parade. He puts up signs all around the park as a reminder. The parade passes on every street, as well as the RV park.
Later, Don stopped by on his e-bike and told us that he and Darice took a ride up to Yarnell for a donut and it was closed. If anyone wants to make the trip for that purpose, call first to be sure they are open. As he was leaving, Cindy pulled up with her traveling cocktail purse. It got chilly with the wind, so we went inside for a while. 
December 18, 2024 - Wednesday
Woke up later than usual, but still got my walk in before dance today since it is supposed to be a sunny 75 degrees later. How did I not know that potatoes are zero points on Weight Watchers? I have been on this program at least 6 times throughout my life. So many things have changed in point value that I can’t keep up. Well, now that I have that knowledge, I found a recipe for potato soup that we made for lunch - zero points. Delicious...
Steve and Anita, our neighbors, came for a visit on this great 75-degree day. We had a lot of laughs and continue to find commonalities. Too bad for us, they are leaving Friday for Apache Junction.

December 19, 2024 - Thursday
Slept until 8am today so my walk was later than usual. I have been crocheting the granny squares periodically and decided it’s time to start assembling them. In total there will be 84 squares - I have finished all of the beige, but still have more to go on the blue. This is what it looks like so far...

This was our last jam of the year - and of Christmas music. It was a good one. Went to the Wild West Saloon for dinner. Cindy met us there. Good food…


  1. Merry Christmas to you and RichπŸŒ²πŸŽ„πŸŽ Kathy D..

  2. Merry Christmas to you both, enjoy your time there!!! See you in 2025πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ„πŸŽ„

  3. That was from Sue C

  4. Love all the amazing things you do and the friends you make everywhere you go. I will have to show Karmella the granny squares as she has been crocheting away! Happy, happy holidays to you and Rich! Melissa

  5. Just got a chance to read the blog. Lots of fun. We are going on vacation on Sunday with the family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to boh you and Rich. Love Susie

  6. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both. Phil and Kibbie

  7. Merry Christmas! From Liz

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to You no πŸ’–
    Happy Travels πŸ‘

  9. Love your new afghan!! Enjoy the weather there , So cold home!! Merry Christmas and Happy happy New YearsπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ! Dshep


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...