Thursday, December 8, 2022

Apricity West 3

December 2, 2022 - Friday
Fish Fry and Desert Heat Band at the Elks Lodge. Young cowboy, Logan, sang with his grandparents tonight. I tell him how much he reminds me of my grandson, Jacob. He apologized that he was just getting over being sick but you can see in the video, he has a great voice and plays the guitar well too. The video clip is in the body of this email.

December 3, 2022 - Saturday 
Wickenburg Art Club did an Artists at Work event - we were so impressed with the quality and diversity of their work. Rich is a member but did not participate in this event. Below are pictures of the artisans displaying their craft:

Chickie’s Gourd Art - A very talented lady indeed, when she sees a gourd for the first time, she envisions what it will become. She draws the design, wood burns it, paints and accessorizes it. Rich bought the smaller one and has ideas of how to display it. 

Tom Kern, woodburner, explains his craft to another artisan in the club.

Grasse Creations - Terrie Grasse let us in on the art of all-paper baskets. It is related to quilling and I think I will take it up... 

Strips of paper, straws, and start of a bowl…

Rick McGill, oil painter, has a gallery in Wickenburg - he was working on a commission of the farm in the painting. The woman told him that it had to include a tractor since her father (in the photograph) had died when it overturned when she was just 2-months old. He will make another attempt at making it more prominent …

Gus was working on an oil painting and states that he doesn’t sell them; he does it as a hobby! He pays for a website developer and opened an art bank account, but hasn’t followed through with e-commerce. Silly man… He does beautiful work and his wife is feeling crowded with all of the pieces he has in the house.

Too bad it was rainy and cold this afternoon and evening - a rare occasion - but this evening was the lighting of the Christmas tree and a Musical Walk through town to see the decorations. The Elks had a Christmas party for the kiddos in town who may be less fortunate. It was well attended by children and Mr. and Mrs. Santa. Most of the people working at these functions volunteer their time and get a drink chip for their efforts. I have a better understanding of the Elks as time goes on and I like their mission. 
December 4, 2022 - Sunday
Went over to Dick and Jackie Driver’s house to finish up my Christmas shopping. Jackie embroiders beautiful cards with metallic thread. The picture doesn’t do it justice. Her work is so shiny and bright…

Dick has an abundance of rocks (inside and outside of their home) which he saws, polishes, and wraps with wire to make jewelry. Found some great arrowheads and small rocks for the kiddos. 

This is his rendition of a Christmas campfire - made of  petrified rocks…

Worked on the puzzle at the clubhouse - Vonnie came in to pin a quilt on the big table in the craft room. She asked if we liked red potatoes (which we do) so she gave me a partial bag which someone had given her. It was too much for her and Paul.

This is the gorgeous musical themed quilt she is pinning:

December 5, 2022 - Monday
Mailed my Christmas package home first thing this morning. It cost a pretty penny based on the size/weight of the box which we could not have packed any tighter. It wasn’t very heavy.
Dance and cardio drumming were cancelled today so we took off to Surprise to have lunch with John and Eileen at Saigon Kitchen

On the way home, we stopped in Morristown at the home of Chickie's Gourd Art. What a beautiful home with a plethora of gorgeous gourds everywhere you look. We were on a mission to get one that Nora wants. 

There are different shapes called: people, pear, and bottle gourds.

Denny stopped by to donate a microphone to my musical cause. Someone gave it to him and he gave it to me. He already gave me a music stand which was an extra of his. This North Ranch population is such a giving community. Burt, the park manager,  stopped by to give Rich a beautiful (like brand new) light-weight winter jacket that was given to him. We are good at receiving - now need to find ways to give...
December 6, 2022 - Tuesday
Rich went to Art Club this morning with Tom for the Tuesday weekly get together and came home with yet another gourd doll (Nora is giving it to him for Christmas)! Keep in mind that we are in a 25 foot motor home with little to no shelving or table top space. They ARE just so beautiful though. He mounted this one on a slab of sandstone from Dick and Jackie’s yard.

December 7, 2022 - Wednesday 
Dance class today. Cloudy and chilly, so a good day to work on my music collection in my new tablet. Rich is working on birdhouses that he is mounting on stones and rocks that were given to him. 

My package arrived in Lee, MA already! And in one piece… 
Neighbor Nancy is leaving Saturday for a month long cruise around Australia. We had her over for ice cream after dinner - we will miss her company for sure.

December 9, 2022 - Thursday 
There has been a lingering longterm cough circulating around the park. Joanne had it but is over it now so we met to practice our ukuleles in the morning - preparing for the Jam session in the afternoon. This was my third attempt in the Jam circle - it gets SLIGHTLY better each time! Stay tuned… 

1 comment:

  1. Love the beautiful things the artisans make. So lucky you are having this opportunity to learn more about what they do - your natural inquisitive nature at its finest. Thank you for then sharing it with all of us! I think I need a couple of those cute wooden reindeer :) Logan sounds great! Melissa


Apricity West 5

February 28, 2025 - Friday We weighed in today before our party weekend and both did very well. Went for my walk, then headed to Locale Ita...